01 October 2011

Corruption & Greed Rule the World - October 2011

As the world is dominated by changes that are forced upon so many, it is a time to assess what is for the better and what needs to be done for the best.

Much corruption and greed is being shown up and for the first time the people are beginning to stand up and demand that matters are at last put right.

It is the right of every person to have a voice in what is going on as what we do now will shape the future for our children and our children’s children.

The world will never be the same again and neither should it be.  We must put a stop to oppression and wars and bring about some tolerance and some honest trading between nations.

For far too long the bullyboys have been allowed to get away with it.  Fear has intimidated too many people and too few were prepared to be counted.

Dictators and bankers are among the self interest groups where the man in the street has been kept in place by his fear of being noticed as having a different agenda than the big moguls.

Now is the time when a few more voices are joining together in a common cause and miracles are happening as the energy flow starts to go with them.

The so-called ruling classes are being made to listen and changes that were not thought possible are occurring.  Women in Saudi Arabia are to be given the vote as the fear is now shifting to the ruling royal family and away from the oppressed women of that land.

The yoke of dictatorship is being removed from nations held back for decades in North Africa and even in Burma the voice of the people is being heard.

Global finances must be changed so that the bankers are no longer responsible for themselves and they become visible for their self and vested interests.

People as well as nations must start to live within their means and the propping up of the unsaveable will always cause risks for the future of everybody else. 

Our message for this month is for all of us to start doing the right thing and not what is just best for us.  Society is continuing to morally slide out of what is best for the greater good as long as individuals makes out of it all.

Until the spirituality is brought back into the lives of us all, the bravery of those who are striving to make a difference is diluted and in some cases stifled all together.

We all have a voice and if we fail to use it nobody knows that we have any opinions and the status quo remains, so corruption and greed will continue to rule the world.  Is that what we all want?

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