03 December 2015

Is It All a Pantomime?

          The future for all of us is in the balance, as Governments continue with what they know best and that is to smash and destroy countries who do not agree with them!  There are many different policies now, especially centred on the Middle East, where nations are only out for what they can get.

          It is a scandal that countries are funding and trading with the perceived enemy for their own individual needs and requirements, rather than working for the greater good of their people and their neighbours.

          The history of Mankind shows very clearly that violence begets violence and as it rises to a greater height an empire is born, so then, in due time, it falls and all is lost and swallowed up again.

          Where there are outbreaks of love and harmony around the world, they are distrusted and sabotaged by the aggressive and hungry barons of the killing machines, who are never satisfied, but always want deals for themselves.

          After two World Wars one could be forgiven for thinking that humanity had had enough of bloodletting and destruction.  It seems as though the peace-loving souls are sleepwalking through their lives and prefer the status quo rather than try and change the balance of power.

          The reality is that this world is falling into disrepair and disrepute.  It has been ravaged for too long and now there are only a few futile efforts between nations to try and stem the flow of Climate Change without actually doing anything seriously.

          Anything that costs them money and therefore reduces their productivity is looked on as a nonstarter!  Somebody else must pay!  If you want us to change our dirty habits you must pay us to do so.

          Where is the common sense that by carrying on in this way there won’t be any future for any nation?  Resources are being squandered on such a mega scale that there won’t be enough raw materials to go around at this rate.

          What is being missed is that as the world weather changes and the seas levels rise, there will be more famine caused by extremes of weather and with the resistance to antibiotics there will be less food and more disease to cope with.

          The relief organisations are already being stretched.  With an increasing population, backed by the selfish religious institutions that seem only to count in the numbers of their congregation and not in the misery caused by over populating, there is a new level of poverty that isn’t being addressed.

          How can they justify the wealth and grandeur of their lives and the buildings that they frequent with the poverty of many of their followers around the world?  Is their faith based on trust?  Is this the sort of trust that says that we have got away with it for thousands of years and so why shouldn’t we continue in the same vein?

          The good people are asleep!  They have moved away from the antics of their Governments and their religious houses to just live within their own little world of likeminded family and friends.

          By shutting their eyes to the outcomes of these continuing events, we must ask them what future they see for their children and their children’s children.  Are they expecting a fairy godmother to come and take Cinderella to the ball and dismiss the ugly sisters to their fate?

          There are quite literally good and bad factors here and we can see the mistakes of Governments, as the uncaring and selfish acts of the ugly sisters, while the good Cinderella slaves away for little reward, but will be saved in the end, because she cares for goodness and love, which she believes is inherent in all people.

          The answer here is that the love is there in all of us, but the hate and the greed has to be learned!  See how the dictators over the decades have dominated their people and even used genocide and ethnic cleansing to weed out the people that they do not want there.

          We must start to speak up for the rights of human kind and to see that all are respected and understood.  We never know when we are going to find ourselves in uncomfortable situations and our charmed life starts to fade.

          There are so many dangers in today’s world that we cannot seriously believe that Man has the answers to all these problems of his own creating.  If there is no Higher Intelligence then we are heading for certain doom and gloom.

          It is unthinkable that there is nothing more intelligent and loving beyond our own horizons, so we must all look within ourselves to find the solutions and seek to follow our conscience knowing what is right and what is wrong.
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Thursday, 3rd December 2015

04 November 2015

Remember Who Is Your Neighbour

The world is changing and it will be for the better.        We are all created in unconditional love by a Higher Intelligence and we were given the right to choose and a conscience to guide us.

          We all have to take responsibility for our own lives and what we do with them.  It is not about grabbing the best for ourselves, but for living in harmony and sharing what we can with those who are in greater need than we are.

          Many go into caring professions and are able to help those who are sick and in pain.  Suffering is a condition that should never be born alone and those who have loving vibrations and practical skills are able to ease the condition of many.

          Those who are in the business of making money and creating wealth for a small number of people are doing a disservice to the Greater Good, which is made up of all souls from the poorest to the leaders, who promise to serve their people.

           As we grow older and advance in years from being born on this plane of existence, we should be able to understand more the needs of others through our experiences, which do not just happen, but are placed on our pathway of learning.

          What we choose to do with these experiences depends on our ego and the size of our ambitions.  Some people just want to be rich and famous and have no interest in their fellow man, woman and child.

