02 December 2012

Are We Fully Responsible or Do We Deserve all We Get?

          As the almost continuous news of fresh disasters around the world are brought to our attention, it is perhaps worthwhile us spending some of our valuable time in ruminating on the reason why.

          For far too long ‘Act of God’ has been a common cry from the insurance companies, as they try to wriggle out of paying their so easily earned cash.

          Nothing happens by chance and everything has a reason.  Far too often the reason for fresh disasters can so easily be traced back to Man’s failure in doing the right thing.

          Houses are built in flood plain areas and under unsafe loads of soil and rock as rain or wind destabilises them and they follow the path of gravity onto the unsuspecting.

          There is a culture too often pervading in the mind-set that it won’t happen to me.  Risks are taken, because 'I can get away with it or will I?'

          It’s easy afterwards to see in hindsight that an accident shouldn’t have happened and we are so often far too quick to judge without knowing all the facts.

          Despite that, we are all too often found to not want to know the facts, as this unsettled earth plane is raped and pillaged of its wealth, so that Man can be prosperous.

          Miners can burrow too deeply or too many trees maybe cut down, allowing the soil to be washed away that had stabilised slopes and mountain sides for so long.

          Mankind has taken so many risks with the environment that is it any wonder that politicians are only concerned with what will happen on 'my watch' and not about putting in place safeguards for those who come after us?

          Until we, the people, make our voices heard and make our Governments stick to their pledges, then we are as guilty as they are.

          It is true that a few individuals around the world have raised awareness and actually done something against all the odds, so that the tide of destruction of the fauna and flora, as well as the riches of this planet, are slowed or even sometimes reversed.

          We cannot turn away as if we didn’t actually care and bury our heads in the proverbial sand expecting others to do the donkey work, while we enjoy our pleasures at whatever cost.

          It is no use blaming ‘Acts of God’ for things that we don’t understand or don’t care about, because all actions come back to the effect that it is Mankind, who takes the risks and destroys the inheritance of our children.

          If God was in charge we would have to be respectful and loving to all Creation, but as we turn away and pooh-pooh the existence of a Higher Force at work, then we are fully responsible and deserve all we get!

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Sunday, 2nd December 2012

02 November 2012

Can We Look Within or Are We too Biased and Outward Looking?

        As the seasons continue to change according to one’s hemisphere, so one notices either a beginning, with a new bursting of the buds as the cycle grows into another period of fruitfulness, or the leaves fall and a period of hibernation beckons.

          The cycles of change are all about us whichever way we look.  There has been a great reckoning and the mighty are falling, who thought that they were safe and could get away with anything.

          The spiritual truth that has always been muted is now coming in for all to see.  Those who conducted their affairs in a good way, according to the ways that Jesus taught us through Universal Law, will survive.  Those who conducted themselves in a materialistic way with greed and avarice without a thought for others will fall.

          This has nothing to do with religion or the teachings of men empowered, as they are, by their own fixation of greed and power over others.  They collect the gold and silver to decorate their palaces and work places and say that God demands it!

          What the mighty Universal Power expects of his creations is that they love each other and help each other through those periods of storm and difficulties, not to gather up wealth on the collection plate that never helps a fallen child or one held in the grip of dis-ease in its many forms.

          What is expected of us first is to recognise those who are in need of help and caring, as so many are all around the globe, before we lift up our thoughts in thanks and praise for all we have earned and received by our spiritual accounts.

          It does nothing to repeat familiar dogma in whatever language and it helps not to beat children if they fail to learn and quote from the Koran correctly.

          Is that worse than the cloth molesting the children and abusing them for one’s own gratification and denying that one is doing anything wrong?

          All around the world it is the children who suffer the most and the women suffer next, as they are still not allowed to sit at the top table and help to run a better world where everybody can expect fairness and justice.

          It is the men who made sexual inequality by blaming Eve for the sins of that apple, while Adam was blameless for being unable to resist temptation.

          Because men are weak they have to look big and show off their power, but at the cost of their own reason as they compete with each other and always fail to bring about a society in which all can be equal and content together.

