06 December 2009

From Ellen December - 2009

But Jesus called them unto him, and said, "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein."

Jenny and Michael are privileged to have received the above from a young lady called Ellen who lives in Surrey. She wrote this beautiful message which says it all and we who are grown up have much to learn from the innocent minds of children, who see many things far more clearly than we adults can.

God bless you Ellen and thank you.

01 November 2009

They Always Know Best - November 2009

Comes Directly from the Spirit and Teaches Us that

They Always know Best

I had woken up from a dream after having put out my thoughts the previous night for something to put in Our Messages today.

          In the dream, I had borrowed a neighbour's wheelbarrow to move a clump of yellow/golden flowers from the back of the garden round to the front garden, where they could be better seen.

I prepared the hole to receive the flowers and a good clump of soil, so as not to disturb their roots.

          As I arrived with the wheelbarrow and the flowers at the hole, I noticed that the tyre on the wheelbarrow had gone flat with the weight of its load.

I put the flowers in the hole and the tyre was definitely flat.

          I walked round to the neighbour and told him that I couldn't return his wheelbarrow until I had had the tyre repaired or replaced.

He walked back with me to look at the tyre.

          It was now pumped up and hard with air.

He gave me a strange look and, without a word, he took his wheelbarrow back next door to his own garden.

I was given a spiritual explanation.

          I had borrowed the wheelbarrow in good faith to move the yellow/golden coloured flowers, which were symbolic of 'God's' love and enlightenment to a place where they could be better seen and appreciated.

          The tools of my neighbour were faulty, like all man's attempts to make his puny progress.

I could not be held responsible for that, because I was doing my bit to bring greater enlightenment.

It would have been against Spiritual Law if I had been punished for doing the right thing with the right intentions.

Therefore the wheelbarrow was returned to the neighbour in better condition than he had lent it with an example of Spiritual Law, if he was able to turn his mind to its understanding.

Michael Ayers
Sunday, 1st November 2009

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03 October 2009

Being Reborn not Reincarnated - October 2009



I heard it said by a Spirit Guide, who is known on this earth plane as Magnus, that reincarnation was an insult to 'God' to suppose that 'He' had stopped making souls.

In his book Red Cloud Speaks from the trance teachings through Estelle Roberts, he asks us what would be the point in coming again and again because if you got it wrong before so you will again.  Here he explains more.

"The survival of the spirit after death of the material body is a natural law.  You pass to the Astral World, which I myself have often called a clearing station for the heavens and is the next approach for man beyond his earthly span of life.

"The next stage of his existence is very much akin to the state of your material world for the Spirit World is very closely associated with the matter-world.

"A man does not change his views, his beliefs or his ideas after leaving the body.  In the words of your Bible, "As a tree falleth so shall it lie," meaning that you are just the same after death as you were before it.

"How many of you believe your Bible and understand its teachings?   Your Bible is a book which teaches the psychic laws of the natural and spiritual world.

"Let us study for a while the last part of the book of St John the Divine in Revelation.  John is a psychic who could hear and contact this World from where I come, because he was a medium.

"If you read that book you will find these words, "It was upon the Lord's Day and I was in the Spirit," meaning that he was in contact with my World.  "And I heard a voice like a trumpet."

"He heard a voice from heaven saying, "Write!"  And John wrote.

"One of the points he wrote about in Revelation on two or three occasions was about the 'second death'.  Can you interpret that from your Bible or must we keep coming among you again and give you the Divine Revelation of the Spirit?

"To pass into the Astral World is not the beginning or the end.  You must realise that here and now.  Those words in the Bible are true.  They are the voice of Spirit speaking then as they continues to speak today.

"Unless you are born of the Spirit you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

This means that unless you blend your body, soul and mind with greater understanding of the Spirit in its eternity, you must pass backwards and forwards from the Astral to Earth.

"Until you are born to the fuller understanding you must still travel backwards and forwards.  You will not go very far away, but stay until a real desire makes you say, "How can I enter the Kingdom of Heaven?  What must I learn?"