          Others give up their time to serve, as for example the Doctors Without Borders, where men and women use their medical skills to administer to those who are in the greatest need and they risk their lives when doing so.

          There are many unsung heroes all around the world, who simply help where they see a need and ask nothing in return for their unconditional love and generosity.  They do not pass by on the other side, but actively become involved.

          If these souls did not do what they do to make a difference and to show that their being here was a worthwhile exercise, then the world would be in a worst state than it already is.

The main problem is that love has been turned into hate in many areas of the world.  Love is what we were made in by our Creator’s unconditional love and is inherent within our makeup.

Hate is not a natural element and has to be taught.  It is fanned by extremists, who care little for others as long as their power over others is large and increasing.  It can often be associated with religious fanaticism.

Where there are democracies in the world, there are opportunities for the people to express their feelings through a ballot box on how they wish their country to be run and whether the natural compassion of love and kindliness prevails and their leaders need to address the hatred and oppression of their neighbours.

Far too often nations trade with other nations for profit alone and totally ignore the human suffering that exists within that country and the archaic laws that oppress their people.

There is too much tolerance of bad behaviour, while not giving incentives to the advancement of the Greater Good.  Nobody should be afraid to stand up for their principles if they are based on the rights and wrongs of their own conscience.

It is not until one has lost items of great value, such as a loved one or ones freedom of movement or expression, that the plight of others comes home to roost in the mind-sets of the more comfortable off.

We all have a contribution to make to help our fellow man, woman and child and to see that they are not left wanting while we perhaps enjoy the pleasures of a more comfortable life.

          Let us all be aware, as winter approaches, that there are millions of refuges and souls who have lost so much, who are in much need of understanding by Governments as well as individuals.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Wednesday, 4th November 2015

05 October 2015

Hold Fast to the Quiet Times, When You Need Them Most

          In all the world, in all the ages, the pace of this one is increasing at an almost unstoppable rate.  It is hard to keep our feet still on the ground, because everything around one is moving in such a fury.

          The pace never seems to slacken from morning to night, as the rush to be somewhere continues to drive us forwards.  We continue to fill our day with more than it can hold and expect to be strong enough to do the same tomorrow.

          This is not sustainable and the answer to it all is to slow down and to take some valuable time out for ourselves.  It is in that quiet time that we can be recharged both medically and spiritually and a better direction is often given.

          If we are to be above the rat race and apart from the lemmings heading for that cliff, we must be aware that we are finite and can only take so much battering before the alarm bells start to ring.

          To take our responsibilities seriously is a good thing, but we must be aware of our own frailties and weaknesses.  We have our strengths too of course, but to overwork them is to make us weaker and unable to fulfil our potential.

          We see others apparently coping almost effortlessly, but we cannot see what pain may be driving them inside.  Let us make sure that we can take time out for ourselves, so that within that space we can see hope ahead and happiness on a daily basis.

          The calming of the spiritual energies give us an opportunity to listen for a change and to receive communication from mind to mind, which allows the spiritual guides and mentors to make direct contact with us and to explain what we need to do and how to go about those trickiest of problems.

          We were not made to be alone, but came to live an earthly existence in a physical body as part of a team with our guides and mentors aiding us along our spiritual journey.

          However, if we insist in turning our backs on their good advice, how can we complain when we rush off on our own impulsion and get things wrong and are then in such a daily whorl that we have no time to relax and find the quietness within which they work?

          We all need to find a balance between the physical and the spiritual without violent extremes and bumpy passages.  Too many of us think that we don’t need any other intelligence to guide us, because we are in control!

          This may seem to be so for a while, but we do not have the sustainability or the foresight to keep it going.  How can we?  We do not have all the advantages that our spiritual team are supplied with to help and keep us going on the right pathway of life.

          All spiritual gifts have to be earned and, when we have done so, we are equipped to use them to advantage and to make a better life for ourselves and for those around us.

          The Spiritual Philosophy is all about living it and putting into practice on this plane of existence, then we can find happiness and feel the quality of life as we live it.

          Other philosophies are all about death and giving all that you have to their causes before you die and then you are on your own!

The Spiritual Life is all about living right according to Spiritual Law and then to continue living in happiness from one life to the next and it is all run on love.
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Monday, 5th October 2015

04 September 2015

We Need To Create Heaven Within

Know that the sun is there to lift your spirits.  It will always shine on your anxieties and melt the very things which disturb your happiness.  You cannot achieve all that you want in life, but you can be certain that the sun will rise every morning and bring you hope.

