05 December 2016

Remember that Christmas is the Festival of Love

          Now that the year is heading to a close with many memories of the past few months still present in our minds, so we approach and prepare for that Festival of Love that we in the West call Christmas.

          It is based on the Winter Solstice when the sunlight of the shortest day brings us a lengthening of the days to come and that promise of spring and later summer days of laughter and harvesting.

          In the 21st Century, where life is based on the material aspects of existence, many may have forgotten or moved away from the basic necessities that bring us our food and water.

          If we look at the Middle East today, we are reminded of the destruction and hatred between peoples that live there today.  The emergency supplies are inadequate and the willingness to help each other is strained beyond the rights of humanity.

There are far too many factions that will not heed the words of the great prophet Jesus, who walked and talked there two millennia ago and the so called sacred sites are memories only for what once was the purity of the birth of a new way of living.

The negativity brought from the hatred of ones neighbour and the coveting of what he has got, show Mankind’s intolerance and fear that has been stoked up over many years by the Western nations playing politics with people’s lives.

How can families look at the crib of the birth of the Saviour without seeing the blood and misery that the region has to suffer today?

It is the little children who suffer most and many lose their families and their innocence, all due to heavy-handedness of the sellers of armaments and the greed and corruption of the politicians.

At Christmastide, many look to the numerous religions to see what they are doing with their wealth and promises of telling all who will listen that they have got it right and all others have got it wrong.

It is high time that they showed the way to the love and peace of the world and as the Prophet Jesus told all who listened to his words that we should love our neighbour.

Where will the charity be this Christmastide for the homeless and the lonely, many of whom will not know where their next meal is coming from, when the tables of the Western culture has tables laden with food and drink.

May we give our heartfelt thanks to those who do give up their time and work for charities, putting their lives at risk to serve humanity with their time and skills?

Let us all remember that we will be called to answer the question, “What did you do with your life for the betterment of humanity and is the world a better place because you lived out a life there?”

          It is no use sleeping your lives away and only seeing the immediate and often more comfortable way around you.  We were not given a life to live here by the Higher Intelligence to just get through it and spend our time in materialistic pleasures.

          We all came with a purpose to fulfil and we need to understand that, so that we are guided in the right way to make that difference for the Greater Good and not simply ignore the realities of life around this world.

          There is a greater intelligence above and beyond our own and to ignore it is arrogance and reflects the size of our ego above the rest and it will preclude the giving of love to those in need.

          Our actions come from the heart and control our mind-set into giving and receiving in equal measure, such is the balance of a good life, where the basic needs of humanity have a chance to prosper.

          Let this Christmas Festival of Love be demonstrated to those who are in need and not an extension of those who are already spoilt with too much.
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Monday, 5th December 2016

05 November 2016

Are We Doing Enough?

          As we see the elements of change all around us, we are still most likely to want to stay in the status quo of our own lives.  This is the difference between those who are comfortably off in financial and emotional terms and those who are without funds and love in their lives.

          It is easy to want to stay the same when your comfortable lives are complete without a care in the world, but few can guarantee that this will last forever.

          Most souls on this planet are living lives without all the easy living that so many in the West take for granted.  They have to struggle to get by each and every day and there is no backup system to put food on the table for their family and to provide for their children.

          Even in the wealthy parts of the West, where there is freewill and free choice, so many are suffering the abuse and mistakes that have been made around them.

          Many have lost that interaction between people and expect a man to take on a woman and give her a meal ticket for life.  Love and respect has to be earned and is not a free bank account for sexual favours.

          Too many want to know when they will get a man or another man to fulfil their lives and to make them secure and safe for the rest of their days.  Too many don’t want to work for their future, but expect it to be shaped for them.

          We are all given a life to live and need to understand that it is not just for our interests and comforts, but for those around us to benefit from us being here at all.

          Getting through from day to day is a Universal problem, but with many different levels of expectations.  For some it is the basic lack of food and fresh water, the need for shelter or medical attention and an education for their families.

