07 December 2018

Christmas Cheer

They say that Christmas, the Catholic Mass for Christ, is for the very young and certainly it is a time of presents and games.  As we get older, we feel the greater responsibility to provide more for our families.

Commercially we are battered with ways to spend our money as advertising seems to begin earlier every year and the autumnal season is a prelude to the great annual spend followed by the New Year sales.

In all the commercial hustle and bustle it is easy to forget the symbolic meaning of the Winter Solstice.  It is the shortest day of the year and from this point the days get longer as the herald of summer.

Before there was Christmas, the people celebrated the increasing light given to this hemisphere and it was the high point of their calendar.  Many of the traditional items associated with Christmas come from the festivals before it.

In these early days of small communities, their lives centred around the growing and gathering of food and so the hardship of winter was real enough.

Daylight was a precious gift as they lived in a dark world where they had little to brighten it.  Today, darkness is an almost forgotten phenomenon with street lighting, homes and shops ablaze with light.

So symbolically, we come back to that celebration of the Winter Solstice when the birth of Christ was traditionally born to enlighten us in the ways of the Spirit.

His time on this earth plane was spent largely teaching and healing.  He brought light and comfort to those who understood the presence of a Higher Intelligence.

          All his words and actions were based on love and he lived by example and never allowed negative emotions to influence his ministry.  We should learn from his example, not only at Christmastide but always.

          It is our purpose in this life of ours here on this earth plane to help each other and to negate the negative emotions, which are used by some to have power over others.

          As we approach the traditional time of love and sharing, it is important to allow our energies to carry the words that Jesus taught us.  He preached love to all men and women and he healed them physically and mentally.

          Too many souls fail to acknowledge that they are too selfish to consider other people’s feelings.  They seem to go through life taking what they want for themselves alone.

          Yet over the Christmas festivities, there are thousands of souls who give up their time so that the necessary and emergency situations can remain open and available.

          Surely it is not too much to ask that they receive love and healing to allow them to get through the busy time as they serve the Greater Good with the best intentions.

          There are many who are not blessed with a home and family to share at this time.  Many have lost their security and have fallen on hard times.  Let them be remembered by positive thoughts and comforts.

          Those who are ill and those who lose their loved ones especially need to be sent understanding and peace of mind.  Know that by sparing time to bless others, the giver will be blessed.

          Let Christmas cheer be shared by all people of all races and creeds, as it is a season of love and not a season of differences, so sharing what we have brings goodness into all hearts.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Friday, 7th December 2018

05 November 2018

No Need To Be SAD Anymore

          Once the clocks go back, it feels as through the barmy days of summer are over and the winter months have truly arrived.  It is important that we realise that this often leads us into depression.

          Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is not as uncommon as many may think.  Within the mysterious depths of our brains and bodies remains the ancient systems that adjusts our sleep and energy patterns causing mood and behaviour that go with the ebb and flow of nature’s seasons.

Many moons ago, especially in temperate latitudes, we evolved a genetic makeup that promoted the “winter blues” or today we call it depression.

We ate a lot, slept a lot and did less physically and socially.  This helped conserve valuable energy.  It was an evolutionary advantage for surviving the harshness of winter.

However today in the twenty-first century, we try and carry on with our lives as usual.  The changing seasons are ignored, as we are not ruled by the rising and the setting of the sun, because we have electricity and the alarm clock.

It was natural for most people who lived and worked in the country to go to bed at sunset and get up at dawn to utilise the daylight hours, but with fewer hours of daylight, we were kept in the dark for so much longer.

For some, the effects are relatively benign. Being a bit cranky, putting on a few extra pounds and snuggling on the settee at the weekend instead of hitting the town, isn’t the hardest cross to bear

But for others, the by-product of this mismatch between the demands of modern living and nature includes lethargy, melancholy, withdrawal from life and complete despair, clinically known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

To some it is known as seasonal depression, winter depression or the misleadingly sugar-coated term, the winter blues.  It is a form of light starvation.

Electric light is mainly yellow and fails to compensate for the natural sunlight that we receive.  Sunlight is white and is made up of the full spectrum of the available colours.

White light lamps can be purchased and need only be used from half an hour to an hour a day while you carry on with your life or lives.  They certainly can make a difference.

Rather than suffer with depression, a little research can be employed and, with the Internet available, much can be illuminated into whether you suffer needlessly.