          Until people start sharing and trading rather than acquiring what they think they want by underhand means, then there will be rifts throughout Mankind as there so clearly are between all religions, who zealously guard their beliefs and laws even though they all come from the same roots.

          How can they ever think that they are right and all others are wrong when the Father of all Creation favours not even one above another, so their philosophies are manmade and therefore at risk of being so badly wrong.

          The only truth that is acceptable is the truth that is within each and every one of us, whether we call it our conscience or a spiritual understanding, it is nevertheless the only correctness that is untarnished by the greed of man’s manipulation.

          Let us all look within ourselves and ask, “Are we on the right and truthful path to peace and harmony for all or are we biased against any God made being that is not like us?”

          The truth sometimes hurts, but then it is untarnished by the negativity of this world or else it wouldn’t be the truth!
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Friday, 2nd November 2012

04 October 2012

Love is Free and is Given without Condition

Love is a state of being and existing, which should be strong enough to carry through all other emotions.  If it is within your being and it carries with it conviction, you can never be vanquished.

In order to love unconditionally, it is necessary to carry within yourself the essence of that emotion, which was implanted by the creator when you were born into existence and to allow it to influence your thoughts and actions.

It is an overriding emotion, which at times can take over rational thought, as you give without thinking and enjoy the simplicity of that act of giving without expecting any reward.

Sometimes it feels as if you are pouring water into the desert sand, but always some of your loving act will stick and can curdle strength in that person beyond your comprehension.

It will be like a seed adhering to the wayside and waiting for that right moment when a ray of light and a drop of water comes and stimulates a reaction and goodness is born.

It is hard never to be hurt that we cannot always see the results of our labours of love for another or others and so we are usually unaware of the germination of the seeds that we have sown.

What perhaps is more important is that we don’t wait around watching and hoping, because we should be out and about always sending our love without condition to all people we meet or hear of throughout this turbulent world.

So much is needed and so little is given.  We all have love and hope in our hearts and minds when we are born to this earth plain – see in the innocence of a baby, its love and reaction to kindness and contentment when it is adored and helped through those beautiful years of upbringing.

Many smother their love as they grow up and hide it away in case they get hurt, when they are open and honest and through trusting others become disillusioned.

This is not the fault of love, but of bad judgement.  Love is free and is given without condition.  If you expect anything in return it is not unconditional.

Go about your lives giving love in your thoughts and in your words, but expect nothing back and always be ready for disappointment initially, but know that your act has sparked the Universal Intelligence to where you sent your love.

Ask for love and enlightenment to be given, where the fields appear to be barren and given time green shoots will always appear, whether you are there to see it or not.

It is simply a question of understanding and appreciating the Greater Good of which we are all apart and knowing that it is not just us alone who give our love to it, although sometimes it can feel like that.

We are NOT alone and we should not simply stand around to congratulate ourselves on what we do, but allow others to share in the achievements, as we move on to further deeds and ask for nothing for ourselves.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Thursday, 4th October 2012

03 September 2012

Tomorrow Is Very Close and It Cannot Be Turned Away

          What we so readily take for granted, is for another a joy to be seen.  How often do we stop at the sight of a butterfly’s brilliant colouring and give thanks to the Source of all Life?

          As we become more used to a sight and its presence, so it becomes ordinary in our eyes, but really we should marvel at its existence at all.  We usually are unable or unwilling to see the hardship that it goes through simply to survive.

          We think we have control over our lives and our progression, but time and time again our dreams of a safe and secure existence is rocked by things out of our control.

          Are they really out of our reach to see what is there in the reality of life or are we too blind in our ignorance to see what is truly going to happen, if we continue to live with our heads buried in the proverbial sand?

          All around the world, mega actions are taking place as man fights man and man lives in the shadow of the greed of his own mind.  There have been enough warnings given out from reliable sources, but are you really taking any notice?

          Before people can feel secure and safe in their lives, they must live by the Universal Laws of Creation and acknowledge that the Spiritual Laws that Jesus brought us is fact and not fiction.