"You must learn what Spirit is.  You have to register divine thought in its fullness before you can be born to Spirit.

"Directly man focuses his mind upon Divine Law, automatically, even after the death of the material body, he advances into the fullness of his divine being.

"He can enter into the fullness of the Lord, meaning the Law, but the second death is for those who return bankrupt of spiritual ideas.

"How can they advance upon the road when they don't know where it will lead them?  So automatically they enter my World and "As a tree falls so shall they die."

"When a man comes to my World he is not changed.  If he still disbelieves in spiritual law he will be the same after death as before.  He remains in that condition for twenty years onwards in the Astral World until he has obtained the fullness of that mature state.

"What happens to such a man?  He will die a second death.

"You are eternal at all times, for you can never be destroyed, but you must pass from state to state in that eternity until all the states are passed.

"After a period in the Astral World, if the ignorant mind which is dependent on matter is still bankrupt in its ideas of going forward, so the body automatically dies.

"The man is then born again and, as in this world you are born into a material body and pass through another state, so it is in this world.

"You advance to a certain state of mind and if it is spiritual then you understand these words, "Upon him the second death hath no power."

"You automatically expand in consciousness and become part of Divine Law and go on and on and on.

"If a man denies the reality of his spiritual self, he annihilates himself to the extent of that real kingdom, which is his inheritance and so according to the Law he dies in the Astral World, not of bodily disease but of disease of the mind, of error, which extinguishes the light which is his own reality.

"Therefore he is reborn; that is the second death, reborn into matter.  He may wonder why his body is diseased when his fellow men have healthy bodies.

"He does not realise that he has put into operation the Law of Cause and Effect that his body is caused by his own mind and so he blames 'God', not realising that the Eyes of 'God' are too pure to behold iniquity.

"You mould matter.  Matter does not mould you.  It is your state of consciousness that must not be lulled into a belief that all is well and that you will enter my World.

"There is a perpetual journey for those who deny the Universal Law of 'God's' consciousness in your midst and it is upon them that the second death falls – it is death and rebirth into the matter-world.

"It is time that you awoke from the belief that you are going to enter my World and then all your troubles will be past.  If you will only, here and now, direct your mental forces on the great and wondrous Law of Truth, it will strengthen and hold you.

"You have freewill and you have chosen to return to every incarnation and you still haven't woken up to the fact that you are eternal.

"You are here because you have chosen to be here.  Some come to learn and some come in service, some are evolved and some are spiritually bankrupt.

"You know the words, "There is nothing covered which shall not be revealed."

"The words of Spirit are given to every man to profit withal," not for one man, because 'God' has no respect for persons – neither do we but we are respecters of truth.

"There is plenty of time if you care to sleep or suffer confusion as a result, but you must sooner or later wake up to the truth and realise that to hate no man, but to serve men is to know 'God'.

"To do this is very hard, but it is only through this that you pass right through the Astral World and enter the first heaven as one of the disciples said, "I was caught up into the first heaven."

"You must be born again whether you like it or not, because it is fixed in your evolution and you can be born into that greater expanse and expression of life that is beyond the Astral or, automatically, you will die from the Astral and return to the matter-world.

"There you will take up according to your character, your belief, your desire and motive all that you have left undone and have done erroneously.

"No one will dictate to you – least of all shall we do so.  Whether in or out of body you must advance here and there or remain earthbound according to the individual's free will.

"You will persist after death, so learn the lesson now and thus escape confusion or you might have to return.  Understand now that you can live in that real world where there is no more suffering, no more sorrow and no more pain.

"That is the world where you really belong, but if you prefer to wander along the pathway of confusion and see through the glass darkly, living according to man made laws, that is your responsibility."

          We must all take personal responsibility for ourselves and seek to move forward with what 'God' had entrusted to us and that is the very essence of life itself.