Light therapy is safe and simple.  It is not intrusive to your daily life and the results start to happen quickly and easily.  SAD can be treated and there is not longer a need to be sad anymore.

Spiritual healing is also available and any good Hands-on-Healer will be able to help and advise through the Power of God’s healing.  Miracles happen every day. 

The biggest miracle however often remains and that is not to suffer any more, but to get on and do something about it yourself!  Doctors simply peddle pills called anti-depressants.

If you go down that road you will be on them for life, when spiritual alternatives are available and you can deal with your own problems in your own way.

Hands-on-Healing is a safe and simple way to allow that Higher Power into your life to help you through love and your own freewill.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Monday, 5th November 2018

06 October 2018

Are We As Transparent To Others As We Think We Should Be?

There comes a time when we must recognise the truth about ourselves.  There is the reality of what we are and what we do.  Then there is the picture that we show to others.

There is the well-known saying that, “We wear our heart on our sleeve.”  In other words, we show our emotions readily for all to see and don’t try and hide what some people may not like.

“Honesty is the best policy,” we are told and so it is.  If you tell lies they will always find you out.  You cannot remember all the lies you have told and so you will trip yourself up sooner or later.

Then George Washington was six years old he was given a hatchet with which he chopped down his father’s favourite cherry tree.  His father asked, “Who had done this?”  The young George is supposed to have said, “It was I, father.  I cannot tell a lie!”

Those who recognise their own conscience, will find that they suffer by being untruthful.  If they do something wrong, it festers in their minds until they admit it and put it right.

Those who are ambitious seem to find it easy enough to turn their backs on their conscience and keep saying and acting what suits them best.

If they go to certain churches, it seems easy enough to visit the confessional at regular intervals to be absolved by making some trivial penance and to being let off.

This is a common enough happening around the world in certain churches, which peddle forgiveness for just a few dollars more.  Forgiveness given this way by a man dressed in white for purity, doesn’t represent the Almighty except in his own mind.

Forgiveness comes from the heart and must be forgiven by the one who was wronged.  No one can forgive a person for what they did to another except that person themselves.

We all need to seek that forgiveness for ourselves from all those who we have deliberately or accidently wronged by thought or word or deed. 

Benjamin Franklin is famously quoted as saying, “Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.”  This is of course very true, because we don’t always know that there will be a tomorrow for us.

We are here on this earth plane for a set time and we don’t know when our passing into the next dimension will be.  If we knew it would affect our behaviour in so many ways, so it is kept from us.

Many, who have had Near-Death Experiences and were taken into a dimension of unconditional love, found that it was too great for them to describe using earthly vocabulary.

They always comment on the love and the light as being greater than anything that they had ever witnessed.  They were blessed with a chance to see where they were going to and what direction they needed to take.

Before they returned, they were told that they had to come back to continue their life on this earth plane, as it was not yet their time.  Miraculously their symptoms of dying were gone.  They returned.

They were given another chance to set their lives back in order before they pass finally into that dimension and they witness their own life revue and are shown what they had done well and what they failed to complete.

We never know when that time is coming, so we must act honourably and seek our own forgiveness before we run out of time to do so.
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Saturday, 6th October 2018

04 September 2018

Is the World of Humanity Ready to Wake Up and Set Aside the Atrocities of the Past?

          As the news continues to break about child abuse and genocide around the world, people are dividing into two camps.  There are those who are angry and want something done and those who wish to ignore it all.

          The abuse of children is sadly not unique to the Catholic Church, as issues have been exposed in children’s homes where those in powerful situations preyed on children, who went unbelieved.

          Unwanted children without parents and a normal home, were considered fair game to the paedophiles, who got away with it for many years.

          The abused children grew up predictably into damaged adults and without treatment will remain so all their lives.  Sadly, these dysfunctional souls try to lead normal family lives, but are unable to do so.

          They end up with relationship problems, which they pass on to the children, who in turn cause problems themselves and so the line of suffering and misery is passed down from generation to generation.

          All this began by thoughtless selfish acts that were covered up and the perpetrators so often got away with it.  Their standing was thought to be more important than that of an innocent child.

          Those who covered up are equally guilty and all must pay the piper.  In the Catholic Church, these people acted as though their institution was more important than Divine Law.

          The confessional is a question of man judging man and that can never be condoned.  If priests had a direct line to ‘God’ as they claim, we should be able to see it through their actions.

          There are many people that are very angry now, both inside and outside the Catholic Church.  There are a lot of words flying about, but little or no action appears to be done.