          If you care to look back through the history of Mankind’s advancement in his thinking and being, you will see that the early gods, which he chose to worship, were the sun.  He gave them many different names, but all around the world, in the early days, he chose the sun to be represented by a figure and that figure to always represent the sun.

          This is not as primitive as it may sound and just because we live in an age of science and technology, we mustn’t look back on our ancestors and mock their limited knowledge compared with what we are blessed to know.

          It must be said that many people still worship the sun in their own way.  People are happier when the sun shines, as the vibrational energies which it sends are lighter and warmer to our senses.

          Many people after a long hard winter, especially those who live in the northern countries, can be found in the spring sitting on seats in parks during their lunch breaks with their eyes closed and allowing the warm and lighter energies to be adsorbed by their bodies.

          They feel recharged and strengthened and are able to continue with their work and play in a more positive and happier way.  Exposure to the sunshine gives our bodies the important Vitamin D, which helps to regulate the strength of our bone structure.

          Many of the old mosaics in the early years of Christianity depicted Jesus as Helios, the sun god.  Helios drove a chariot of four horses and represented the sun crossing the sky from east to west and into the darkness, but always arriving in the east to bring in the dawn of the new day.

Jesus was possibly depicted as the sun god, because the sun is essential to our life on earth, as without it there would be no plant life and humanity would starve with the rest of the Animal Kingdom.

 To many of us it is unthinkable to live without Jesus in our lives.  His teachings were of how we should behave and live together in perfect harmony and progress towards the next world by bringing the Kingdom of Heaven into this one for all to enjoy.

He taught about enlightenment and love, which are the very essence of life.  He brought healing to those who were sick and never judged anyone.  The parallels that he brought are still as valid then as they are today.

He taught us about the calm that is within us all, where our spiritual life and being is centred.  This is where he can still be found today if we allow him to come into the quietness of our meditation, when we are not distracted by any outside influence.

This does not occur with religion, where the dogma and noise distracts the worshipper from the Creator and the message that his representative brings to the earth plane.  Jesus works on a one to one basis and not to a crowd that is distracted by the scripted service devised by men according to their own rules.

It seem that the spiritual aspects have been deliberately taken out and vanquished and the interaction between this world and the spiritual energies that exist, where there is love and harmony together, can come into our lives and make us stronger and more understanding of what Jesus taught.

Is it surprising that people are moving away from the restrictions that are placed on the individual free thinker and who is searching for the truth and justice for all through Laws of the Universe given to all, who have an interest in righteousness and fair justice for all?

We are all responsible for how we conduct our own lives and we will surely be shown the error of our ways, when we pass beyond this earth plane of negative actions and self-interest.  It is a wise man or woman indeed, who has looked at their lives and how they live together with others for the Greater Good.

We have the sun and the enlightenment of Jesus’ words, which give us hope and direction, so that we have ways clearly signposted on how we should live together with others and find our way together for a better world beyond, that which we call heaven.

Thus we need to create heaven in our own hearts and minds, so that we cannot fail and will always know that we are guided and shown how to do our best for ourselves and others to bring about the Greater Good.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Friday, 4th September 2015

03 August 2015

Out of the Blue the Unexpected Throws Us off Balance

          So often we cannot see what is ahead of us and we find that we appear to be dropped from what we had expected through no fault of our own.  It usually catches us in the pit of our stomachs, when we least expect it.

          It is not a pleasant situation and we feel as though we have done something wrong and we tend to blame ourselves that it has happened, little realising at this time that we are the victims of other people’s decisions, which have let us down.

          We have to learn to be rational and to observe the happening in the light of reality and not as a blind swipe to knock us off balance.  Often with the help of hindsight, we are able to see that we are better off because it happened and, had we continued blindly on, we would have found ourselves in less advantaged positions.

          When we look back it is often said that ‘I was blessed that it happened when it did, because I was saved from a disaster that was lurching round the corner that I was totally unware of at that time.’

Those of us, who know that we are looked after by the constant love and dedication of our guides or guardian angels, know that they would not let us fall and that there was always a reason why we found ourselves at the sharp end of some happening or other, that we didn’t like at the time.

It maybe that we are given a lesson to learn and from it we will strengthen our resolve and understanding of this progressive life that we find ourselves in here on this earth plane.  One thing is certain and that is that we didn’t get given this life simply to enjoy ourselves!