          Political actions have caused the massive migrations of people looking for a new life, when theirs has been traumatised by wars, famine or political corruption.

          The people, in the so called western civilised world, do not take their responsibilities seriously enough to admit their political failings in the international arena, where they have exploited and abused peoples who have suffered at their hands.

          Governments have supported political rulers, who are very light on human relations and rule with an iron fist to keep their regimes enriched with the spoils of their common people, in order to get the trade deals or material franchises for themselves.

          It is rare that a Government refuses to trade with a nation who is abusing their people and where human rights in some countries are considered a joke!

It is about time that we, who are comfortably off, allowed our attention to understand the lives of others around the world and to put our voices and our purchasing power where it can do some good.

As change is all about us, we need to be able to listen to our consciences and to understand that we are doing all that we practically can for those who are less fortunate than ourselves.

It is not always necessary to look abroad, but to see that the so called wealthier nations have much poverty and homelessness within their own societies.

Broken lives are all around us and yet few of us are qualified enough to help those who struggle, but we can put out our prayers to the Higher Intelligences beyond our own experience to ask for help for the needy and to show us the way that we can best help.

Nobody is alone, as we are all helped if we ask, but too many feel alone, because they have lost hope and can’t find love as that basic need that we should all be giving to those who are crying out to us for help.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Saturday, 5th November 2016

03 October 2016

Attitude of Mind is Our Biggest Asset or Worst Enemy

It is all about being positive.  How can we expect to be happy in our lives if we are living with negative vibrations?  There is a natural stress to living in the 21st Century, so we have to prioritise our needs according to their priority.

We are not supermen and never will be, so the needs given to us are all about putting the most important things first and that means our health and our happiness.

          We will get far more done if we are organised and, like a well-oiled machine, go from one successfully finished item to the next in harmony and with peace of mind.

          It is sad to say that many people spend a lot of energy looking ahead and fearing what might happen to them regardless of the true likelihood of these things actually happening.

          It is known as the ‘what if scenario’.  This is a fear generated state of mind, where we feel that we are the victims of events and that whatever we do it will work out against us in the long run.

          It is exactly this negative thinking that causes so many problems of its own.  As like attracts like, we are calling for these things to come our way and it is only when they arrive that we know whether we are up to coping with them!

          Nothing is left to chance when we allow our guides and spirit helpers to guide us through these fears and fables.  If we ask them for their help with love, they will attract our most positive vibrations and work on those to expand and so push out the negative thoughts.

          We are never alone and we are only a thought away from help with our most concerning worries.  Sometimes they will never happen, but if we simply sit and invite them with our thoughts, we will be wretched.

          It is necessary in this modern world to recognise that we all have a guide who loves us well and wants the very best for us.  If we ignore their presence, they are not able to lift a spiritual finger on our behalf.

          It is as if we have lifted two fingers to them and ignored their will to exercise enlightenment in our simple minds.  Why can’t so many people understand that there is a Higher Intelligence above our own?

          We were created in unconditional love and with all the wisdom that we need to live a useful life in harmony with each other and to make a difference for the better by us being here.

          We all have the means to be in touch with a spirit guide of great experience, who loves us and who only wants the best for us.  All we have to do is to ask for what we want and what we need in the right and proper way.

          That is to ask for what we need to carry on without embellishing it with the luxury of wealth that we haven’t earned and don’t really need except perhaps to expand our vanity in the eyes of others.

          Let us be certain that what we ask for is for our benefit, but doesn’t interfere with the life paths of others on this earth plane.  We are after all connected and we must be aware of the influence that we have on others for better or for worse.

          Know that by living in the most positive and loving way we are helping others around us as well as ourselves.  We are all in need of a pick-me-up at times and that can come as a smile to a neighbour or a stranger in the street or supermarket.

