03 December 2011

A Better And More Equal Life - December 2011

“As the pace of change continues around the world and there is increasing disruption to our own daily lives as we see the inevitable destabilisation of our comfort zone, we must entrust our lives to the Higher Intelligence, who many call ‘God’.

“I am not talking about religion here.  That is man made.  I am talking about the inner self, which guides us well if we chose to listen to the direction of our actions, which we instinctively know does make sense.

“We are entrusted with a special connection between our spirit and the place we came from, which is where we will return after our time on the earthly plane of existence is over.

“Many souls have come over the centuries to dedicate their lives to helping the people to understand the truth about the existence of our own reality, in other words the difference between the material world and the spiritual world.

“Mostly those words of enlightenment have fallen on deaf ears by those who are already well endowed with material possessions, who are afraid to give up anything that they regard as their comfort and their security.
“It is so often the poor and needy who listen in hope and, by doing so, they begin to find the understanding that they are not alone and that help is at hand.

“That help may not turn them into rich and prosperous people on the earth, but it will show them the way of understanding by seeing the plight of others and, by sharing and helping each other, they reach a higher state of spiritual understanding.

“Paying lip service to a religious state of being, where one is forgiven ones sins by a priest each Sunday and continuing to trample on the needs of others for ones own earthly advancement, is no way to prepare for the next stage of life beyond this plane of activity.

“There are many routes to the upliftment of a spiritual nature and all religions hold some truths about the way to live and worship a higher understanding, but none are free of man’s greed for power and wealth.

“There is nothing wrong with power and wealth.  It is the way that it is used and we invite you to look around the world for yourselves and honestly see and observe how that power and wealth had corrupted people and nations become corrupted and the people suffer.

“There is a new wind blowing from the Spirit bringing change and understanding for the better, but first the old ways have to be broken and discarded before new foundations can furnish new and better systems.

“When these become implanted then the benefits will come down to the people, who must take their own responsibilities seriously and not leave it to others, who then profit for themselves and the cycle of self interest and greed starts all over again.

“Once the man in the street starts to care about his future and the future of his children, then progress can be made.  A better and more equal life can evolve where greed and oppression can be uprooted and love and harmony for the greater good can emerge to the benefit of all souls.

          “Amen to that."

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01 November 2011

Bring Back the Balance of Every Day Life - November 2011

In these troubled and most disturbing times there still are so many people burying there heads in the sand and saying, “It will be all right.  Someone will fix it.  It is nothing to do with me.”

Just how wrong can anyone be?  Each and every one of us has a responsibility to ourselves, our families and also our extended familiesThey are our neighbours, whether they live in a nearby town and worship in a mosque or synagogue or they live in the Horn of Africa, where they suffer famine and political war.

Recently two factions came face to face on our own doorsteps.  Young people living in tents confronted Saint Paul’s Cathedral and those who run it.

We take no sides as we see two bodies of people unable to talk about their differences, while both working apparently for the same ends.  Both sides are so narrow-minded and arrogant in that they believe that they are right and that there is no other way but theirs.

In fact this example serves well to illustrate the very way that Mankind destroys itself time after time.  At a time of extreme economic difficulties the American politicians behaved in such a way that the Republicans refused to help the American people by joining the Democrats and solving the problems of that country.

Throughout the world corruption is being shown to be the enemy.  It is not a question of Capitalism or Communism or any other way of life being the right and only way.

It is too often the question of, “Yes, I will do as you ask, but what is in it for me?”

Until this cancerous greed in the minds of the few are cleansed or contained there can be no equality of one person to another.  Those who have acquired wealth use its power for their own salvation and self aggrandisement.

Until politicians stop turning a blind eye to their responsibilities by trading fairly for what they need and use that trade to stop the abuse of human rights in those countries, there will be no change to the man in the street.

We all have our part to play in realizing the truth and where we find it to be unjust we must all play a part by peacefully showing agreement or disagreement.

We need to discuss the future with others who are like minded and where the love of our fellow man is not subservient to the needs of the individual.