We are here with a purpose and must try and live in harmony and make this world a better place than it was before we came.  We are all connected in some way and those we meet along the way have something to share with us and for us to share with them.

We are all dependant on the actions of others to steer us through this life and we need to realise that it is not a perfect world.  Not yet at least and there are those who will let us down by making decisions, which affect us without them seeing the consequences of their actions.

The truth is always there, but it depends on where you are standing when you see it.  To some people it is quite different from the way that others see it, as they are putting their own interests in there and that will colour what they want to see and how they see it.

In order to understand the purity of the truth, we need to be able to see it from all angles.  That in this world is very difficult to do, because as we have said it all depends on how you view it.  We don’t always want to accept the premises that rule others.

          When we are able to see in pure honesty and love how a situation really is, then we are using our mind-sets to full capacity and we have developed a divine approach, which is normally denied to us as human beings.

          We are really here to learn and experience the emotions and choices, which are offered to us on this earth plane.  At first we will struggle to cope and understand, but as we mature and accept that there is a Higher Intelligence above our own, it becomes easier.

          There are always some hard knocks to experience and hard choices to make, but as we develop we are able to take them more in our stride and not simple call out and blame someone else, because it is never our fault, is it?

          When we are able to identify with others as to what is the best possible outcome of a situation, we are able to go forward with a strength and confidence to make the right choices and to think the matter through before we act.

          Sometimes we make almost instant decisions and it is only later, after it is too late to change anything, that we realise the hurt and pain our actions have caused others.  Are they being shocked at what has happened and have they been hit in the pit of their stomach, because we didn’t choose to think of the consequences of our actions?

          It is no use trying to undo what we did so hastily, as that is always much more difficult.  It is always best to think everything through first and after a rational balancing of all the facts that are available to us, we can make our move.

          Time is always available for good counselling and for making a better choice, so why do we not apply it more often rather than allowing our first interests and emotions to carry sway?  We all know that it makes sense!

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Monday, 3rd August 2015

03 July 2015

We Were Told To Love One Another and Make This World a Better Place

          As the temperatures heat up in Europe and the news of smashed historical sites and the selling off of artefacts continues to fund extremists in the Middle East, it is worth reflecting on the massive and increasing production of opium in Afghanistan and cocaine in South America.

          Huge amounts of money are being made from the production to the sale of these drugs to fuel misery and hardship of people trapped in their own mistakes and poverty.

          There is no quick fix to addiction, which is encouraged by the purveyors of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.  It is wrongly said that one won’t hurt you, but it is the first one that starts the journey to continued abuse and addiction from which there is only a long road of pain.

          With the massive amounts of weapons used in the wars around the world, it seems difficult to understand how and why the drug barons continue to trade almost at will.

          They couldn’t work without the corruption and bribery of people all along the line from Custom’s Officials and Law Enforcement Officers to politicians and others in high office, who benefit from backhanders by turning a blind eye.

          It is a common trait in this 21st Century world that the greed of man takes precedence over the greater good of the people.  We were told to love one another and make this world a better place.

          However, intolerance of another’s belief system and the increasing abuse of women and children on all continents of this world go to prove that we are doing nothing of the sort.

          The leaders of nations have only their own interests at heart and it seems that lining their own pockets while they are still in office, seems to occupy more time in many countries than governing their people for a better life.

          World resources are being abused and used up that cannot be replaced.  Science and technology continue to make rapid strides in making new discoveries and improving the lot of the wealthy, while a growing number of people are living on aid given without any plans for their future.

          It seems that as the millions of homeless people seek refuge and a future elsewhere in the world, the ranks close against them, as nobody seems to care enough and they safeguard what they already have.

          The time has come for world policies and actions on a global basis to address these issues and to safeguard the future of our race before it self-destructs.

          Surely there are people of influence, who have made their way in the world and see the atrocities daily on our news screens, who wish for Mankind to heal itself by doing the right things for each and every member?

          Justice needs to be handed out by an incorrupt legal system worldwide, where the rule and balance of the Law is the criterion for decision-making and justice given.

          There should be an Ombudsman of international standing to rule on individual cases, where common sense prevails and not the expensive lawyers and their teams to override the arguments.

          All good people, with no axe to grind on all levels, need to be seen to be doing something to make this world a better place without self-interest and corruption.