          It only lets us down if we show the other side of our nature by scowling or pushing our own way ahead of others.  As the Good Book says that we should always be prepared to walk that extra mile and so for nothing we make a better life for others.

          It is very necessary in this world of hustle and bustle that we put aside time for ourselves.  We all need that quite peace of mind without intrusion.  It is here that we are given thoughts in return for ours that will guide us and show us the way to overcome our fears and take on our responsibilities.

          We must all take that responsibility that is given to us and be prepared to stand up for the righteous life and the giving and receiving of help and assistance. 

We are not alone and we need to be aware of those in need around us and the unconditional love of the Higher Intelligence that is given to us daily, even hourly, according to our needs and according to what we deserve.

Send out your thoughts for a better world and ask to be shown how you can play an active part in doing what is asked of you for the Greater Good of all.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Monday, 3rd October 2016

04 September 2016

Unconditional Love Is the Gift We All Need To Seek

The world continues to surprise us, but it is the reactions of humanity where individuals set themselves apart from the needs of the whole that still saddens so many of us.

          We are privileged to see and hear of so many souls, who have taken spiritual advice and followed it, so allowing the prophesies given to become reality.  It is only by following the guidance given to us that Spiritual Law can work for the Greater Good.

          We were all made in unconditional love and yet we allow the material emotions of fear, greed and selfishness to cloud our judgement.  Where we live right, according to the teachings that Jesus taught, we become attuned to the Spirit.

          None of us are perfect, but to follow a Divine course with ambitions for peace and harmony among all men, women and children is to follow a course of action that is given to us all to live by.

          We are apparently easily led away from these principles by church and politicians alike, where they have their own levels of morality and there rarely are glimpses of true living through love and harmony.

          There always seems to be self-interests and to ignore the plight of so many souls throughout the world, where the actions of the greedy and warlike, apparently take no notice of the results of their actions, is a global travesty.

          There are some individuals, who give their time and skills to help, but there is not a movement throughout Mankind’s agenda to ensure that the best is available for all who need it and all are given an equal chance to succeed and raise their families through honest toil and with the security that we all need.

          The Higher Intelligence looks at our puny and selfish efforts and His Hand does direct those who take notice of His existence.  Sadly there are not enough to lift the positive vibrations on this planet, so that unconditional love can rule over the negative material short term gains.

          If we send out our thoughts and requests for the help of the Almighty, He will always come to our aid.  So many of His miracles go unnoticed and thanks for His intervention are not heard as much as they should be.

          When miracles happen many simply say that it was luck.  They fail to see the perfect timing of the need fulfilled and the benefit directed to those who asked with their thoughts and prayers for a solution to their needs.

          Life is not just about being given an easy option to be bailed out without lifting a finger to contribute towards our salvation.  We must always take that first step towards the solution knowing that we will be guided as we do so.

          We are not here on a universal holiday, but on a mission to bring peace and harmony to a broken world, where humanity kills and maims the innocent in an attempt to reign in power over others.

          Those who give their lives for the benefit of others will see their rewards and will be raised up in their spiritual aspirations to be able to do more through the gifts of unconditional love, which are bestowed on them so that they can give to others in need.

          Those who take for their own benefits off the backs of others can never prosper.  Their gains will be only short term and they will experience the pain and loss that will have been earned by their behaviour.

          Life is all about balance and keeping the good and righteous growing in strength to overcome the negativity that Man inflicts on his fellow man.  Those who crave for power take it mostly from the women and children.  The elderly are of no account, so it is the egoists that rule the world and are responsible for its shortcomings.

          It is not a weakness to care and to live in love with each other, so let us all ask the Almighty for the strength to do His will and for us to follow His direction and not our own.

          Happiness is a divine state of being.  It is not a cheap commercial moment bought through the tinsel world of make belief.  Unconditional love is the gift we all need to seek, so that we can all thrive in His divine state of being.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Sunday, 4th September 2016

05 August 2016

Moving With the Times

We are all in motion and although we so often rush about trying to get more done in less time, it rarely succeeds.  The more we push and panic the more we are held back by our own energies.