          The Pope apparently prayed recently for forgiveness for his Church.  It is not the fabric of this institution that needs to seek forgiveness, but those who are running it from the very bottom to the very top.

          It is a simplistic ploy to expect people to believe that the institution is the more important as it carries on from century to century, but it can make no changes without the people who run it.

          They may come, and they may go, but their moral attitude and outrageous behaviour is reflected by their group soul under the umbrella of that organisation.

          Through the threats of Hell and Damnation, they appear to keep their congregations in line, but why don’t the same standards that they preach apply to them?

          Spiritual Law clearly says that we all reap what we sow.  The Master Jesus taught us this.  Sadly, his words and teaching have been largely expunged from the dogma of the Catholic Church.

          As with all religions, they are manmade and are for the use of man and woman alone.  Where are the teachings that prepare us for our passing into the world beyond this one?

          The Master Jesus demonstrated all of this by rising in three days and appearing to those who loved him, as well as those who needed to change their way of life.

          Genocide is the murder of whole nations or ethnic groups and defies the Laws of God, but Mankind seems to still tolerate it.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Tuesday, 4th September 2018

12 August 2018

We All Have a Duty to the Future

The examples of Climate Change are easy enough to see around the world as fires and droughts and flooding from heavy rains show us that we need to do something before it is too late.

We are entrusted with the safety and security of this planet and we have a duty to leave it in a better condition for its future than it was when we came.

We cannot allow endangered species to continue to disappear at an alarming rate.  Both animals and plants have a right to live here on this earth.

All were created in unconditional love by the great Creator, who made everything to evolve for a purpose.  Many have properties that when used correctly actually help save lives and are currently used in our hospitals.

It is not always the Pharmaceutical and Agrochemical Companies that have all the answers.  Many products have been developed through studying the makeup of the natural world.

We do not know what other products we shall need to combat situations that are still ahead of us and, to assume that science will always find the answers that we will require, is naïve.

We need a balanced world in tune with the Higher Intelligence and allowing spiritual guidance to show us the way we need to go rather than just taking what we want.

It is a world of aggression and bullying between many nations, which inflict their demands on others for their own agenda and are not looking at the needs of the Greater Good.

Religions are wearing a mask of so called brotherly love, which they use to create a business to hold power over their followers, who are made to live in fear rather than unconditional love.

We were all created with a conscience to show us right from wrong and this is a part of the Spirit within us all.  Spiritual Law says that we reap what we sow.

This we do and will answer for it, if not always now, then in the passing out of the physical body and into the next dimension.  We will be shown our lives and will feel the results of what we achieved and what we left undone.

Our part in global pollution is down to us, all of us, as we are a part of the group soul of humanity.  We came to help each other and not take what we wanted regardless of the cost to others.

The oceans are being polluted with plastic waste.  Some of this breaks down in the food chain and will be carried through all those who feed on it.

We are at the top of that food chain and so our children are consuming small plastic particles in their meals.  We all need to look around and see what we can do to help stop this desecration of world resources.

Are our lives so busy that we haven’t made enough time available to see what we are accepting?  Too many of us take the easy way out by saying that our Government should do what is necessary to safeguard us all.

This is the key here!  They are our Government and we are responsible for what they do.  We too have a responsibility to take our own actions to help safeguard our planet.

 We must recognise our conscience and to know that it is guided within all of us, to make our lives more meaningful and to act for the Greater good and not just for what we want.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Sunday, 12th August 2018

07 July 2018

Every Cloud Does Have a Silver Lining

“Don’t worry about things that you can’t do anything about!  There are plenty of issues that we can engage in for ourselves and the greater good, where our input will pay dividends.

          “We need to assess what we are capable of doing for the best and what is beyond our powers of achievement.  If for whatever reason we feel that we need help and guidance, we must learn to ask.

          “If there are problems that affect us, but we can’t see our way out of them, then we should ask the Higher Intelligence to show us the way to overcome the difficulties.

          “It is no used asking for them to be taken away from us, because they had been put there for us to deal with, whether they were caused by our fault or not.  What lands on our plate must be dealt with by us in the best possible way.

          “The Higher Intelligence is always there, even if we desert Him time and time again.  We think that we can get through life by ourselves all the time things are going well.

          “However, we are not able to see ahead further than the end of our nose unless we have trust and faith that the Spirit is working for us and, as long as we do our honest best, it will look after us.