          Until we learn to live in peace with each other and accept eternal life as a pathway to the 'Godhead', how can we expect any peace of mind, body and soul which can only be calmed by being embraced by the love of 'God', but first we all have to earn it.

Michael Ayers
Saturday, 3rd October 2009

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04 September 2009

Proof of the Healer - September 2009


Again I have been clearly shown a message to pass on to those who do not understand the strength of healing and how it is a physical gift from the ‘Godhead’ and, used truly by genuine healers, can and does bring spectacular results.

I am currently reading a book brought to my attention by spiritual means called The Romeo Error by Lyall Watson, who was educated in South Africa and Britain and took his PhD at London University.

He is a professional life scientist and writer, who is convinced that it no longer makes biological sense to distinguish between life and death on any level.

His book, which is both fascinating and absorbing, adds great importance for the understanding of life, death and our survival.

He says, “I find that most of the time my line of investigation brings me in the end directly to the place where my mystic friends have been operating all along, but unlike them I know exactly where I am, because I can look back along the line and see how I got there.

“So for those who find it hard to come to terms with other realities, I offer this imperfect route map that starts out in errancy and ends on the edge of an awesome new frontier.”

During the course of many fascinating encounters during the book, which I found very close to home and to my spiritual understanding of the reality of life and death, I read the following passage.

“Douglas Dean at the Newark College of Engineering has a photographic apparatus including a large copper plate which develops pulsed square waves of forty thousand volts.

“With this he has produced two of the most exciting pictures yet to emerge from the entire area.

“When Ethel DeLoach pressed her fingertip to the plate, it produced a lilac-coloured spray of fine threads radiating out about one centimetre from the pad in a pattern much like that made by anyone else ever tested in this way, but Mrs. DeLoach was not an ordinary person.

“She has a considerable reputation as a healer, so before the next photograph was taken, she was asked to place her free hand on the arm of a friend and to try to cure the sebaceous cyst that lay there as a lump beneath the skin.

“She applied herself mentally to this task of healing and exactly two and a half minutes later a second shot of her same finger was taken while still resting on the same spot on the copper plate.

“The picture is astonishing.

“It shows the black pad of the forefinger surrounded by the same hair-like mass of strands, now standing up straight and extending about twice as far from the skin, but right on the tip of the digit there is an entirely new display.

“Burning out from the surface is a vivid orange crown of flame like a ring of gas jets in a blast furnace.

“Here is a superb evidence of what seems to be a deliberate transfer of energy from healer to patient and, to complete the picture, Dean reports that the very next day the troublesome cyst had totally disappeared.”

There really is so much more to believe and understand these days about matters that we know are true, but so often we aren’t prepared to discuss it in case the unbelievers laugh at us.

However, in the end, we shall have the last laugh and in any case what is good should be encouraged and what is not can be dispensed with.

Michael Ayers
Friday, 4th September 2009

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01 August 2009

Try and Understand - August 2009



As with last month I was shown a very clearly the message to give here and so here it is.

There is continuing guidance being given as the light continues to shine through the Darkness of Ignorance as the Universal Force sends us understanding and eureka moments if we have the courage to grasp them.

They may be through the experience of others who we read or hear about when that light shone brightly and realisation became reality, but we need to be aware also of our own.

Through the last few decades The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Library of Nag Hammadi were exposed to man having lain hidden literally for centuries.

There are other breakthroughs happening all the time as men and women are guided, as they always have been when they listened, as spiritually guided people are when they hear ‘God’ speaking to them.

Moses and the prophets did exist and did speak and understand clairvoyance to pass on messages to people and this has been all through the centuries.

Of course there have always been good mediums and there have been charlatans. This has always been as man is a great mimic and always will cheat to make a fast buck and/or pander to his ego.

It has been Mankind, who has held back by the fear of being alone, who allowed others to dictate policy rather than listen to his voice within, where ‘God’s guidance comes from.

Every now and then there comes one stronger and with more strength, who stands out and speaks out. Joan of Arc was a simple girl who loved her voices and followed their lead and changed history.