          Good intensions are not enough anymore.  Actions from the incorruptible must find a way to help those who are going without the basic human necessities and are left to largely suffer in pain.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Friday, 3rd July 2015

06 June 2015

Love Is Given Freely While Hate Has To Be Taught

When all is said and done it leaves a time of quietness for contemplation.  There will be all the ins and outs of the conversation and all views will have been expressed.  It is now that the wise put all the facets of the argument into perspective.

It is well known, but not always accepted that the truth is available to be witnessed from several points of view.  Witnesses see the incident from different standpoints and all will tell a slightly different tale.

So it is with life that we are all brought up under slightly different conditions and influences, so that our interpretation of events and ways of living and being come from different standpoints.

It is here that we need to understand tolerances of other points of view and that our perception may be different from another’s.  We cannot and should not be totally arrogant in believing that we are always right and that others are always wrong.

In a society of love and harmony, individuals are able to accept that we are all different through our experiences and that we can make allowances with each and every one, so that harmony is created and our world is in balance.

Where this is not so, there are aggressive overtones that can lead to differences of opinion, so great that hostility become the norm and people gather in groups to take on another and it is here that the innocent suffer the effects of the aggressors.

While the wars of unreason rage about, there are massive effects on women and children and the basic innocence and human rights are taken away and can never be replaced without the scars showing for ever more.

It is no use turning our backs on the problems that are created by failing to air the soft words of diplomacy and tact.  There are always people whose heads rule their hearts and stony influence and hatred rule the day.

There are clear lines of right and wrong and it is simply a question of deciding where those demarcations lie.  A reasonable man will have different lines from an unreasonable man, who is ruled by his ego and his personal wants.

We all have a responsibility to speak up when wrongs are committed for the sake of the innocent, who are misrepresented and trampled under the feet of the wrongdoers.

However it is necessary to clear the air and to allow all to have their say, so that reason can be applied and our consciences are all in tune with what is the correct course of action.

We must always decide on the driving force necessary to keep words and actions in harmony.  We need to allow the peacemakers to be guided from that Higher Intelligence that is always available to balance an otherwise unbalanced argument.

We must observe the failings of others to keep the best interests of the Greater Good and to address the necessary remedial actions that we can take.

One thing is for sure, turning our backs on life’s problems doesn’t make them go away, but allows them to magnify and so the fires of hatred and selfishness get out of control.

Love will always conquer hate, because love is given freely while hate has to be taught.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Friday, 5th June 2015

04 May 2015

Have You Made This World a Better Place by You Being Here?

So we continue to feel the pain of the suffering of those who have lost their homes through war, natural disasters or poverty.  Humanity has a great art in making money, but not using it wisely to help those who are in need.

While the wealth of the world is in the hands of a very few people, this is unlikely to change very much.  Few of these wealthy souls have a passion for making life better for the common man, woman and, more especially, the children.

Those few who do are surely modern day earthly saints by any other name.  They do not want the glory headlines of what they do.  It is enough for them to quietly go about their daily lives looking for opportunities to help others and especially those who are unable to help themselves.

In time, many lives will be lost through hunger, lack of clean water and disease.  Unless these problems are correctly dealt with, the earthly conditions will deteriorate and, with today’s ease of travel and communications, these evil unabated problems will spread steadily across the world and there will come a time when there will be no cure available.

 The climate we know is changing and yet little of major importance is being done, as the ice melts and the sea-level, as well as the temperatures, rise.  There is plenty of hot air being expelled as conferences are held, but the rich nations are not prepared to spend their money on the poor and underdeveloped nations as they struggle.

It is such a short-sighted policy that is being adopted here, because until the whole world changes its mind-set from ‘perhaps if we do nothing it will go away and not happen in our lifetime’ to ‘this world must be cleaned up so that all can survive and future nations can enjoy a beautiful and fruitful world once more’.

This is not an individual matter.  It concerns us all.  We must all play our part in raising the whole level of debate into actions, so that this horrendous slide into the oblivion for all on this planet is first halted and then reversed.

All aspects of global climate change must be looked into and it cannot be left to a few scientists and researchers with a conscience to publish their papers and then move on, leaving the politicians to be ruled by industry and the cost of doing it.

Bankers have raised the ante to such a degree that the congregation of this world worship money rather than a Higher Intelligence and Creator.  The religions of this world, which should be in the business of healing and showing, by example, how the righteous and the humble live and are provided for through the laws that Jesus Christ taught us.