          “Life works on the basis of you get what you sow.  This is Spiritual Law.  Our common sense confirms that this is true.  If we lead a good life in helping others, then we will be blessed.

          “This does not mean that we shall have a smooth and angst free life.  We are not here in this earthly life to just partake in what we fancy, but to do what is put in front of us to achieve.

          “How often are we beginning to feel that we have reached a level of goodness after all the difficulties have been overcome and then, almost cruelly and suddenly, we are dealt another mighty blow.

          “It is from here that we have to pick ourselves up and keep calm.  We must trust in The Almighty and our Spirit Guides and they will help us to sail through it.

          “It is of no use being negative and crying out, “This is unfair.  Why should this happen to me?”   We are unable to see the greater picture and so we must trust and get on with our lives as they are now shaped.

          “There are always good things that come out of the darkness that, at first, we are totally unable to see.  It is not until the light shines that we can see actually how blessed we are to be so looked after.

          “In time and with complete gratitude for all that is given to us, we are able to start to see and understand how our lives are being directed by a Higher Intelligence for the greater good.

          “Selfishness and increasing our own ego will go no way to see us through this life so that we progress.  From our experiences we need to help and give to others through our understanding and healing gifts.

          “Many people have healing hands, but do not use them for spiritual healing to bring comfort and better health to others.  The more one uses them with their Spirit Guides, the greater the success becomes.

          “Remember Harry Edwards?  He developed his gifts to a huge degree, where he became internationally known over a period of forty years from his Healing Sanctuary at Burrows Lea, Shere in the United Kingdom.

          “Where we have been given gifts to develop from the Spirit, it is our job or destiny to use them and often it is through our own experiences that we become aware of just how much we are able to do.

          “Know that every cloud does have a silver lining and that it is from them that miracles really do happen.”
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Saturday, 7th July 2018

08 June 2018

Love Conquers All

           “Being positive in all your thoughts and actions is totally necessary to pass through the valley of negativity that always threatens to pull us down.

          “Negativity and depression are like black holes in space, as they suck in everything that comes their way.  They are the dustbins of outer space and draw in the unsuspecting and the unwanted.

          “We were born in unconditional love, which is the highest vibration of energy known to human kind on this earth plane.  Our Creator made us all in His own image, which means that we are able to aspire to that loving existence in which He made us.

          “However, too many of us slip below the level of purity and grace and allow our fall to reduce us into negativity and material vibrations.  Without the positive knowledge that ‘God’ exists as a Higher Intelligence, we risk being sucked into that black hole and be lost.

          “The light of that Higher Intelligence is everywhere if we care to observe it.  See it in your everyday lives, where His presence is rewarding to all those who seek His guidance throughout their lives.

          “For those who turn away and ignore the wisdom and unconditional love that is available to them, they will dwell in the darkness of ignorance until they recant and turn.

          “It is an easy step to take, but one that requires sustaining for the rest of their earthly existence.  All have doubts at times, but there is a great power that flows through us all, so that we can pick up on what we doubted and see the reason for it.

          “We are not often aware of the greater picture and our part in it.  So often, we are asked to go through experiences that we do not like, but will make us better able to serve the greater good and humanity after we have been through them and conquered the fears that we were unable to quell on our own.

          “Sometimes we hear people say, “Why does God allow this to happen if He loves us?”

          “God is not responsible for all the mistakes and errors that Mankind makes unthinkingly for the misery of others.  It is not God’s job to simply lift us out of what we don’t like, but to show us how to get through it and make the best of it that we can.

          “Our prayers are answered in the best way for us to progress with our lives, whatever sacrifices we have to make as we go through this lifetime.

          “Know that we are never alone and we are all connected to each other, so that we need to live for the greater good and not just ourselves.  We each have a guide who loves us and takes the responsibility to serve us in our best interests.

          “We should never turn away from the enlightenment and wisdom of spiritual communication, but eagerly ask for more knowledge to overcome the barriers and impediments that arrive in front of us.

“It is through our successful negotiation of these issues that we become stronger and more able to cope throughout our lives.  It is good to know that we came from a land of unconditional love and will return there after our bodily life span is over.

“To be greeted by our passed love ones and to be whole in our spiritual body with all our pains and suffering removed, is to be pleased that we made it through all the hard knocks that we may have had to deal with.