Beware of being told by Man what is so, if it doesn’t fit with your inner voices, your conscience. I leave you with the words of Professor Andrew Parker in The Genesis Enigma, which ring so very true.

“In the nineteenth century the psychological dam built by the church to stem the flow of geological discovery finally burst, under the pressure of a torrent of independent evidence from a myriad scientific studies.

“It became personally safe to engage in scientific study of the natural world, and the Victorians in Britain, and their neighbours on the European continent and in North America, didn’t hold back.

“Progress was rapid as the new model scientists made up for lost time – rocks and fossils would surely have been understood earlier, perhaps back in the Renaissance, had it not been for the looming wrath of religion.

“But that’s religion – the human interpretation of God Himself, heavily influenced by certain personalities – not God Himself. It is perhaps ironic that Darwin would become the target of religious criticism when, had it not been for religion, natural selection would probably have been expounded before his time.

“Maybe Darwin would have discovered DNA?”

Andrew Parker

I can’t help remembering that Pythagoras, living some five hundred years before Christ, declared that this planet was round after seeing the shadow of the Earth during a lunar eclipse and he saw order and harmony in the universe. The Earth however still stayed at the centre with the Sun revolving around it.

Nearly five hundred years after the birth of Christ Columbus had difficulty obtaining support for his plan because Europeans thought
the Earth was flat.

It saddens me that the church, despite their alleged lines of communication with ‘God’ were still persecuting learned men such as Galileo Galilei for the heresy of saying that the Sun was at the centre of our planetary system.

What I do know is that we all have our own direct lines of communication to ‘God’ if only we would believe it and trust, because no one can walk another’s pathway and that includes the religions of the world.

There is a great lesson here for us all and that is that we must learn to accept change and not deny the facts which don’t fit our belief system.

However uncomfortable they may be, we must learn to change the belief system to accommodate the facts.
Michael Ayers
1st August 2009

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02 July 2009

Light to All who Travel - July 2009


Last month I was shown a very clear message to give here and here it is.

I was shown a clear vision through my own eyes of wading through the undergrowth of a large wood. It was hard going with my eyes open.

My eyes were my spiritual guides – imagine what it would be like without them with all the thorns and briars – without spiritual light into the darkness.

Our guides know what is best for us to develop and so they guide us through what we need to progress and help others, so that we move on and find our purpose in life, which is our destiny and why we chose to come.

Those who understand this have already found their path so that they can move on to help others.

Michael Ayers
Thursday, 2nd July 2009

Mandela’s Message

From his 1994 Inaugural Speech

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

“Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

“It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

“We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?”

“Actually, who are you NOT to be?

“You are a child of God.

“Your playing small does not serve the World.

“There is nothing enlightened about shrinking the glory of God that is within us.

“It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone and, as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

“As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

“Nelson Mandela.”

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02 June 2009

Love to the Courageous - June 2009


I had been wondering what to write about here this month and then, as so often happens it just came from out of the blue, which is another way of saying that my Guides brought in the necessary, as they always do.

“God bless them for all they do,” I say.

Nancy Regan, the former US First Lady, has had the courage to speak out in Vanity Fair and I quote directly from that magazine.

On life after Ronnie
“I miss Ronnie a lot, an awful lot,” Reagan admits. “People say it gets better. No, it does not.”
“It sounds strange, but … I see Ronnie. At night time, if I wake up, I think Ronnie’s there, and I start to talk to him. It’s not important what I say. But the fact is, I do think he’s there. And I see him.”

I say, “Well done Nancy” to have the courage and love to speak out. If we all spoke out about our experiences with those that had gone before us, there would be greater understanding of the realities of life and death.

I am able to speak out also and all my experience after my beloved wife Libby passed with Breast Cancer at the age of 52, is recorded in a book to be published called Living Proof.

These words were written about the book by Professor Ronald Denney after he had read the manuscript.