          Too many souls have been blinded by Religion to see ‘God’ as the Creative Force that he undoubtedly is.  The examples given by Church Leaders through the ages are of deception on the one hand and ignorance on the other.

          People all around the world are starting to wake up to their responsibilities to themselves, their families and their nations.  No longer can an individual step aside and look the other way as if it didn’t concern them.

          There are only two alternatives that are available to you now and they are to live by the Laws that are spiritual and just or to fall and to reap what you have sown for yourself.

          Nobody can make this decision for you and nobody but you can tread that path, which you are bound to follow.  There is no Satnav here to guide you, but there is a Conscience and an understanding within you.

          Like travelling blind with your Satnav, it gets you to your chosen destination, but is it the right place that you are travelling to?

When the light of Goodness shines out from behind the negativity that is all around you, will you see an unclouded future for yourself or the results of the pain of selfishness and greed beckoning to you?

          As many have spoken out before, but few have listened until it was too late, so it will be again.  Mankind believes that he is invincible and he can destroy all he wishes to, but who will feed the hungry tomorrow?

          Tomorrow is very close and it cannot be turned away, so look ahead at the future that you have chosen for yourself alone and see what you need to prepare for, because nobody can live your life except you.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Monday, 3rd September 2012

03 August 2012

Naivety Is a Form of Selfishness When We Harden Ourselves Against the Pain of Others

This message comes from the Swiss Mountains, where the air is pure and the sunshine warms the body after so much bruising from all around the world.

The news of the spiritual changes all around the world is causing much negativity, which is bruising the minds and bodies of all sensitive people.

Nothing is easily won in this world and all good things come at a price, but the changes are helped by the energies, which are released from a Higher Source to guide our endeavours.

All reasonable people, who strive for change for the Greater Good, need to make great sacrifices for their Fellow Man.  All are given the opportunities to play their part, but not everyone takes them.

Many souls are so inward looking for their own needs that they screen the needs of others, who are outside their own immediate circle of family and friends.

This naivety is a form of selfishness when they harden themselves against the pain of others and stand aside convincing themselves that it is no business of theirs.

This could not be further from the truth, as we are all here to help each other and to ease the path of pain that we all have to go through in order to learn what life is truly all about.

No one is exempt from this, but it is harder for the wealthy than the poor, because the well-off have more responsibilities on their shoulders, as more is asked of them.

We all come with gifts in place and it is our duty to honour them.  These may be gifts of spiritual destinies, such as healing or wisdom in matters enlightenment.

We all have choices in life and we are all equipped with a conscience, which teaches us the meaning of what is right and what is not.  We have no excuses if we choose not to listen.

As with the Law of the Land ignorance is no excuse and those who turn away from righteousness will find to their cost that it applies to Spiritual and Universal Law.

We must all take our part and heed the opportunities that are brought to us to play our parts in the overall plan for our lives and the lives of others.

We must be aware of the global eruptions, as the corruption and greed is brought down and the negativity is replaced by the light of goodness, which has been abused for far too long.

As with other things, it is the real time for the good to fight back and not to hide in a Darkness of Ignorance, which must and will be extinguished and the mind-sets change so that lightness and love become the norm.

It is no longer what you have that matters, but what you can do with it for others.  No longer can the reign of corruption and greed rule the world.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Wednesday, 1st August 2012

03 July 2012

We Should All Know That We Are Doing The Right and Proper Thing - July 2012

          As the year turns into its second half and the night length changes leaving a longer or a shorter day, depending whether you are in the northern or southern hemisphere, so the expectations change as to what is ahead of us.

          The world, viewed as a whole, is in crisis as few can relax and have no concerns as to what lies ahead.  To be complacent is dangerous as nothing stays for ever.

          Whether it is the banking crisis and an increasing level of black debt tilting the economic futures of whole continents towards an edge of great uncertainty or the natural disasters that are occurring all around the world that is causing you concern, you are right to be concerned.