To lead an orderly life we need to keep ourselves in balance, so that the material way of life is kept equal with our spiritual needs.  If we fail to do this we are liable to damage ourselves in both body and soul.

When Jesus was asked about this he replied “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God's.”  In other words, keep yourselves in balance by dealing with the material world in keeping with your spiritual energies.

Do not take for granted what you are told to do by those who do not show that they are doing it themselves in their very own lives.

If you look at the pomp and ceremony within the Church, you see the riches that they have accumulated over many years, which are all to show themselves in that rich light, while their congregations around the world are by and large living in poverty.

 They will tell you that this richness is not for them but is showing the Glory of God to their Congregations, but this is not true as God needs no further illumination.  He is already richer and more glorious than Mankind can ever imagine.

The God of the 21st century is a loving God and encourages all people to live in peace and harmony through His unconditional love.  He would far rather that the riches of the Church we used to feed the starving and put shoes on the feet of children.

In this broken world of wars and famine, it is necessary that we understand that these situations are brought about by man’s in humanity to man.

Humanity is led by the corrupt and greedy, so that there are areas of great neglect and poverty throughout the world and, in most major cities, there are ghettos of the deprived and unequal.

 When we understand this, we can start to see that this breeds resentment and, until these matters are addressed, there will be those who will take the law into their own hands and be vulnerable to the radical teaching of others, who teach fear and death.

God is a loving God and gave us freewill for us to use for the good of humanity and therefore it is us who fail Him and we should not blame the Higher Intelligence, who can see the whole picture, for the mistakes that we make.

Until we find it in our hearts to love what we have in common and not to allow fear and hatred to drive us apart, there can be no harmony among nations.

Religions will drive us apart into a continuing state of battling ideology instead of listening to our conscience and letting that loving God show us the way to making Heaven on Earth.

          It is within us all if we live in love and help those who are without food, fresh water, shelter, medical attention and an education for their family.

          Let us all be aware of the need of others and not walk by on the other side.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Friday, 5th August 2016

04 July 2016

Make the Best of Change

          Change is a fact of life.  Nothing ever stays the same and always it is something that most people resist.  It cannot be stopped and, as some changes have a greater impact, so we must be prepared to meet them.

          Not all changes are for the better, but it is up to us as human beings to try and always make the best out of what changes are occurring.  We need to be able to see a wider perspective and avoid only seeing how it affects us.

          We are here to serve each other and to work for the greater good.  Let us always rely on the fact that we are all interconnected and in many ways we are reliant on each other. 

          We are not equipped to supply all our needs ourselves and we are almost blind as to just how many things actually occur in our lives without any thought or action.

          As we partake in the hurly-burly ways of life and earn our place in it, we need to reflect on what others do, so that we can concentrate on our own lives and live them as we think is best.

          We were given freewill to exercise and an ego to drive us forward with a conscience to guide us along the way of life.  It is our task to choose the way we act and think for the better.

          Many chose to ignore their own conscience and turn their back on the guidance given, so that Spiritual Law and the love of our Creator is behind us and we are left in the Darkness of Ignorance, as opposed to the Light of all Wisdom and the unconditional love from the Higher Intelligence.

          We all live by the laws that he gave us and through them we are rewarded or denied according to our actions.  We reap what we sow, as Jesus told us and that is the way of all change.

          When we do good and act for others, we will be rewarded with help and guidance throughout our lives.  If we choose to be selfish, corrupt or unloving, we attract to us similar energies and we will find that we are oblivious to the goodness and are unloved and struggling, if we are unable to change our ways.

           It is the simple things that are most spiritual and effective.  It is the order of change that is most genuine and caring that will bring in better results for all involved.

          For far too often, humanity makes it hard on itself by making matters so complicated that they think that it will cover up the bad ways of working and behaving, so that their misdeeds will not be noticed.