"Occasionally in life we come across something which is different and quite exceptional. Living Proof comes in that category. It is not often that a mature male opens his heart and mind to the world in order that other people can feel and follow the traumas he has gone through seeing his wife die. The difference in this book is the way in which Michael Ayers' wife, Libby, has been able to reach back to him from the Spirit World in order to help him overcome the depression following her death and to develop his own spiritual gifts that serve to guide and heal others.

Michael Ayers has the openness to talk about life after death and direct communication with the dead. This is something to which few people will admit, but which some experience and many hope will occur when their loved ones depart this Earth."

Unashamedly I am awaiting the right publisher. Our guides have told us that he is out there and at the right time he will appear and take over the completed book.

All is done and it is formatted page by page and the cover is complete, but it needs Spiritualist Guidance as my experiences are too precious and too personal to be marketed solely for money.

I was asked by Libby, after her death, to keep a journal of all the spiritual things that happened to me, so that one day it could be published to help other people.

Now the book is ready and spans the time from her death on 7th October 1999 until I remarried again on 30th March 2002.

In that time I was helped and guided spiritually by my beloved Libby, who showed and taught me the way through bereavement and into the spiritual light, so that I could love again and work for the benefit of all Mankind with my new wife Jenny.

I was guided then and we are guided now and we all work in the divine energy to bring enlightenment and love to all who care enough to explore
www.living-proof.biz and www.spiritualist-guidance.org.

The book is there and is written honestly and in total truth for the right publisher to be guided by the Spirit Realms above to take it over and give it to the people to read, enjoy and understand.

Nancy Reagan is but one of many, who like myself, know that our beloved ones are there still and love us as we love them.

All I ask is that we are not afraid to nail our colours to the mast and speak out for what is true, so that others may learn and share the realities of life and death together.
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Tuesday, 2nd June 2009

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04 May 2009

Some Practical Advice - May 2009


Meditation is a very personal thing. Many people do it to bring about a total relaxed state and when practiced can bring about an altered state of awareness.

It is at these times that you can connect with your higher self and are able to bring yourself deep subconscious views.

Questions that you may want answered, if you are in need, seem readily given to you and often a person experiences a feeling of wellbeing and much calm.

It has very therapeutic effects not only on the mind but on the body as well.

People often see their blood pressure calm down and their body experiencing a total release of tension and anxiety.


We are living through very exciting times and those of you who have been following the messages given by Mustafa cannot have failed to see what he has told us now happening in the world outside.

The break up of this Government and his prediction of a forthcoming election are taking place as we speak/write.

We would like to take this opportunity to put matters straight over a remark that we heard recently from north Kent, “Spirit doesn’t get involved in politics”.

Some spiritualists of the old dyed in the wool brigade don’t get involved in politics in case it upsets their cosy little apple carts.

It has to be said that ‘God’ doesn’t agree with them. ‘His’ laws equally apply to Governments, corporations, institutions, churches and equally to spiritualists.

The Laws of Cause and Effect applies everywhere to all people and by collective responsibility to all groups of people.

Our guides serve ‘God’ and apply and teach ‘His’ Laws as all Higher Guides and Beings of Light do. To ignore this is to fail miserably in understanding what ‘God’ stands for.

Spiritualism isn’t simply a case of giving evidence of survival and then going home and feeling smug that you got some people to agree with what you gave.

The Higher Guides give direction to us all if we only listen. They are directed from On High to teach us to live together in love and harmony and to obey the Laws of the ‘Godhead’.

We are told that this Government has broken the Laws of Cause and Effect and thus it will pay the price, as the people in this country are going to have to learn.

The Wake Up call has been given out. If those who are too cosy in their little lives to heed it then, so be it - you will be reminded again and again.

What is happening in the country and abroad is the Laws of Cause and Effect on all the materialism and the greed and avarice that has been taking place.

Watch out if you are too cosy to heed the guides and the voice of ‘God’. Read the words of Mustafa and be amazed at his accuracy and compassion in warning a sleepy World to wake up and take action before it is too late.