There is enough for all on this planet, but too often it is gathered together in such a way that it cannot be shared by those who most need it.   It appears to be gloated on, or almost looted away from the outstretched hands of the starving, the thirsty and forgotten people.

We all have more than we need and we live our lives in isolation while the World around us crashes to the floor and will affect every man woman and child before it can be raised up in a better way.

Our message today is to ask you to throw away your rose tinted glasses and to see the truth as it is.  The world is going out of control through the blunders of the politicians and the bankers.

Someone out there has to stop them and bring back the balance of every day life to all people.  Can that person be you or do you know a man or woman who can?
God bless you all

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01 October 2011

Corruption & Greed Rule the World - October 2011

As the world is dominated by changes that are forced upon so many, it is a time to assess what is for the better and what needs to be done for the best.

Much corruption and greed is being shown up and for the first time the people are beginning to stand up and demand that matters are at last put right.

It is the right of every person to have a voice in what is going on as what we do now will shape the future for our children and our children’s children.

The world will never be the same again and neither should it be.  We must put a stop to oppression and wars and bring about some tolerance and some honest trading between nations.

For far too long the bullyboys have been allowed to get away with it.  Fear has intimidated too many people and too few were prepared to be counted.

Dictators and bankers are among the self interest groups where the man in the street has been kept in place by his fear of being noticed as having a different agenda than the big moguls.

Now is the time when a few more voices are joining together in a common cause and miracles are happening as the energy flow starts to go with them.

The so-called ruling classes are being made to listen and changes that were not thought possible are occurring.  Women in Saudi Arabia are to be given the vote as the fear is now shifting to the ruling royal family and away from the oppressed women of that land.

The yoke of dictatorship is being removed from nations held back for decades in North Africa and even in Burma the voice of the people is being heard.

Global finances must be changed so that the bankers are no longer responsible for themselves and they become visible for their self and vested interests.

People as well as nations must start to live within their means and the propping up of the unsaveable will always cause risks for the future of everybody else. 

Our message for this month is for all of us to start doing the right thing and not what is just best for us.  Society is continuing to morally slide out of what is best for the greater good as long as individuals makes out of it all.

Until the spirituality is brought back into the lives of us all, the bravery of those who are striving to make a difference is diluted and in some cases stifled all together.

We all have a voice and if we fail to use it nobody knows that we have any opinions and the status quo remains, so corruption and greed will continue to rule the world.  Is that what we all want?

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01 September 2011

Successful Lives - September 2011

To understand the changes that are going on all around us is to have feelings for the greater good rather than ourselves.

If we are to live ‘successful lives’ when viewed from a spiritual view point, then we are to be needful of the wants of others.

We were made to fit into this world in family units as Russian Dolls fit together.  We have our family and our circle of friends as well as being part of a national and an international scene.

It is true that we are all dependant on each other and never more so as the lines of communication grow ever stronger and ever quicker.

The whole world is made up of dependency, as one member of the hive works for the good of the community and is selfless in its duties.

We wouldn’t get very far in this life if we had to do everything for ourselves, as in a so called civilised world the community is successful by its various parts functioning, so that others are free to do their bit.

However we too are dependant on each other and when there is a need by another, which is outside the role of others, it is up to us to step forwards and do our bit.

The parable of the Good Samaritan is just as important today as it was two thousand years ago when Jesus told it to illustrate that there is a place for compassion and not leaving it up to others.

Some walk by on the other side and ignore the soul in need, because they are too selfish or too lazy to offer a helping hand, but by spiritual law this attitude will be exposed when they are in need of a hand up.

Life is uncertain and we can never be certain of our own pathway however much we expect us to prosper.  How many of us make the right choices when we are confronted by them?

So many souls marry in love and seem to repent at leisure as the two people find that what they had in common before had drifted into indifference or worse.

All relationships have to be worked at – that is a fact of life, but it is also important to understand that as we grow older and mature we change in our aspects and requirements.

What we thought was a certainty often turns out to be a misguided judgement, as many gamblers know to their cost, but it is always the result that matters and not the initial risk.