          Everything will eventually become clear and nothing is hidden for ever.  Even if you think that you have got away with something, if it was not for the better then the Higher Intelligence has a way of shaping things to expose your actions or deeds.

          Even when you pass from this earth plane of existence, you leave with nothing except your history of behaviour, where nothing is hidden away and all can see your goodness or otherwise.

          Nobody is unjustly punished, but all have to make recompense for their mistakes and errors against the Laws of God.  No religion has any control over that and it is a matter between you and your conscience, which is God given.

          Take some time out and reflect on your lives.  It is not a question of leaving it to before your passing, because you never know when that is, but to live a good life and adapt to change as best as you are able, will bring its own rewards.

          Do not be found wanting when you have your lifetime of opportunities exposed in front of the Creator, who gave you life and love and the chances to serve your fellow man, woman and child on a daily basis.
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Monday, 4th July 2016

04 June 2016

Do Not Abuse the Inner Child

          Today the world is looking more uneasy than ever.  In people’s lives there is more disruption than ever before, as those who were abused and damaged as children are unable to function normally.

          They are permanently unable to pass that blockage when trauma interrupted their young lives and their innocence was permanently damaged.

          They may advance in bodily years, but their emotional age remains blocked at that time of their lives when the abuse took place.  They will forever be unable to act in any relationship as an adult in emotional matters until that blockage is addressed.

          Many have sort treatment when these matters are brought out into the open and discussed by counsellors for years and years, never getting to the root of the problem.

          How can they when they fail to fully realise that the trauma is logged in the subconscious mind and can only be addressed by the skilful counselling of a Psychotherapist, who has been trained to follow this with clinical hypnosis over just a few well timed and executed sessions.

          If untreated, then those who grow up into adulthood life will have an inner child reflecting when that abuse took place.  A person in their seventies will still be a child emotionally and can never adopt a response of adult love and affection towards their partner.

          The need is to first recognise the problem and then to search for a therapist that specialises in curing inner child problems using hypnosis.  The earlier this is recognised and dealt with, the sooner that soul will get back their normal life that was scared in childhood.

          There are many reasons for trauma and all of them cut deep into the young soul, branding the subconscious for a lifetime if untreated.  Left alone, as so many are through ignorance, there can never be in a meaningful relationship between two people who may love each other, but can never be in love with each other on an equal level.

          This is sad enough, but it also means that those who still marry and have children of their own will, being taught behaviour patterns, tend to make their children dysfunctional in the same way and so patterns of this behaviour continually increase with more and more of society at all levels being increasingly unable to cope with the basic daily problems of life.

          Where there are family and relationship problems they need to be discussed.  Counsellors today must be aware of these issues and, if they are not able to deal with them satisfactorily themselves, they need to be able to recommend therapists who are specially trained to do so.

          Life can be hard enough these days, but where normal relationships are not able to function for the greater good of that family, then there must become an awareness of the basic needs and, by discussing issues and letting in some daylight, a cure can be achieved within a few months and the saving of a lifetime of misery is avoided.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Saturday, 4th June 2016

04 May 2016

Ask and It Will Be Opened To You

          As we move forward with our lives, we need to look positively at our future and all that is to come.  If we bring dread and darkness there that is what we will find.  Our futures are within us and the more positive we are the happier the outcome.

          It is natural to be a little nervous as an event comes into view, but to see it as a positive challenge is to prepare the way for a successful outcome.  Once we have done our preparations we can do no more, so relax and see it all come right.

          We are not alone and there is plenty of spiritual help if we ask for it in the right way.  We need to see and prepare for the Greater Good to benefit and not just ask for ourselves.  We are given what we have earned by our good behaviour to others and so we reap our rewards.

          It is important that our belief system include there being a higher intelligence above our own that loves us and cares for our future.  It is a selfish and egotistic reaction to believe that we are all there is and that our best is the only standard that exists to cover all people and all eventualities.