Help from
the Realms of Spirit are there for all who heed the call. If you are mediumistic and don’t believe what you are being told, then ask your Higher Guides if you have any and see who is right, you or ‘God’.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Monday, 4th May 2009

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01 April 2009

A Happy Eostre to All People - April 2009


Easter is often said to be ‘as old as Christianity itself, so as Laurence Gardner states in his excellent book The Grail Enigma “it is surprising that the first ever mention of this feast day comes from no earlier than the 4th century.”

Apparently in AD190 Eusebius stated in his Ecclesiastical History that there was a lot of controversy in Christian circles about whether the Lord’s suffering should be in line with the Jewish Passover on 14th Nissan or if the third day should always fall on a Sunday. Pope Victor decided on the latter.

At the Council of Nicaea in AD 325 it was decided that for the feast day to always fall on a Sunday it had to be a movable feast. It was agreed to hold the Christian festival on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the vernal equinox.

It was called the Lord’s Day, the Pascha of Jesus and even Christ’s Passover, but still there was no mention of the word Easter.

Three hundred years elapsed before there was another Paschal Debate when the bishops decided to dissociate the Christian festival with the Jewish Passover.

In the Book of Exodus God had instructed Moses to kill an unblemished male lamb and it should be roasted and eaten with herbs and unleavened bread.

This annual thanksgiving was called the Paschal Lamb, but as the Christian bishops decided that Jesus was the Lamb of God he was the Jewish sacrifice at the time of his Jewish Passover crucifixion.

They somehow believed that the Jews were celebrating the suffering of Jesus and called it abominable heresy, so they wished to stand as far back from Passover as possible.

Pope Gregory (590-604) was told by his missionaries in Britain that the people there were ignorant of the Roman directive concerning the Pascha of Jesus.

They were celebrating an annual event instead that they caller ‘Easter’. This was nothing to do with Jesus or the Roman Church as Christianity in Britain since Eusebius had written in AD 330 that the “apostles passed beyond the ocean to the isles called the British Isles”.

In 597 Pope Gregory dispatched Augustine to England to investigate the situation and to establish Catholicism in this country. It took him four years to acquire a suitable property and proclaim himself the first Archbishop of Canterbury.

His attempt to become Primate of the Celtic Church failed as these Christians were more Nazarene that the Roman. It was reported half a century later by the venerable Bede that at Whitby in AD 664 the Roman Church tried to overwhelm the Celtic community with regards to Easter.

The Roman bishops simply adopted the name of Easter and applied it to the Pascha festival and thus usurping Celtic tradition by a nominal takeover.

The Celts continued as before, but the Catholics aligned their festival of the resurrection of Jesus with Easter and suppressed the true origins as time went by.

Hence it is customary at Easter or Eostre to celebrate the Goddess of Spring and her festival at the time of the vernal equinox, just a little before the Jewish Passover.

With equal day and night length the Holly King was reborn and when Eostre appeared on the vines to present the Eostre egg of her fertility.

Her personal emblem was the young rabbit, the Eostre bunny, and she was portrayed with an abundance of spring flowers. Coloured eggs were given as presents and seeds were planted.

Homes were also spring cleaned and buns were baked with solar crosses and baskets were woven in a way that the birds made their nests.

In reality Easter is now recognised as a Christian festival and the Roman strategy hasn’t entire succeeded as many of the popular symbols of the original celebrations still persist 1,300 years after the Synod of Whitby.

Nevertheless we wish everybody throughout the World a happy time this Eostre, whether you live in the northern or southern hemisphere and whether you celebrate the Pascha festival, the Passover of Jesus or the goddess of springtime.

The important message is to remember that Jesus taught us to love our fellow man and woman and that if we love those who chose to be our enemies we will find peace and love in abundance in the Spirit Realms after we leave this earthly plane of existence.