“It is for certain that love conquers all and without the negative vibrations that cause us to doubt divine existence, there will be as much unconditional love as we need to be joyous and happy for all time.”
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Friday, 8th June 2018

06 May 2018

Unconditional Love is Our Gift

           “As there are signs that Summer days are approaching and that winter is at last behind us, we are blessed to see the leaves back on the trees and blossoms flowering in the gardens and hedgerows.

          “There are moments when our hearts are uplifted and burdens of life are forgotten.  They are replaced with the wonder of the Creator’s skills and perfections that life is made to reflect the beauty and joy of Creation itself.

          “It is easy to forget in this material world, as we become bogged down with problems, that there is a dimension of unconditional love that we came from and will return to when it is our time to do so.

          “It is important that we remember that we are here only for a short span of this earthly time and that we must fulfil our appointed tasks while there is still time to do them.

          “They cannot be put aside for another day when they appear to us and we know instinctively that there are opportunities for our progression and that we must do them for the greater good of all.

          “When we pass into that land of love, we will be asked what we did with our life and what we achieved.  Our life will pass before us and there is no mistaking it is a true rendering of events from our point of view.

          “We will be shown it in a kindly way and will not be judged, but helped to understand what we did and why we did it.  Any judgement made will be left to us to make, so we do not want there to be doubt that we did our best to achieve what was asked of us.

          “We all make mistakes and looking back we would change some matters if we could, especially when we have hurt other souls deliberately or through thoughtlessness.

          “It is hard to feel the pain of others when we were not acting in the most loving and thoughtful way.  It is better to address any upsets or misunderstandings by seeking to put matters right while still on this earth plane of existence.

          “It is not impossible to settle differences after passing into the next dimension, but it is much easier to do it here while one has the chance.  Few of us have no issues to deal with and many pass on with them still left to be settled.

          “Most often these are family issues and it would be easy to settle or apologise providing we don’t let our egos get in the way!  Happy families are so often difficult to find, because the damage done is so deep rooted and covered up by the weaker soul not wishing to show the pain.

          “Most damage is done to the children and they carry the scars with them throughout their lives.  Some seek treatment of psychological issues, but there are many who set themselves up to help and yet don’t have the necessary skills or experience.

          “Unless a soul has experienced the traumas for themselves, they are not able to help much in understanding the issues of another.  It is a question of going through the pain oneself to feel that pain that another is experiencing.

          “It is the subconscious that must be cleared of the memories that cause the pain and, if they are not addressed, they will always be there prompting and reminding.

          “If you know you have unfinished business on your mind, then address it while there is still time to do so and remember to give your love and healing unconditionally.”

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Sunday, 6th May 2018

09 April 2018

Always Be Ready for the Next Stage in Your Life

          “As the weeks move into months and our lives continue to develop, there is a feeling that time is going by at a speedy rate.  How often do we say, “I don’t know where the time has gone?”

          “Much of our life is spent following routine and just being able to survive from getting up in the morning to going to bed at night.  We find ourselves under pressure to get things done in time.

          “The clock tends to rule our lives and act as a stick to hurry us on to the next moment that we have to achieve, whether that is getting the children to school or getting to work on time.

          “We hardly have time to blink before we put ourselves under pressure again.  What time do we have to give to ourselves for our own rest and relaxation?

          “Our health is vitally important.  We must not burn ourselves out mentally or physically.  We need to pace ourselves more and to ensure that we take time out for our spiritual needs.

          “As we grow up, we feel that we are indestructible and that our hips and knees will last forever.  We push ourselves daily and seldom do we think about what it is like to grow older and more immobile.

          “Life is an important part of our spiritual development.  We need to be aware of all our needs through having communication with the Spirit, so that we are guided and enlightened at every stage.

          “We live in the Now from one instant to another, but we do need to consider where we are going and why!  To plan ahead, both physically and mentally is to keep ourselves ready for the next stage of our lives, so that we are not caught out unawares.

          “If we are too busy just being, then it is most likely that we will not see changes ahead and therefore they will catch us out when they are suddenly thrust upon us.

“Ill health rarely just arrives as in an accidental form, but slowly builds up from being a sometimes nuisance to an inconvenience and needs to be addressed.

“Continual wear and tear on the physical, begins in the mind and reflects our mental state of being.  Without giving ourselves time to develop the Spirit, the mental state can run out of control like a runaway train.

          “We were made with unconditional love by our Creator and we can only thrive spiritually when we recognise that and the need to have it continually in our lives.

