02 January 2014

If We Are To Weather the Storm We Must Do It Together

          As the world continues to go out of control because the conflicting energies of positive and negativity are out of balance, it is imperative that those who send out their thoughts of love and healing continue to do so.

          They are maintaining the status quo at the very least and the more positive thoughts that are put out, the better it will be for all humanity.  In order for progress to be made Mankind must learn to be human.

          Humanism is the way that all created men, women and children care and have compassion for each other, so that together they may live in peace and harmony for the Greater Good and not simply for themselves.

          The Great Intelligence, who created us and this world together, did so as the Universal Law allowed and we were given the right to think and act for ourselves, but also to take the responsibility for our actions.

          The balance on this earth plane is now unsteady as Man takes what he wants, but doesn’t address his responsibilities to the rest of humanity and the natural world.

          So much so that the imbalances are now showing, as the natural world of weather becomes unwieldy and more intense and the highs and lows are exaggerated, so that storms and droughts equally become more frequent and more intense.

          Mankind has brought this on himself by his greed for resources and easy living without a material conscience that what he was using up was not only limited in supply, but was also causing global pollution.

          As the floods and natural effects become greater, so the discomfort of the people is noticed and weathered for a painful interlude and damaged infrastructure has to be rebuilt at great cost to the local economy.

          Isn’t there a lesson here, that we should be investing in balancing the natural forces before they cause further damage, rather than always having to clear up the mess to the material world as well as to people’s broken lives?

          Climate change has been known as a proven fact for many decades, but the main polluters are not ready to curb their selfish practices and even spend money lobbying the politicians to leave them alone to make the problem worse.

          Where the politicians fail is that they are elected by the people and should be governing for the benefit of all people and not just for the corrupt and selfish few, who only care for their own way of life regardless of the pain that they cause others.

          We must all understand first and foremost that there is a problem here and that we have a voice, which together can and must create change, whereby we are no longer sheep to be led to the slaughter, but as humans we have a right to share with all others the basic human necessities.

          Too many people in this world are starving and are abused and the high and mighty statesmen seem to think that by throwing money at the problem it will go away.

          Until compassion and the understanding of what is right and what is wrong is understood according to Spiritual Law, which Jesus taught in its simplest and purest form to all men of all nations and not just to groups who used it for control, then we are set to continue down this slippery slope to global disaster.

          Mankind has a history of refusing to listen to any doom and scenario, but unless he listens and acts to this one, he will be further crushed by his own hand and will have no one else to blame but himself.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Thursday, 2nd January 2014