03 March 2017

The God of Heaven is a Loving God

          There are so many who struggle through life and fail to acknowledge the presence of God or the Spirit, which send out to all who understand that this life is only a testing ground to see what we make of ourselves by helping others.

          The real message comes from within, where we were given at our creation a conscience that guides those who care about the rights and wrongs of our thoughts and actions.

          If a soul chooses to ignore this most valuable asset that they were given, they are free to exercise their freewill in any way they chose, but they will never get away with misdeeds, as all is noted and at the right and perfect time they will be confronted by their choices and will have to pay the price that Spiritual Law demands.

          Spiritual Law has a Universal existence and applies through the Creation of Everything by the Creating God of Love and through His love we are allowed to choose the Light of His understanding or the darkness of our own ignorance.

          This is not religious talk, but simply the truth.  Religions are all about power over people and keeping their congregations bound to their will to provide alms for the existence of their ministers, who never seem to be without and have a moral code of their own devising.

          The teachings of Jesus are only used for their benefits and the people who practice there.  They are not it seems encouraged or allowed to explore the Spirit, which comes within themselves.

          Jesus showed us the way to live and taught us Spiritual Law to live by and how we will reap what we sow.  There is no way that we cannot be seen to have strayed, because we do not live alone and are surrounded by the Spirit in forms that are unphysical, but can be loudly heard if we listen.

          Most of us who believe in the teachings of the Master Jesus and his resurrection after his cruel crucifixion, know that we live on and that our beloveds come back to show us that they too are alive.

          We are told by the clergy that we are condoning and talking to the devil, if we allow ourselves to be influenced by our loved ones, with whom we shared our lives and our trust.

          These clerics are not able to know any better than we do, except we at least recognise the spirit who comes back to us in love and share with us their new form of continued existence.

          If we open our hearts and minds, we are safe with the knowledge that we are not alone and that there are millions of others who have had the same experiences within the homes and within their sacred lives, but outside of the boundaries inflicted by manmade rules and religious dogma.

          Listen to your own conscience and know that it speaks truly and advises you correctly on your thoughts and actions and that it is when you fail to listen and to act on that gut feeling within you, that things go wrong and don’t work out in your favour.

          Remember that the God of Heaven is a loving God and refutes the frighteners concocted to hold its church members in their clutches and to extract monies to buy a salvation that can only be earned by each and every soul through their own actions.

          Throw off the shackles of what doesn’t fit with your belief system and go with the flow that God provides for you through those who love Him and work tirelessly through His unconditional love for those who listen and serve the Spirit in our daily lives.

          See the signs of the old powerful religions failing, as more and more souls find out the truth for themselves and serve each other in peace and harmony together.  The aggression and hatred will shrink into loving understanding through the power of Spiritual Law and God’s unconditional love.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Thursday, 3rd March 2017