          “Without taking time out of the material/physical part of our lives, we cannot be repaired and healed by the spiritual.  It is through our prayers or sending out our thoughts and requests to the Universe that our vibrational energies are put back into balance.

          “There is no need to be in a religious setting, but know that ‘God’ is everywhere, not just within a building dedicated to ritual and dogma.  These energies are trapped and are not free.

          “Giving yourself freely into His unconditional love is to spend time freely with a quiet mind away from all constraints and distractions.  It is here in that state of mind that miracles are requested and received.

          “Be guided by the Spirit and see for yourselves that when you put yourself in a loving vibration experiences come to you slowly but surely as you develop a oneness with your true guides and helpers.

          “You are never alone.  You are always helped and as love conquers all, your needs are met at the best time for you, which is not always as instantly as you may desire!

          “Your Creator knows your needs before you do, so be ready to receive His love and guidance, by making yourselves available and not by turning you back because you are too busy!”

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Monday, 9th April 2018

06 March 2018

Land of Hope and Glory

          As the winter weather starts to move away, it allows the warmth and the additional day length to become apparent.  Soon the clocks will change and go forward to bring the hope of more glorious seasons.

          Already there are the beautiful comforts that winter is over, as the bulbs show their leaves and flowers and we feel within that stirring of blessed hope that our Father Creator has put there.

          We need the optimism and hope that the road ahead is kinder and friendlier than many past moments were for us.  We have survived those dark hours and now need to look ahead knowing that we are guided into happiness if we chose the right path.

          Our Father Creator wants us to be happy and content with what we have.  He gives us what we need and so we only need to limit our aspirations to what is possible for us to achieve.

          Listening to that Higher Intelligence within, gives us the strength and direction that we need to understand.  From higher sources, there is a clearer picture of what we need to do to fulfil our destinies.

          We all came with promises to fulfil and souls to help along the way.  There are many souls damaged by their fellow man, who need the comfort and advice to pick them up, so that they can cope with difficult situations.

          Helping hands and understanding are a start, but also it is important to know where to go to find skilled help and reassurance.  Showing sufferers that they are no longer alone and that there is support out there for them to grasp and believe in, is a great start.

          We all appreciate the chance of a new start and the coming of Spring is a manifestation that this is indeed possible.  As the darkness gives way to the light, so we can go forward with more positive vibrations that we can achieve better.

          The Spring Festival shows how our ancestors recognised the March Equinox to mark the beginning of Spring and the end of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

          Symbolically, in our own lives, we can take this moment to upgrade our energies and efforts of accomplishment, as we try our very best to make our lives worthwhile rather than just sleep through our days year by year.

          We will all reach a time when we are called back to the other side of life, where we will be asked what we had done with our time on this earth plane.  Have we left behind jobs unfinished?  Was there more to achieve than we managed to do?  Are we found wanting?

We need to recognise all of this before we run out of time!  Have we left this world a better place because we came or are our efforts so insignificant, because we never listened to that guidance from within and ignored those prompts or gut feelings?

When we came to be born, we were equipped with what the Higher Intelligence knew that we needed.  We were given the opportunity to earn further gifts of spiritual use for ourselves and others to benefit.

Have we taken those opportunities or were we too busy doing what we wanted to do, rather than what our Creator wanted us to do?  There is always a time when we are asked the Quo Vadis question – where do you think you are going?

When we are asked to turn aside and to take another path, it is always for the greater good and not for our delight and pleasure.  However, to use our freewill in the pursuit of fulfilling our spiritual destiny, is full of hope and joy.

We all need to recognise where we are going…

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Tuesday, 6th March 2018

06 February 2018

We All Need Happiness and Peace of Mind

        As the sunshine is often very cold at this time of year in the Northern Hemisphere, we can but dream of its warmth in the months to come.

          There are proofs to help us know that this is coming, as the spring bulbs have already pushed through the ground and we await with some excitement the first ones to flower.

          There are always signs left for us to see, as the Great Creator made everything to come in its season, as the cycles of life continue to develop constantly each and every day in our lives.

          Our lives themselves go through the many cycles, as we grow up, mature and then start to slow down, as old age starts to set into our bones.  We learn lessons at every stage, just as our forefathers did.

          This planet is set by the Sun and the Moon, as they ever bring changes to our seasons.  The Moon for example is the regulator of our tides and many other rhythms that affect us all.