When did you last see the enormous wealth of religious houses taken down from the walls of their buildings to feed the starving and buy shoes for the children living in poverty?  Many of the Pontiffs speak soft words of comfort, but where is the material support for those in dire situations.

We are developing a society which has the mind-set of leaving action to others.  Food parcels are often supplied by wealthy nations with a link to the sale and supply of arms!  Arms sales make a large percentage of the income of many rich nations and, although they say they are humane in their actions, the spilling of blood so often follows afterwards.

Nothing is left to chance by these nations from both East and West and lands in between.  The human touch is lacking in the unconditional love that sponsored the Creation and has now been largely extinguished, as modern man is always looking for a profit for himself before he acts.

Genocide and the bloody wars are not new in the history of this world, but they are mainly kept going by greed and hatred.  A balanced world, unlike a balance sheet, is clearly not a good thing in the eyes of the majority.

If this is not so, then why isn’t the world becoming a better place for all Mankind?  Why are the richest people only getting richer and the number of the poor are denied a way of making a living for their family?

The time has to come when equality of opportunity is a reality and not just a load of hot air.  All nations, who purport to have an equal society, a fair and uncorrupted democracy and food, health care and education for all citizens, are hiding their lights under the table.

Harmony and peace for all people is a goal to be achieved in our lifetime or we have all failed and will have to answer the question when we pass, “What did you do to make the world a better place?”

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Monday, 4th May 2015

03 April 2015

Live for Tomorrow, Not for Today

           The greatest problem in the world today is that people divide themselves up into groups or families according to their own personal beliefs and wants and it is very difficult for one to communicate one with another.

          There is a great difficulty in moving from one group to another as, according to the loyalties held by one, it is perceived to be dishonourable to the rest.

          All ‘God’s’ created children have one important thing in common – they all come from his unconditional love and are endowed with some of his mighty wisdom to experience life on this plain of existence.

          In order to survive, we all need to be aware of the wants and needs of others who are around us.  Then we are able to help each other and live in peace and harmony, as people do when they give and receive from and to each other.

           Unfortunately the men and women of this world tend to be happy to take what they need, but are unhappy to give what another soul needs to exist more comfortably on this earth.

          So groups of demarcation become formed and camps of self-interest are made, so that they can live more comfortably themselves as opposed to helping those who are worthy.

We have all heard the expression, “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.”  In other words, “I’m not going to help you unless there is something worthwhile in it for me!”

          This without question is the beginning of corruption and it has become endemic in our today’s society.  Our society is global and incorporates all races, colours and religious educations.

          Some people are worse than others and some nations have more corruption than others and there are some who are better at covering it up than others!

          All people in our society, whether rich or poor, have to act in the right and honest way and to be seen to do so.  Honesty is a basic requirement of any group of people from a couple, who marry or live together or those who work in the corridors of power for the betterment of their nation.

          Everywhere people feel that if they act behind closed doors and, out of the public gaze, they will get away with bad practices and feather their own nest at the expense of others.

          The whole point of it all is that if you behave dishonestly, how can you live with yourself and exist as one with your conscience?  How can you face your partner, if you have broken the vows or promises that you made together?

          People think that by turning their backs and not listening to their consciences they can do anything and behave how they want to and no one will think any the less of them, because they will not know the truth of what is underneath!

          Wrong!  Justice has a way of coming to the surface and no one can hide for ever.  Those who commit wrongs and die before they are exposed have not got away with it, but are then presenting themselves to a Higher Court and will be judged and exposed.

They will have to make amends for their misguided thoughts and actions and will be directed on how to do so until they have learnt from their wrongdoings and helped those who suffered from their actions.

If you want an easy life, then live right and help others as best you can, because the alterative will bring you a heavy self-inflicted burden to carry, and in the Higher Court’s time for all to see you for who you really are.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Good Friday, 3rd April 2015

05 March 2015

Spare the Time to Send Your Love

          From day to day it is difficult sometimes to see what you are looking for.  Spiritually, we hope that we are moving on in our progression, but it is not always so easy to know.

          We continue to do our very best and try and serve those, who we feel are in greater need than we are and so we continue to live right by taking care of our family and friends, when required.

          This is an inborn necessity of responsibility and must be born on a tide of continuing love for those that we feel bound to help and provide for.

          What is more difficult is to give to those we do not know.  They may be many miles away and we shall never meet, but through the powers of communication by the many earthly means of today, we hear of their plight.

