03 February 2014

Live in the Right and Proper Way

          As the iniquities and corruption around the world hots up into an ever-increasing scum of bad living, it is still possible to see that Spiritual Law is removing the hidden agendas and allowing transparency to reflect some honesty to prove that Universal Law still holds sway against all the odds.

          Mankind seems to be like a belligerent child, who is determined to behave as badly as possible regardless of the rules of law and refusing to believe that he has done anything wrong.

          To be thriving on corruption and greed, any part of humanity is blinded to the fact that at any moment he or she will be exposed to the people and they will see to it that those who gain at their expense will pay the heavy price of their folly.

          There are so many cases now exposed around the world, where the people are finding their voice and their metal to stand up at last for rights of humanity.  There must be a determination to leave this planet cleaner and safer for all those who come after – the children and the grandchildren of today’s people.

          The biggest lesson that has to be earned by all souls on this earth is that they must pay for their mistakes in kind and must put right what they have dishonoured.  Anybody seeking justice must see it in the light of their own mistakes as well as those made against them.

          No one is squeaky clean in this respect otherwise, if they had stood up against the wrongdoing at the beginning, it would not have spread and expanded at such an alarming rate.  Therefore we must all be prepared to accept some part of the blame.

          However it is never too late to make amends for our mistakes however painful they may be.  Even years later, when the errors are realised or are pointed out by those with a higher understanding of Spiritual Law, the unravelling of the errors is still possible and new lessons and ways of living in the right way can and must be followed.

          For those who turn their backs on the truth, because their egos are greater and more untouchable that the common man or the spiritual messenger, then they will fall by their own hand and see their own irresponsibility before their very eyes and it will be too late to reverse their pathetic juvenile attitudes.

          They will be taken out for all time and in the next dimension will face a strong learning period of the searching for the truth through their own eyes until they reach the right levels of justice inflicted on them by their own arrogance.

          Unlike the words of many clerics, who are unlearned in Spiritual Law, no man can give forgiveness of another’s misdemeanours.  Only self-analysis and true understanding can give a divine forgiveness and there are no hidden corners and all must be exposed.

          The Higher Intelligence sees all and empowers his agents, who have proved themselves already to act as guides and mentors to those who struggle, but do so in the right and honest way.

          We all have our own dark secrets and so we must all make amends.  Then, when we are fit to live in love and harmony with other good and honest people, we will be allowed to show our worth, but not before.

           The sooner we realise that there is no time to waste and turn from our errant ways and work for the harmony and benefits of all humanity, the sooner we can be healed and our minds cleaned of all those negative thoughts that we thought we could get away with.

          The answer is that we have nowhere to hide, so by living in the right and proper way, as has always been preached and taught by the prophets and the messengers from the Higher Intelligence, but sadly not by the religions who only fight their own corner, the sooner that we will be able to live for what matters, which is the freedom of conscience where all good things are possible to the righteous and the caring.

Amen to that.
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Monday, 3rd February 2014