04 September 2018

Is the World of Humanity Ready to Wake Up and Set Aside the Atrocities of the Past?

          As the news continues to break about child abuse and genocide around the world, people are dividing into two camps.  There are those who are angry and want something done and those who wish to ignore it all.

          The abuse of children is sadly not unique to the Catholic Church, as issues have been exposed in children’s homes where those in powerful situations preyed on children, who went unbelieved.

          Unwanted children without parents and a normal home, were considered fair game to the paedophiles, who got away with it for many years.

          The abused children grew up predictably into damaged adults and without treatment will remain so all their lives.  Sadly, these dysfunctional souls try to lead normal family lives, but are unable to do so.

          They end up with relationship problems, which they pass on to the children, who in turn cause problems themselves and so the line of suffering and misery is passed down from generation to generation.

          All this began by thoughtless selfish acts that were covered up and the perpetrators so often got away with it.  Their standing was thought to be more important than that of an innocent child.

          Those who covered up are equally guilty and all must pay the piper.  In the Catholic Church, these people acted as though their institution was more important than Divine Law.

          The confessional is a question of man judging man and that can never be condoned.  If priests had a direct line to ‘God’ as they claim, we should be able to see it through their actions.

          There are many people that are very angry now, both inside and outside the Catholic Church.  There are a lot of words flying about, but little or no action appears to be done.

          The Pope apparently prayed recently for forgiveness for his Church.  It is not the fabric of this institution that needs to seek forgiveness, but those who are running it from the very bottom to the very top.

          It is a simplistic ploy to expect people to believe that the institution is the more important as it carries on from century to century, but it can make no changes without the people who run it.

          They may come, and they may go, but their moral attitude and outrageous behaviour is reflected by their group soul under the umbrella of that organisation.

          Through the threats of Hell and Damnation, they appear to keep their congregations in line, but why don’t the same standards that they preach apply to them?

          Spiritual Law clearly says that we all reap what we sow.  The Master Jesus taught us this.  Sadly, his words and teaching have been largely expunged from the dogma of the Catholic Church.

          As with all religions, they are manmade and are for the use of man and woman alone.  Where are the teachings that prepare us for our passing into the world beyond this one?

          The Master Jesus demonstrated all of this by rising in three days and appearing to those who loved him, as well as those who needed to change their way of life.

          Genocide is the murder of whole nations or ethnic groups and defies the Laws of God, but Mankind seems to still tolerate it.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Tuesday, 4th September 2018