          Are we able to marshal our thoughts and to send our feelings to them, asking for their needs to be met and for those around them to help and understand?

          Do we send out specifically, thoughts to the Higher Intelligence and ask for healing to be given and for their needs to be sustained, so that they can be kept warm, fed and treated for whatever ails them?

          Can we honestly say that we always pray also for those who are unloving and hurtful, who by their hideous acts hurt, kill and maim those who ‘God’ has created in unconditional love?

          Do we really understand how Jesus taught us to love our enemies?  Can we also love those who are the enemies of others souls, who live in fear and are not loved and protected as they deserve?

          If we ignore the bad behaviour of others and do nothing to combat it, then we are no better than they are and we are condoning their behaviour.

          It is not always possible to travel the world and indulge in saintly behaviour to help to balance the scales of injustice, where the rule of Divine Law has been ignored and the people are neglected and suffering.

However it is possible to send out our thoughts to those who have higher understanding and gifts to enlighten and heal those who are lost in mind and body and also so often in the spiritual morals that can bring justice to those who are oppressed.

          We don’t need to always know that our prayers have been answered and that aid has been given, because it is enough to have the conviction that spiritually there are mechanisms in place, where those who have lived here before live still and exist to help those that they can.

          We are never truly alone, but if you feel that there is no existence beyond this little globe that we live on then you are alone, because you have turned your back on the great love of your Creator that is given to those who ask that it goes to others and through your compassion they will receive help.

          Raise your vibrations and ask for that help to go where you cannot go and give it, so that the natural spiritual world can hold onto your thoughts and, like a winged arrow, carry what is needed most to those who deserve it.

          Thoughts cost nothing to make in your mind-set, except that you give a little time and, through your compassion and feelings for humanity, your own unconditional love is used for the Greater Good and the benefit of all.  Amen to that.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Thursday, 5th March 2015

03 February 2015

The Greater Good Must Come First

It is becoming very apparent that the aggression in the world is not receding and the number of wars and national upsets is increasing rather than being addressed and peace and harmony being introduced.

Until Mankind learns to live and work in harmony, there cannot be any reduction of the hatred and pain that is daily being inflicted on the people.  They are caught up in a wave of greed and hostility for which they suffer and have little redress.

Those in power have driven a wedge between loving ones neighbour, as had always been taught throughout history, but not always acted upon and what Jesus taught us, which was to love our enemies.

Our Creator made souls that were equal and only differ as they pick up experience from their very being and actively advance in the society into which they are born.

The outer casing being the physical body, which holds the very sensitive soul in place and protects this loving creation, is somewhat different from one to the other.

Mankind has always distained anything that is different rather than admire the diversity of the Creator’s handiwork.  It is Man himself that forms groups of likeness together and repels anything else that isn’t the same as his liking.

Until humanity stops finding fault with each other and resorting to violent means to repel it, there can be no more harmony.  There is so little tolerance of another’s belief system and even religious groups, which stem from the same stock, soon divide up.

Power and greed are two of the worse driving forces throughout the world and they prohibit love and a caring society where the Greater Good can be served.  It is the people who suffer, while those who are chosen to represent them so often seek their own interests first and foremost.

At the highest level of politics, national interests are achieved ahead of International justice and honesty, so no advance is ever made in solving the problems that leaders don’t feel warrants their advantage.

Until there is a body of International Justice and Right-thinking for all nations and for all people by those who are able to enforce Human Rights as laid down by Spiritual and Universal Law, the misery and pain of the innocent cannot be addressed.

Nobody can be above the Law and the Law must be seen to be even-handed and honest to all people everywhere in the world.   There can be no exceptions, otherwise the system of justice breaks down and does not serve all people equally.

Each and every person on this globe must start to take responsibility for being here and make their lives reflect the Greater Good rather than their individual wants rather than their needs.

There are many people who understand this and yet do nothing.  There are some people who have the power and the means to bring in justice for all and defeat the stronger against the weaker.

They know who they are and they must remember that the Higher Intelligence sees all and that it is not always the case that what you do that is wrong, but equally what you fail to do for the better when you are given the chance.

We all have some say in our future.  For some it is small and localised, but still important.  For some it is mighty indeed if they would only see what is truly needed and act honesty as their conscience dictates to accomplish what was always called ‘The Will of God’.

The Greater Intelligence still drive our Consciences, but are we still listening or are we too weak and turn away leaving it for others to do?

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Tuesday, 3rd February 2015