          Until Mankind as a whole turns towards the light of enlightenment and away from the darkness of indifference, nothing can change and stop this slippery slope of destruction that is eating up the world.

          It is not by chance that it is all happening now.  It is a continuation of the furtherance of greed that has driven Mankind to the very edge of destruction.

          Many warnings have been given and many have gone unheeded, as the continued abuse of the world’s resources have been gobbled up and used, but they are not renewable – they are finite.

          When all the oil is used up, what will Mankind do?  He expects to use another renewable source of power, but energy consumptions are increasing each and every day all around the world and the appetite is insatiable.

          Banks have been almost as insatiable for profits that they have cheated and lied themselves into a false sense of security, as they gambled with other people’s money and charged them through the nose for the privilege.

          The Eurozone is all but bankrupt, as Germany is called to patch up the countries whose Parliaments have failed to balance their books and allowed their banks to almost fail through the burdens of black debt that they took on so willingly in better times.

          The Middle East is a war zone with Syria, as well as the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and Africa is almost awash with blood.  The women and children always suffer most as the men play at politics of fear and hatred.

          America is swept with fire, storms and heat waves as natural disasters cloud the largest economy in the world and their debts increase, as the wars they waged have still to be paid for.

          There is unrest in Russia and China, as the people are starting to stand up for their rights and many countries are struggling to understand what real democracy is, as people are behaving badly all over this world.

          What can we do about this?  Are we right to fear the future?  What can we do to look after our families and friends, as living standards fall and we are not as safe as we thought we were?

          The answer is simple and not beyond our abilities as all are given a conscience and there is goodness in every heart.  We must all be patient and wake up to the constraints that are all around us.

          There is a Greater Universal Intelligence, who is aware of our thoughts and struggles.  If we are fully alive to the goodness and the purity of living and ask in the right way for our families and the greater good, rather than for ourselves, then we will see the worm turn for us and for others.

          It does no good to shrug our shoulders and feel the constraints of religion, which only addresses the outer us, when we can ourselves find our own salvation within us and be guided by that still voice of calm and to trust it.

          We are not alone and there are many who can help us if only we help others too.  It is no use allowing the abuse of the innocent children, when we know what is wrong and condone it by turning away.

          Goodness may be an old fashioned word, but it is pure and does nobody any harm, while the other side of the coin of life does and all people everywhere must decide on which side they wish to be counted.

          Then we must all stand up for what we believe in and where it hurts nobody, but does some good, then we should all know that we are doing the right and proper thing.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Tuesday, 2nd July 2012

02 June 2012

We Need Good Results for the Greater Good and Not the Smaller Selfish Few - June 2012

This is very much a time when we all need some of that fighting spirit that took our forefathers through the Second World War.

Times are hard now, as they were then, because the financial greed of the banks and the politicians has led to a global crisis that was totally avoidable.

It is the people, who have to pick up the tab for the mistakes and mismanagement of their leaders.  It is you and I, who have to pay in the long run.

All those years ago in the previous century, the prime male population was all but wiped out through the pig-headed ambitions of the few men at the top of their countries ambitions – that is their ambitions, not the peoples.

Then, as now, it is the man in the street, who suffers for the conflict and greed that has spread around the world like an evil cancer devouring the positive attitudes of love and harmony.

It is only by each and every person in their communities taking their own responsibilities and standing up against oppression and wrongdoing that the leaders can be forced to act responsibly.

Many people, in many countries, are fighting and risking their lives to have a say in the running of their everyday lives, which by any yardstick is called freedom.

Every person who has a vote should use it and take responsibility for the good of the country and not just what might be best for them.  It is the greater good that must survive and individuals should work for that and not just for themselves.

It is the insatiable greed of the banking industry to work for their own best interests, as opposed to the best interests of their customers and shareholders, which has brought about this present downfall in the world economy.

They have made many mistakes and have mismanaged their businesses and expect to be held up by the man in the street through bailouts of tax payers’ money.

Does the little man in his business get lifesaving bailouts from his Government when his business falls on hard times?