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06 March 2009

The Rollright Stones - March 2009

Messages for JENNY and MICHAEL AYERS from the ROLLRIGHT STONES, Oxfordshire on Wednesday, 25th February 2009

Jenny asked permission for us to enter this circle of historical stones:

“On this glorious Wednesday afternoon we ask permission to enter into this divine circle of stones. We come in love and peace.”

Michael was told, “You are very welcome”.

“Thank you for your permission,” said Jenny.

We then walked round the inside of the circle of ancient stones and recorded the messages that were given clairvoyantly to us.

First three stones: “It is a great time for the future for you.”

Second: “Peace and love be with you always.”

Third: “Don’t feel sorry for what has gone on in the past.”

Fourth: “Have some sleepy time together.”

Fifth: “Happiness is born out of love.”

Sixth: “Sentiment can be too hard to bear.”

Seventh: “Be at peace always.”

Eighth: “Your studying will be your worth.”

Ninth: “Big times ahead.”

Tenth: “Symbolism of these stones is your courage.”

Eleventh: “Be at peace but not too much.”

Twelfth from the Hare Stone: “Don’t look now because you are being watched.”

Thirteenth: “We gather here to give you strength and courage.”

Fourteenth: “Know that you are always loved.”

Fifteenth: “You will know what you want before it is given to you.”

Sixteenth: “My mind is at rest. Let yours be also.”

Seventeenth: “We come to give you great joy.”

Eighteenth: “The learning has been hard but is getting easier now.”

Nineteenth: “Want what you can get always.”

Twentieth: “The mystery is in the not knowing.”

Twenty-first: “I cannot help you. Only ‘God’ can.”

Twenty-second: “We are the servants of this World.”

Twenty-third: “The mastery is in the making.”

Twenty-fourth: “Systematically think positively.”

Twenty-fifth: “We await your pleasure.”

Twenty-sixth: “The great miracle of life is here before.”

Twenty-seventh: “No excuses can be made before ‘God’.”

Twenty-eighth: “The wisdom comes forth.”

Twenty-ninth: “Enlightenment is your true awakening.”

Thirtieth: “Hold your tongues and think again.”

Thirty-first: “It’s people that get you down – not ‘God’.”

Thirty-second, a little stone: “I may be small but I am mighty indeed.”

Thirty-third: “Miracles do actually happen and they happen to you.”

Thirty-fourth: “We need your peace right now.”

Thirty-fifth: “We gather here to give you strength today and for this weekend ahead.”

Thirty-sixth: “Vibrational energies are great here.”

Thirty-seventh: “Your purpose in life is to give. Our purpose in life is to give greater.”

Thirty-eighth: “All hope is never dashed.”

Thirty-ninth: “Be sweet to each other.”

Fortieth: “This is hallowed turf.”

Forty-first: “I watch over you always.”

Forty-second: “Meaning for things comes naturally.”

Forty-third: “When one is lost ‘God’ always finds them.”

Forty-fourth: “We are here to serve as much as you.”

Forty-fifth: “Complications in life can sometimes be beautiful.”

Forty-sixth: “Sleep easy. We do.”

Forty-seventh: “The harmony of life is not always there, but is coming.”

Forty-eighth: “You won’t ever walk alone.”

Forty-ninth: “We protect you always.”

Fiftieth: “Seeing really is believing.”

Fifty-first: “I have a little sigh, but it is one of joy.”

Fifty-second: “Whisper it not. Cry it out to the World.”

Fifty-third: “What more do you want? You have everything.”

Fifty-fourth: “The support system that you always wanted is always there for you.”

Fifty-fifth: “I am allowed to be a bother to the rest of them.”

“Thank you all very much for your words of wisdom and your love in harmony and truth,” said Michael.

“We always look forward to coming to see you and we will come again.

Be at peace and wait for us as we go about our busy worldly ways to do ‘God’s’ will and to bring love and harmony to those who are in such need at this time.

Thank you for the healing that you have given to us as we give healing to those in need throughout the World. God bless you, Amen.”