          We cannot cease to be aware that our lives are lived out against a constant background of regularity.  There is always constant change from our perspective, but the rhythms are constant.

          Against this background, we are given choices of action and behaviour.  The Law of the Spirit is that we reap what we sow.  This is another constant that cannot be changed.

          As we make our choices for good or ill, so we will receive the reactions to the actions that we take.  It isn’t always apparent, because we tend to simple carry on regardless.

          But we all need to remember that the Higher Intelligence, who some people call God, is within us all and has the right and the duty to see that Spiritual Law is always obeyed.

          There is an increasing number of souls, who in the 21st Century prefer to ignore the Creator and turn their back on His guiding light within us all, which manifests to us as our conscience.

          We all have a conscience, but many prefer to turn their backs on its guidance and advice in order to follow their own desires and reap a darker harvest regardless of the effects on others.

          Those who care about what they do and how they do it for the benefit of those around them, will feel and know that inner gut feeling that strongly manifests at moments of decision making.

          We have been given freewill, but we must always know that we must justify our actions, because in time we will find that the reaction causes us to be assessed by that Higher Authority.

          Nothing can change this and pleas for mercy and hard luck stories will have no avail here.  Either we did the right thing, or we didn’t.  It will be judged against the facts and our intentions at that time.

          We all need to live with the right intentions to share and bring happiness to others and in return we will be loved and blessed.  We were all made in love and created for helping each other.

          As we look around the world today, we need to send out our thoughts for the greater good and ask for love and harmony to be brought into those trouble spots.

          A few minutes every day to ask the Spirit to change the mind-sets of those who turn away from the guiding light and lose the purpose of their lives in allowing others to suffer, isn’t too much to ask.

          Our Creator made us to be happy, but we must take some responsibility and put our own best foot forward to make us worthy of receiving that Divine love and happiness.
          Before we leave this world, we all need to know that we have made it a better place for us coming here and not to have regrets about the things we left undone.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Tuesday, 6th February 2018

07 January 2018

Don’t Waste the Opportunities that You are Given

Having had a week to settle into the New Year, we are more attuned to start seeing where we are going and allowing our future to be shaped in the very best that we can manage.

To achieve this, we all have incidents from the past that we wish to let go and to avoid finding ourselves placed in positions that we felt were hard to handle.

It is here perhaps that we found ourselves criticising our own abilities to master events or we may have felt hurt and frightened that we were placed here through no fault of our own.

Sometimes these difficulties are there because of the way we behaved.  We found that through Spiritual Law we received what we had sown.  It may pay us to consider our actions again and see what we can learn from them and where possible to put them right.

 At other times we may have found ourselves feeling targeted, when actions came out of the blue and knocked our confidence and resolve.  It is here that we can start to see what we are truly made of, as we struggled to overcome these apparent assaults on our dignity.

To resolve situations, we may feel that they are beyond our capabilities, but it is then that we call out to the Higher Intelligence for help and assistance.  Here we need to be aware that through the mayhem and darkly gathering clouds there are those who are there to give us direction.

Miracles and angels do come in such ways that at first, they may not be recognised as such.  We are too busy trying to cope and get ourselves out of these difficulties.

Slowly we may realise that there is a route that we can take, often aided by others, who direct us towards a better solution than we could manage alone.  They may proffer that helping hand that we were so in need of and bring us into a safety zone, which we hadn’t seen before.

It is only on reflection that we realise that we have been saved and that those prayers to the Higher Intelligence were answered and a miracle had been given to us by divine generosity and love.

It is then that we need to thank not only our angels, who came and bailed us out of the mess that we were in, but to also acknowledge that there was divine intervention that served us well and saved us.

Look back on your past year and see where you may have been able to act as angels for others and that we are all able to help when given the chance to do so.

Those difficulties that appear to block our forward progression are not just there to annoy and upset us, but to see how we cope.  To do so we may need to help or be helped and either way goodness can come out of these situations if we act and respond responsibly.

Jesus taught us that we reap what we sow.  This is the basis of Spiritual Law and in our Creator’s name we were so made and are expected to act in our earthly life in preparation for the journey to come.

According to our actions here in our daily lives, we make achievements that will be remembered and according to our worth, so we make for ourselves the destiny we have earned when we pass on from this world.

 Nobody can do it for us and our future is in our own hands, so review any failures, learn from the mistakes and go forward to achieve better by helping the greater good and not rely on what we want first for ourselves alone.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Sunday, 7th January 2018