Does the hand out of cash loans from the banks, now saved by Governments, mean that they are gratefully lending to entrepreneurs to start their own businesses to employ the young people, who are so desperate for a start in life after they leave their schools and universities?

We must all look to the light of inspiration and see the hand of the Universal Forces, which are at work to help us all, as long as we really believe in the justice of the greater good above our own personal issues and wants.

Let the world know that those who struggle in it are not alone and that mighty forces do prevail and that we must do our bit and not shy away from our responsibilities to the greater good of all Mankind.

It is so easy to turn the other cheek away from doing our bit and letting someone else do it all.  Can we sleep well at night knowing we have failed to help another?

Let us all pull together and help each other to a better world, where justice and harmony rein together and wars and rumours of wars are evaporated into the mists of common sense, so that the needs of all, who suffer and are oppressed, can be truly addressed.

Let harmony prevail and through trade and trust, an understanding and a learning curve of tolerance and truth, can lead to a better world, so that we can all survive and the mistakes of the leaders are reduced through transparency of actions to good results for the greater good and not the smaller selfish few.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Saturday, 2nd June 2012

04 May 2012

Why Didn’t Our Parents Do Something About It? May 2012

The way that the world is shaping up you would think that the holocaust has arrived and is beating on everybody’s door.  Around the world there is oppression and the fighting for human rights in almost all of the almost two hundred recognised countries.

Nobody is contented anymore and there are restrictions on human liberties almost everywhere you look.  These can be dictatorial, as in the Arab Spring uprisings as well as in Russia and in China, financial as in Europe and North America or religious as in Catholicism and in Jewish and Muslim interpretations of their Law.

Surely it has come to a terrible state of affairs when there is no tolerance to another’s view point.  Religion is far too heavy handed in laying down the Law on what others should be doing and finding it very hard to follow their own example.

What matters is that all human beings have equal rights to a life under the Law of Humanity, the Universal Law of Existence, and it matters not what colour, creed or educational background that you belong to as all are the same when in a state of pain and suffering.

Nobody has any right to abuse the sacredness of life itself.  There are three type of life here on this earth and they are humanity, fauna and flora.

Humanity had been given a greater degree of intelligence and understanding, but instead of using it with compassion and tolerance, the mind-set is too full of a desire for personal greed to have more than is needed, no matter where it comes from or how many people suffer because of it.

The fauna and flora are prime examples of this as the elephant is shot for the ivory of their two front teeth, Rhinos are killed for the unproven medical qualities of its defensive horn and Whales are still hunted and fish stocks are over fished.  The great Rainforests in South America and Africa are being destroyed and the icecaps are melting.

Still Mankind continues on his way, destroying the valuable assets here on this planet and increasing the population until there will be nothing but concrete and high-rise buildings, as the mental pressure increases on the minds of all people and the little children are bemused or abused by an uncaring world.

Until individual people start taking responsibility instead of leaving it to others, there can be no peace, no change and no sanctity of life and existence.

Bloodshed and suffering is too frequently all about us in this modern word and the 21st Century, billed as the Age of Aquarius – an opportunity for new beginnings and a new Spiritual Age – is likely to result in a massive upheaval of negative ignorance, the worst that the world has ever seen.

The Man in the Street must start to stand up for his rights and the rights of others, whether they are human, animal or plant.  If the greed continues the whole fabric that holds this world together will continue to crumble and the predicted destruction of all benefits achieved will be flattened in the rush.

Kindness to individuals and a smiling countenance is a start.  Being aware of your neighbour and those who you pass by in the street is a start.  Friendliness first before aggression will help.

Until we all start to think and care about this world that we all live in and really make an effort to change our ways and build for the future instead of grabbing what we can for today, then there will be little left for our children and our grandchildren to enjoy and then you may hear them say, “Why didn’t our parents do something about it before it was too late…”

          Jenny and Michael Ayers
Friday, 4th May 2012

05 April 2012

Are We Worthy of the Seeds that are Sown in our Names or Do We Just Stand by and Watch? April 2012

Today starts the Festival of Easter with Maundy Thursday, that traditional day of the giving of Alms to the poor.  This is so often symbolic, as the giving of Maundy coins by the Queen makes the coins too valuable to be given to the poor and needy to buy bread.  Instead we all need to look into our hearts at what is there to give to those who are needy.