“Amen,” said Jenny and we took our leave, but not before Michael had walked once more round the inside of the circle a taken a photograph of each and every stone.

17 February 2009

Healing with Sister Charlotte - February 2009

Sister Charlotte

Jenny’s healing nun is called Sister Charlotte, who gave her life to the Order of St. Vincent de Paul in France and the many who have received healing through Jenny’s hands, may well bless her name.
Often clients have taken home with them the name of Sister Charlotte and called upon her for healing in their hour of pain, which she always answers.
Michael felt drawn to put out this message to honour this tireless and loving soul who gives so much relief and joy to so many through Jenny’s healing hands.

Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul

A congregation of women with simple vows, founded in 1633 and devoted to corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Their full title is Sisters or Daughters of Charity (the founder preferred the latter term), Servants of the Sick Poor.
The term "of St. Vincent de Paul" has been added to distinguish them form several communities of Sisters of Charity, animated with a similar spirit, among whom they rank in priority of origin and greatness of numbers.
They have always been popularly known in France as "the Grey Sisters" from the colour of their habit, which is bluish grey, but are not to be confounded with the Grey Nuns, a community will known in Canada and New England.
They are not infrequently called the sisters of St. Vincent de Paul, though a recent French congregation having this saint for their patron, bears that name.

Vincent de Paul
(24 April 1581 – 27 September 1660) was a Catholic priest dedicated to serving the poor, who is venerated as a saint.

De Paul was born in Landes, Gascony, France, to a peasant family. He had three brothers and two sisters.

De Paul studied hard
humanitieson Dax, France with the Cordeliers and he graduated in theology at Toulouse. He was ordained in 1600, remaining in Toulouse until he went to Marseille for an inheritance. In 1605, on his way back from Marseille, he was taken captive by Turkish pirates, who brought him to Tunis and sold him into slavery. After converting his owner to Christianity, Vincent de Paul was freed in 1607.

After returning to France, De Paul went to Rome to continue studying until 1609, when he was sent back to France on a mission to
Henry IV of France; he served as chaplain to Marguerite de Valois. For a while he was parish priest at Clichy, but in 1612 he began to serve the Gondi family. He was confessor and spiritual director to Mme de Gondi, and he began giving peasant missions on the estate with her aid.

In 1622 De Paul was appointed chaplain to the galleys, and in this capacity he gave missions for the galley-slaves.

De Paul founded the
Lazarists, and with Louise de Marillac he founded the Daughters of Charity. He also fought against the Jansenist heresy.

Towards the end of his life, De Paul suffered from serious ill-health, and he died on 27 September 1660.


In 1705, the Superior-General of the Lazarists requested that the process of his
canonization might be instituted. On 13 August 1729, Vincent was declared Blessed by Pope Benedict XIII. He was canonized nearly eight years later by Pope Clement XII on 16 June 1737. In 1885, Pope Leo XIII gave him as patron to the sisters of Charity. He is also patron to the Brothers of Charity.

St. Vincent's body was exhumed in 1712, 53 years after his death. The written account of an eye witness states that "...(t)he eyes and nose alone showed some decay." However, when the body was exhumed again during the canonization in 1737 it was then discovered to have decomposed due to an underground flood.

His bones have been encased in a waxen figure which is displayed in a glass reliquary in the chapel of the headquarters of the Vincentian fathers in Paris. His heart is still incorrupt, and is displayed in a reliquary in the chapel of the motherhouse of the Sisters of Charity in Paris.

In 1737, his feast day was included in the Roman Calendar on 19 July, because his day of death was already used for the feast of Saints Cosmas and Damian. It was originally to be celebrated with the rank of "Double", which was changed to the equivalent rank of "Third-Class Feast" in 1960.

In the Novus Ordo calendar, he is remembered with a memorial on 27 September, Cosmas and Damian having been moved to 26 September to make way for him, as he is now better known in the West.

DePaul University takes its name from Vincent de Paul.