02 December 2012

Are We Fully Responsible or Do We Deserve all We Get?

          As the almost continuous news of fresh disasters around the world are brought to our attention, it is perhaps worthwhile us spending some of our valuable time in ruminating on the reason why.

          For far too long ‘Act of God’ has been a common cry from the insurance companies, as they try to wriggle out of paying their so easily earned cash.

          Nothing happens by chance and everything has a reason.  Far too often the reason for fresh disasters can so easily be traced back to Man’s failure in doing the right thing.

          Houses are built in flood plain areas and under unsafe loads of soil and rock as rain or wind destabilises them and they follow the path of gravity onto the unsuspecting.

          There is a culture too often pervading in the mind-set that it won’t happen to me.  Risks are taken, because 'I can get away with it or will I?'

          It’s easy afterwards to see in hindsight that an accident shouldn’t have happened and we are so often far too quick to judge without knowing all the facts.

          Despite that, we are all too often found to not want to know the facts, as this unsettled earth plane is raped and pillaged of its wealth, so that Man can be prosperous.

          Miners can burrow too deeply or too many trees maybe cut down, allowing the soil to be washed away that had stabilised slopes and mountain sides for so long.

          Mankind has taken so many risks with the environment that is it any wonder that politicians are only concerned with what will happen on 'my watch' and not about putting in place safeguards for those who come after us?

          Until we, the people, make our voices heard and make our Governments stick to their pledges, then we are as guilty as they are.

          It is true that a few individuals around the world have raised awareness and actually done something against all the odds, so that the tide of destruction of the fauna and flora, as well as the riches of this planet, are slowed or even sometimes reversed.

          We cannot turn away as if we didn’t actually care and bury our heads in the proverbial sand expecting others to do the donkey work, while we enjoy our pleasures at whatever cost.

          It is no use blaming ‘Acts of God’ for things that we don’t understand or don’t care about, because all actions come back to the effect that it is Mankind, who takes the risks and destroys the inheritance of our children.

          If God was in charge we would have to be respectful and loving to all Creation, but as we turn away and pooh-pooh the existence of a Higher Force at work, then we are fully responsible and deserve all we get!

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Sunday, 2nd December 2012