In Greece, the people are driven by extreme measures that are not of their making, but are the making of politicians, who falsified the books to join the European Community and then spent the money on grandiose schemes as if there was no tomorrow.

With the falling of the Euro, the pain and the distress of the people around the European Community is surely too much to bear.  When a man of seventy-seven shoots himself in protest on the steps of Government leaving his suicide note for all to read, will the politicians realise that it is their fault or will they hide behind the usual excuse of I did nothing wrong?

Until the people in authority own up to their responsibilities and stop lining their own pockets and polishing their egos, the people there can make no progress until everything has fallen and must be raised again from the ashes.

In Syria, the despot Assad continues to blast his people with death and torture, turning its cities into ghost towns that will have to rise again after Assad and his butchers are dead and gone.  The people will rebuild them when sanity is restored and goodness will take its rightful place in this world.

Why are there always men and women throughout the ages, who insist that they are right and that they are mightier that the Laws of the Universe?

Why do the people not take personal responsibility in stopping these madmen from taking their power and abusing their own people?

We are all in wake-up mode as the democracies around the world are beginning to raise their heads at last, as the seeds sown are being nurtured by the mind-sets of those who are strong enough to stand against tyranny.

In Burma, a lady has fought her way against all the odds to bring herself and her democratic party to the fore and will prevail.  Aung San Suu Kyi is a lady of strength and wisdom who has, like Nelson Mandela, refused to be silenced and has won the day.

We all need to look within ourselves and to see what we can do.  The Queen Elizabeth II hands out her Maundy Money to the deserving and sets us an example.

Are we deserving of all that we have?  Do we give to those in need and help to justify the wrongs that are all around us or are we too busy enjoying what we have to bother about other people?

If we do not do what is needed, then how can we expect to be considered when we are in need of some support, which by Universal Law will come to try us according to our ability to pay the piper?

Never think that you are alone and untouchable.  We are all connected and dependant on each other, so together we will succeed and alone we are nothing worthy of any name at all.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Thursday, 5th April 2012

05 March 2012

Find a Better Standard of Being Today - March 2012

Today the world is looking more like a battle zone than a land of harmony and love.  This planet still holds areas of great beauty and from outer space it still appears as a globe of immense beauty and peace.

What has gone wrong under the surface of the outer atmospheres that protect us all?  Why have we all allowed ourselves to be bamboozled into a state where one faction is always against another?

The ego that was planted in the mind-sets of all individuals that make up Mankind has been allowed to grow apace into areas that produce greater levels of negativity.

These are emotions of fear and greed and a requirement to have control over others.

The positive emotions are mainly muted and they are love and compassion and a feeling and a need of being able to stand together in peace and harmony and share and help each other.

The old adage of “What do I get out of it?” so very often stops people in their tracks and turns them away from helping another simply because their help is needed, but they don’t get rewarded.

This is too much a society of rewards for favours and if you look around the world you can see it at work through the corruption that exists in so many societies from the top to the bottom.

Until Mankind realises that all people have rights and that the effects of actions that affect us must be contained, so that all benefit from situations and justice, is even handed for rich and poor of any colour or religious upbringing.

There is too much failure by those who have, to help those who do not have and this applies both on a scale of nations as well as individual people.

Like the flight of an arrow, if we change the trajectory by a small amount it will hit a different target and so if we were all able to change our thinking as individuals to a more positive and loving state of being, then the greater consciousness would also change and the affairs throughout the world would be in better shape.

We must all take responsibility for our lives and what we do with them to serve the greater good and to make a positive difference through our being here.

Otherwise what is the point of a life to be lived alone for one’s own ego and to be disappointed every time we fall from an artificial high to a lowering of ourselves in the eyes of all who see us?