If we spend our time looking into all the reasons to do or not to do something, then we are likely never to make that decision.  We need something to give us a nudge in the right direction.

This is the point of us listening to ourselves within and heeding our inner self, which many call their gut feeling or conscience.  It is a pathway to Higher Intelligence and is our lifeline to making the right decisions at the right time.

We all need this and the courage to use it and when we do we are surprised how well it works out.  Do not be afraid to act instinctively knowing that you are guided and by listening to your own built in barometer you can get things right time and time again.

The energies all around us are changing and we will need to make many positive changes with them starting right now, so enquire within and get them right or else you may be the one who has to hold out your hand for someone to help you.

God bless you all.

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01 August 2011

Certainty and Courage - August 2011

Give Unto Others what you can.  There are so many people in need at this time of change that we can all do with a helping hand.  Nobody is exempt from this and all are hard pressed.

What we give today we will receive back a hundred fold.  That has been promised and it will be fulfilled.  Nobody can ignore the necessary requirements of so many people all around the world, when so many hands are held out for support and guidance.

“Ask and it shall be given to you” has often been said and it is so, but ask in the right way and see your request answered in what is always the best way possible for you and for the greater good.

There has never been a better time to ask for guidance and that is freely given by Higher Intelligence through our conscience and our minds.  So often we know what is the right and proper way to act and yet we hesitate because we are afraid.

We are afraid because we cannot see all the implications of our actions and yet, if we have any faith at all, has it not been proved to us time and time again that we are loved and guided?

We are all here to achieve a successful destiny and purpose and the time will show itself when that is ready for us to accomplish.  It may already have been shown to us and we may have listened or we may have ignored it.

What is necessary is that we put out faith in whatever it is that we most believe in, albeit that may not be what is best for us.  Self belief is of great importance to achieving our goals, but we must know within ourselves that we are on the right pathway of life.

If we have the courage to do what is asked of us by the Greater Good then we shall have a clear conscience which will not inhibit our journey, but if we have nagging doubts we should ask for guidance.

Take a firm stance and be not afraid to ask in whatever way seems to be suggested to you where you will feel safe and comfortable.  Nobody is ignored by the Higher Intelligence and nobody goes without what they need, except by their own choosing.

So take some time out in the sunshine of your world to find a little peace and quiet and allow your thoughts to be ordered, so that your mind is receptive of thoughts that seem right and good.

If you fight them, think again.  Guidance is not a miracle of revelation, but a dawning of what you already knew, but couldn’t or wouldn’t take it seriously.

All peace and calm to take you by the hand and then you will experience that ‘knowing’ and you can act with confidence, certainty and courage to achieve what is your full potential and change the way to a better life of fulfilment.

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01 July 2011

Achievement - July 2011

Our lives are all about achievement.  We didn’t just come down here to live out a few years in a physical body and experience the ebbs and flows of vibratory energies.

We came to achieve a series of targets and accomplishments, which only we know about when we have achieved them.  That word again – achieve!

Material achievements are quite easy to assess – can I pay the mortgage?  Is there food on the table?  Are our charges, our children whether adopted or not, free of stress through knowing and living with us?

Spiritual achievements are more difficult to assess as we have not reached a state of being which shows us the full picture – the greater good.

Why did we come?  We will find out when we have achieved what we came to do, but we can still understand our place in the way of things because each and every day we have choices to make.

Do we consider the feelings of others when we make decisions that affect their lives and their emotional acceptance of our presence?

We all send out thoughts for better or for ill!   Do we consciously consider what we are thinking or do we feel that it is nobody else’s concern but our own?

A negative thought sends out a negative vibration and a positive thought sends out a positive or loving vibration.  Which would we rather receive?

What you send out so you will receive as we are told in so many ways throughout Spiritual Law.  Jesus taught us that we shall reap what we sow and that is good advice.

Throughout the world we see examples of those who live by the sword dying by the sword, so is it too hard to accept that by our thoughts we can be recognised as who we really are?

Let us all try and make a conscious effort to send out positive thoughts for the greater good and those especially in need that we know of and guard our instant judgements of another’s actions, least we too shall we judged.