          Mankind has built his future based on his greed and corruptness to alter the pattern of life in his favour regardless of the outcome to the people, who have largely ignored bad behaviour and therefore have become complicit in it.

          It is the good and caring that are expected to carry the yoke of right living and healing for others, but they cannot do it alone.  We all need to stand up and play our part in making this world a better place for every man, woman and child that is living here today and for all those that are still to come.

          Many suffer because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and they were overcome with loss on a huge level.  So many souls have lost everything and they need that helping hand to lift them up, so that they can stand on their own two feet again.

          The searchlight of righteousness must shine into the huge corporations, where they believe that they are above the law and can behave in their own way to suit themselves regardless of the side effects of their actions.

          There are still scandals in banking systems, where organisations believed to be safe and secure are breaking up due to mismanagement and greed and the light must be shone in here to cleanse and replace with better management and a safe structure to safeguard the people’s monies that are so recklessly abused.

          All must be seen in the open and no longer can deals be done behind closed doors.  There should be no reason for watchdogs, but by the behaviour of so many cutting corners and using backhanders to get what they want, so the negative cloud of destruction looms over them.

          You reap what you sow.  How often have we heard these words as they form the basis of all living?  Nothing can be hidden for long and soon it will all be illuminated and the bad decisions will become open to scrutiny.

          The Higher Intelligence does exist in full reality and His miracles are happening all around us if we care to see them and, where necessary, to ask for them to occur.  Through His genuine band of light workers all around the world, He directs and supervises how best we can serve each other.

          Healers know of His power, as they ask for it to be conducted through them to allow the chair-ridden to walk again, wounds to be healed and the life expectancy to be extended for those who have been abandoned by the medical profession as they can do no more.

          Genuine prayers are answered and work for the jobless appears, as they pray to their loving guides to direct them to what is needed for them to do to accomplish the best they can for the Greater Good.

          All prayers are answered with what is best for that individual and to see and understand the direction and care with which we are allowed to continue our lives, is to start to understand the greatness of the Higher Intelligence and the wisdom that comes to us through unconditional love.

          Nobody is left unanswered.  It is the realisation that because of what you have sown, so you are given a harvest to reap.  Sometimes it appears to be a bitter harvest when we have done things badly, but we are always given that chance to put things right and when we do the sunshine can come back into our lives again.

          If we don’t ask we don’t get anything and we are left with our own thoughts and direction based on the smallness of our minds.  If we have the courage to put our thoughts out to the Universe, where the Higher Intelligence will hear them and we allow Him to direct us, then we can be saved and we can save others along the way.

          Seek and you will find.  Ask and it will be opened to you and we say Amen to that.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Wednesday, 4th May 2016

07 April 2016

Let Your Thoughts Be Answered and Lead You to a Better Way of Life

          The continual change that affects us all has to be understood as we go through our earthly lives, because nothing stands still.  It can be a lonely and frightening state of affairs without the support and explanation of the spirit guides and helpers.

          They are led from the Greater Intelligence that is responsible for the Creation of all things and, without His great and unconditional love, there would be a darkness of ignorance smothering the goodness and righteousness that does exist for all who live right and abide by Spiritual Law.

          There is a great simplicity in spiritual truth, where we reap what we sow and if we are positive with goodness for others we reap rewards of goodness many times over.

          Those who are ruled by their own ego and turn their backs on their guiding conscience will reap the darkness that they create themselves for their own greed and corruptness.

          These souls may prosper on some areas of their lives, but they will never enjoy all good things that are given to us from On High through our own worthiness, such as unconditional and lasting love and a healthy mind and body and soul.

          We are not punished for behaving badly.  That is the earthly way of handing out retribution according the earthly laws than Mankind has created for themselves.

          It is our own choice what we do and how we do it, so that through that freedom of choice that we were given when we entered this earthly plain of existence, we reap for ourselves the same as we dish out to others.