It is never too late to be more positive in the search for a better standard of being, so why not start today?
Jenny and Michael Ayers
5th March 2012

02 February 2012

See the Truth and Act upon It - February 2012

In times of change we must look to ourselves to see what we can do to facilitate change for the greater good.  We must see who we can help, as well as change our own thinking from one of self-interest to one of family, friends and acquaintances.

There is so much distress in the world at this time that one can be forgiven for keeping one’s head down and trying to believe that it is somebody elses job to clean up the mess.

But is this so?  We are all a part of the human race and we all take advantage of the good things that Mankind manages to get right, so we should also look to the other side of the coin and make an effort to do what we can to make sure that the not-so-good aspects of Man’s behaviour are discouraged.

If we decide to do nothing, then we are condoning these dreadful happenings that occupy our news headlines on a daily basis.  We all have our own responsibilities, but we also have a voice and we can let our feelings be known for the greater good of all people.

Communications have never been easier with social media being so easy to use and communications are today literally at our fingertips.  We all have opinions and we are not alone in many of them, so when likeminded people all over the world come together they can make a difference.

If we examine our consciences we all know what is right and what is wrong.  The difference between the good and the bad in life is that the good listen to their conscience while the bad do not.  We know this to be true.

However we must also look to the difference in the truth according to where we stand on various issues.  What is the difference for example between a terrorist and a freedom fighter?

Each one of us has had an experience seen from anothers point of view, which seriously disagreed with what we believed was the truth.  This is the important thing in life to stand back and see from other perspectives than our own.

We can do it with practice and a worthy heart – not for personal gain, but in truth to make the world a better place because we came and we responded to the realities of life and saw the truth and acted upon it.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
2nd February 2012

11 January 2012

Take the First Step and Change The World - January 2012

The Man in the Street must take the First Step to Change the World

We have all been watching the events around the World with some alarm and trepidation and rightly so, because the signs are very disquieting indeed.

However without a spiritual understanding of the ways things are, it would be a time of fear and anxiety, one feels hopeless against the trends of life which others have forged.

The dictatorships, which have been used to control people, so that the leaders and their families can live in luxury, while cheap exports of oil and gas is often exchanged for the safety of the rulers.

The financial markets, where bankers have traded greedily for big profits at the expense of the safety of their customers have caused share values and pension funds to be severely affected.

Until the man in the street is prepared to stand up against the bully and the tyrant, how can anyone expect the Higher Intelligence to come to our aid?

As always with free will we have to take the first step and demonstrate our seriousness that we wish matters to change in our lives.

Having done this, energies can be released to allow matters to change without the destruction of our minds and wellbeing, so that an equitable continuation of our being can be brought about through the partnership of the Spirit with our own being.

Often in order for matters to be put right, the whole has to be brought down so that a new and more solid foundation can be erected and brought into being.

This is not only in the home, but out in the streets of commerce and government.  Often sacrifices have to be made for the greater good as can be seen in the Middle East, where freedom has been won and sparked of others to fight for their liberty.

Restraint has to be shown in business and commerce as can be seen in America, where the World’s biggest democracy has grossly overspent in trying to police the World for its own welfare.

In Europe, the banking system has been crippled by the debt incurred through government spending and the Euro will continue to fall until the system is changed.

Some countries in the world are already bankrupt and will have to be re-floated through the sacrifices of their people, because of the poor government by their politicians.

It is not the leaders who suffer, but the people and they must have their say and elect better people to serve them.  The choices are with the people, who must peacefully insist on their rights and be obeyed.

Spiritual Law is on their side and there is help for all who ask for it.  We are all here to learn and to make a difference for the Greater Good and so we must be prepared to stand up and be counted, so that we may be helped to succeed.

Daily guidance is also given, if you know where to look, as the guides from higher worlds of living speak through the voices of those who have been trained to do this work.

So look for the truth and be guided by your inner voice, your conscience, and don’t be afraid to acknowledge the real reality and truth that is so obvious when seen in the right light of love and harmony.

 Amen to that.

Michael Ayers
11th January 2012

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