04 April 2017

What Have You Done for the Greater Good?

          As we continue with our daily grind of routine, trying to make a difference to humanity in an ever-changing world, we need to stop occasionally and look at ourselves and see if our needs are being met.

          We were not made by our Creator to be miserable and unhappy, but to enjoy our lives here on this earth plane and to take the lead in our own lives rather than being dictated to by others.

          If we let them, it is far too easy to give way to family or work colleagues and quietly allow their behaviour to outrank the common decencies of moral behaviour.

          There are many forms of bullying in schools, families and the workplace, where there are those who seek to obtain power over others simply because they can and, in some weird way, they enjoy it and that increases their ego.

          It is easy to say that in these circumstances we should walk away, but before we do we must stand up for ourselves and not allow ourselves to be beaten into submission.

          Where there is bad behaviour, it falls to all of us to stand up for better standards and not to allow it to go by simply for a quiet life.  If nobody ever stands up for what they truly believe to be the right and proper behaviour, then we are ignoring our conscience and abetting the wrongs that we see around us.

          Many of the problems stem from the family, where the parents tend to give in to their children, time and time again, for a quiet life.  It needs to be asked as to whether bad behaviour or bad manners matter within the family, because it affects the growing children all their lives and many will not be accepted by those who do care.

          Going for a job interview is a case in point that increasing numbers fail to know how to conduct themselves when applying for a job in the work place.  If they are not taught they will not be accepted or acceptable.

          Our Creator gave us a conscience to know right from wrong and if we listen and are guided we will make a better life, fulfilled and loved for the Greater Good.

          We are reminded of the words of Buddha, who is quoted as saying: “Peace comes from within.  Do not seek it without.”

          It would do us no harm and maybe do a lot of good, if every soul on this planet reflected daily on these words of truth and instruction.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Tuesday, 4th April 2017