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01 June 2011

Love is the Currancy of Life Otherwise We are Bankrupt - June 21011

          The love of two people for each other comes together as two agitated balls of energy.  As that love over time matures, the agitation slows down as the two energies merge as one.

          Try to imagine this on a much larger scale as the love of each and every one of us matures and over time joins together bringing peace and harmony to the world and this love is then worthy to mature again and join as one with the love of Our Creator.

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04 May 2011

We are all in the same boat so we should all pull together - May 2011

Let us all look to our future and the future of others.

It is necessary for us to understand that we are all responsible for the atrocities around this world, because it is our world and all peoples and all nations are interlinked and we are all dependant on each other.

As Jesus taught it is no use hiding our light under the table where it cannot be seen.  Each and every one of us has the power and the capability of being seen and recognised for who and what we are.

By being a member of the human race we are taking on the mantle of its success or failure.  If we refuse to act together in bringing down those who deal out hurt and fear we become complicit in those acts.

While we are here on Earth, so many minds are turned away from the truth of our own coming.  We are not here by accident but by design.

We all have a mission to accomplish and while we are busy on that path we cannot be blind to the effect that the behaviour of others has on those around us.

We are living, whether we like it or not, in a world of mass communication, so that as Jesus taught our brother is not just our sibling, but all others of whom we are aware.

Our family ties are less stringent that you might think because each and every family, while having a dependency on each other also has a dependency on the wider world and the Greater Good.

Certainly blood is thicker than water, but all blood is no less thick according to its origins from one of ‘God’s’ creations than another.

We are all family and the Higher Intelligence of Global Creation is at the head of it and we need to realise that we must aspire to be good and godlike in our lives as Jesus taught us to be.

All souls of like achievement will go to a Heaven, which should begin on Earth in the manner of the teachings of the Prophets and the Laws given by ‘God’ to Moses and explained by Jesus to ensure that we understood.

The choice is ours and we cannot be excused when we pass beyond this realm and into the next stage of our journey from being asked, “What did you achieve?”

We tend to allow ourselves the luxury of thinking that we as individuals are important and so we are, but not as important as the Greater Good as we shall find out hereafter.

We must be ready with your judgements, not of others but of ourselves lest we too be judged…

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01 April 2011

Be Generous Whether You Give or Receive - April 2011

To be accepted in today’s world is to wave the flag of commercialism and to show how much material assets one has.

This is a sad reflection on the person within, the inner spirit which is the real you or me.

Through our eyes and actions, the heart of each and every soul needs to have the light of understanding and compassion to show another that they are loved, respected and appreciated.

Giving is not about what we can get in return.  That is to barter and life should not be lived for personal gain, but so that the greater good is served and that others can benefit from our being here.

To be a distant, cold and calculating person is to fail to attract the good things that can come to one through giving out a warmth and an understanding so that we might also attract those qualities to ourselves.

If we are cold and reserved, how can we expect anything else but coldness and reservations in return?

Those, who give without any thought of the cost to themselves, will understand that they will have in their turn a chance of being cared for should they fall on difficult times.

Spiritual Law is such that in this world or in the next there will be a time when we will incur an examination of how we have lived and reacted to the needs of others.

All around us are the vibrations of the living souls, who can not only feel the softness of love from the givers in the world, but also the cold, hard unflinching selfishness of those who take what they want without any thought for another’s feelings.

It is not a weakness to give, but it is a rewarding experience and is justifiably woven into ones psyche, which one carries forward on this life path of existence.

There are times when it is also necessary to allow another person to be able to give to you, because it is their right and their joy to do so.

To fail to allow this to happen is to deny the goodness with which the giver offers perhaps all that they have at that time to another willingly and with love.

To give can be a wonderful experience, but also there are times when it is equally wonderful to receive.

So allow yourself the luxury of thought before you act in any way that will cause another to feel hurt by the way that you behave.

A warm reception is always the best answer to a difficult situation and so tact rather than a hurt is always the best policy.

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