          When we do good things with the right intentions we are rewarded by reaping a harvest according to our deeds.  Nobody can walk our path for us and no one can intercede for us against our misdemeanours.

          Man was made to face the truth by his actions and to build up a rapport with the Higher Intelligence, who gives and receives the unconditional love, which is due to him.

          A soul cannot hide from his true thoughts and deeds, as all is clear to the spiritual way of life.  Nobody can hide behind another to pretend that they haven’t done what they have.

          Divine love is transparent and it flows unmolested where there are higher vibrations, which are positive and meaningful for the Greater Good and allow souls to work and live together in harmony.

          Where Mankind turns his greed and negativity onto the activities of others for their own advantage, then they will be given opportunities to turn around from the selfish ways and move towards the light of salvation, but if they refuse to, then they will be taken out in ‘God’s’ good time to be faced with their lives and desires and to answer why they behaved as they did.

          You reap what you sow and when those who dismiss this philosophy that ‘The Master Jesus’ taught us, they will find that sooner or later it is the truth and the longer that it takes them to realise this, the darker their journey will be into the light.

          It is here that souls must recognise that they are in charge of their future and that change is the way that they do so.  Nothing stays still and everything moves, albeit at different rates according to their make-up.

          Do not be lead away from the path of truth and righteousness, because no one but you can discover it within themselves, where all contact with the spiritual life emanates from.

          It can’t be bought, so look not there for riches.  Sit in the quietness and according to your achievements you will find that your thoughts are answered and a new way of understanding will lead you through the changes into a better life.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Thursday, 7th April 2016

22 March 2016

Right Living is the Answer

          Look out over this changing world and be glad that you are part of it.  For too long Mankind has kept his hands in his pockets and left no room for change, as he lined his own pockets at the expense of those least able to pay for it.
          Global abuse has been exposed in the Church, the banks and the everyday high street life of so many and it is now time to put this right.  Right living for each other and not for oneself is the answer.
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Tuesday, 1st March 2016

03 February 2016

We Owe It to Our Children

          The answer to all man’s needs is to be found in the love of God the Father, where all goodness and righteousness is to be found.  Many turn their backs on his existence because they call it religion, but that is manmade and not the truth about the Higher Intelligence.

          From the very beginning humanity has looked to another force higher than his own intellect to help him through difficult times.  Sun worship was a commonplace deity in the olden days and there are many sun gods with different names according to the language and grouping of the people.

          It is true that the gift of light and warmth to this planet is essential for its survival and without it there would be no plant life and therefore no animal existence, which includes us humans.

          If we are to survive at all, we must look after the natural environment brought about by the sunlight, which fuels the many processes that are required for life to exist across the globe.

          Mankind, as a whole, is reckless with his natural heritage and he takes what he wants and as much as he wants, seemingly never considering that these resources are indeed finite.

          It is not possible to keep taking ever more from the pot of life without putting something back to keep the goodness and fruitfulness flowing for everyone concerned.

         There is little capping on the world population that rises every day and will become eventually unsustainable.  This will be kept in order by famine and disease, because the natural order of supply and demand will occur and there will be suffering.

         We are told that once a man in Egypt had a dream.  It was interpreted as seven years of plenty and seven lean years to follow and he ordered that the conservation in the seven years of plenty would sustain his people through the lean years.

          We should all be aware that without careful management nothing lasts for ever and if this continual drain on our resources continues there will be consequences for the generations to come.

          It is not a question of saying that God will provide without us lifting a finger to help.  It is up to us to make the first moves and then by Spiritual Law we will be helped and guided how to do it the right and proper way.

          Politicians have a limited time in office and so they take a very short view of things!  It is up to us, the people to play our part and to live right ourselves, but to encourage right practices in others, so that survival of this race on this planet can be achieved.

          In order to do this then all species must be allowed to live in balance and the pollution of our lands and seas must be cleaned up and kept clean.

