04 September 2009

Proof of the Healer - September 2009


Again I have been clearly shown a message to pass on to those who do not understand the strength of healing and how it is a physical gift from the ‘Godhead’ and, used truly by genuine healers, can and does bring spectacular results.

I am currently reading a book brought to my attention by spiritual means called The Romeo Error by Lyall Watson, who was educated in South Africa and Britain and took his PhD at London University.

He is a professional life scientist and writer, who is convinced that it no longer makes biological sense to distinguish between life and death on any level.

His book, which is both fascinating and absorbing, adds great importance for the understanding of life, death and our survival.

He says, “I find that most of the time my line of investigation brings me in the end directly to the place where my mystic friends have been operating all along, but unlike them I know exactly where I am, because I can look back along the line and see how I got there.

“So for those who find it hard to come to terms with other realities, I offer this imperfect route map that starts out in errancy and ends on the edge of an awesome new frontier.”

During the course of many fascinating encounters during the book, which I found very close to home and to my spiritual understanding of the reality of life and death, I read the following passage.

“Douglas Dean at the Newark College of Engineering has a photographic apparatus including a large copper plate which develops pulsed square waves of forty thousand volts.

“With this he has produced two of the most exciting pictures yet to emerge from the entire area.

“When Ethel DeLoach pressed her fingertip to the plate, it produced a lilac-coloured spray of fine threads radiating out about one centimetre from the pad in a pattern much like that made by anyone else ever tested in this way, but Mrs. DeLoach was not an ordinary person.

“She has a considerable reputation as a healer, so before the next photograph was taken, she was asked to place her free hand on the arm of a friend and to try to cure the sebaceous cyst that lay there as a lump beneath the skin.

“She applied herself mentally to this task of healing and exactly two and a half minutes later a second shot of her same finger was taken while still resting on the same spot on the copper plate.

“The picture is astonishing.

“It shows the black pad of the forefinger surrounded by the same hair-like mass of strands, now standing up straight and extending about twice as far from the skin, but right on the tip of the digit there is an entirely new display.

“Burning out from the surface is a vivid orange crown of flame like a ring of gas jets in a blast furnace.

“Here is a superb evidence of what seems to be a deliberate transfer of energy from healer to patient and, to complete the picture, Dean reports that the very next day the troublesome cyst had totally disappeared.”

There really is so much more to believe and understand these days about matters that we know are true, but so often we aren’t prepared to discuss it in case the unbelievers laugh at us.

However, in the end, we shall have the last laugh and in any case what is good should be encouraged and what is not can be dispensed with.

Michael Ayers
Friday, 4th September 2009

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