         Those who make the mess should be held responsible from the mighty corporations to the family holidaying at the seaside.  We are all members of the human race and we are all dependant on each other.

         It is no use leaving it for others to do and ignoring our opportunities to act.  Like-minded people must come together and start a movement to save this earth from the blunders of Mankind.

         Those organisations, who do act right, must be supported and allowed to proceed in becoming a single and firmer voice acting for all people.  You know it makes sense and we owe it to our children.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Wednesday, 3rd February 2016

03 January 2016

Have We the Courage To Ask?

          Now that the energies of last year have been replaced by the new and vibrant energies for 2016, you will all notice an upliftment of opportunities coming into your lives.  The doors of opportunity that were closed to you have now been thrown open.

          You were given freewill when you were created in unconditional love by the Higher Intelligence and therefore it is up to you to whether you will take advantage of these uplifting times or will continue to languish in the doldrums.

          There are many things to do and each and every life has objectives to conquer, so that all can live in harmony and as one.  Peace and hope have never been as important before, as every single person now has the ability within themselves to cast off the yoke of what had been holding them back.

          It is simply a question of putting your best foot forward with renewed conviction that nothing is impossible and that even those things that were not perhaps right in your lives before, will disclose and reason why that course was not the right one and, by changing a little here and there, a new objective will be the glowing light ahead of you.

          The Higher Intelligence won’t necessarily give you what you want, but will answer your thoughts that you send out to the Universe in the right and holy way, so that you receive what is best for you!

          While on this earth plane, it is usually very difficult to see the bigger picture and so often we are distracted by the little material things that we feel we want, rather than what we need to fulfil our objectives for a better and more righteous life.

          It is choosing the right direction that sets us apart from our fellow travellers, as so many are either sleepwalking through their lives or have been brainwashed by those who exercise their need to have power over others.

          It is a pitiful reflection of those who are so weak within themselves that they have to laud themselves over a weaker being in order to feel that they are noticed and fulfilled.  There are too many examples around the world to mention them here by name, but a discerning reader will have no trouble seeing them.

          What is so sad, is that there are many examples in the ordinary lives of the people, who have the realisation to see this, but allow themselves to be destroyed by accepting that they are worthless as they have been told and do not stand up for themselves to break away from this damaging influence.

          The new energies that are coming in and many are already being felt, so that souls are strengthened to break away from unsatisfactory circumstances, whether they are in the workplace or in the family home.

          It simply requires the admission of the situation and the asking of the Higher Authority to bring about a just solution, where everybody gains and the right living path of love and integrity can be followed.

          Remember that old Chinese proverb which states that every journey starts with a single step.  Without taking the initiative and responsibility for the way ahead, it is not possible for that journey to be successfully begun and undertaken, so that the result is another success for the humanitarian needs of today.

          We all have a second thought when we are called to the plate, but not for long when we know what is best for all concerned and we put our best foot forward, knowing that we act for the Greater Good through Spiritual Law, which states that we reap what we sow.

          It works and is the basic rule that should govern all our actions.  First we have an idea and second we test it by feeling our conscience agreeing that this is the right way to go and then having put out our thoughts to the Higher Intelligence to give us his unconditional love and guidance, we know that we cannot go wrong.

          This earth plane has been bereft of enough loving energies for so long, but in his wisdom the Almighty has sent a new wave of strength to help us to find our way through the jungle of fear and indecision.

          For those who need courage to act, ask for it in your prayers and see and feel that you are stronger within through the spiritual nature of your being; how you were created and given the compatibility to understand the Light of Creation.

          To achieve this gift, set yourselves towards his light and go forward in happiness, because the alternative is to turn away and go further from his love and influence.  It is a long road back once you have started to turn away.

          Look around you and see the many success stories that are proofs of his love for us all and know that miracles can happen to us and not only to others.  Have we the courage to ask and to then step up to the plate?  Of course we have!

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Sunday, 3rd January 2016