08 December 2014

This is the Time for the Prince of Peace

          In the run up to any festival there is much work to be done and all must be achieved within a particular time.  The work mainly falls on those who prepare the way for others to enjoy themselves.

          It is the wives and mothers, who have the most to do and it so often goes unrewarded and without thanks, but is simply taken for granted.  Many simply give unconditionally because it is naturally in their nature to give of themselves for others.

          We must not take for granted all that is done for us and nobody has a right to expect what they want to be automatically given to them.  Happiness in life is all about giving and receiving.  They should be equal and in balance.

          Many souls see festivals as being family affairs, where groups of people come together to enjoy themselves and take advantage of the festival roots as an excuse to over indulge and seek their own interests.

          People can behave very badly at these times when they expect everyone to do what they want to do and to be waited on hand and foot.  There are more disagreements in families at these times and there is really nowhere else to go!

          Remember the lonely and the sick.  Do you ever feel that you could and should visit them and bring some smiles and happiness as well as some comfort to them?

          Do your families sit together or go their own ways to enjoy their own pleasures with children playing computer games and the adults sitting around watching artificial or canned entertainment?

          Very few go to religious houses anymore to celebrate together with others, because they have lost the plot in what they see as a fairy tale in a modern, material world.

          The conductors of these services in all faiths have been caught out themselves behaving badly and that causes the lazy and the suspicious to stay away.

          Many souls do not need religious instruction and follow their conscience as to right and wrong behaviour.  They are spiritually aware of looking within themselves to find the answers and guidance that they need to live righteously in a modern world.

          There are so many people who say that they have a direct line to God, but behave as though they don’t and that is the giveaway of the truth behind their words and actions.

          All will have to face explanations of why they failed to do what was right when they were called upon to act.  There are far too many these days that walk by on the other side.

          We all know the story of the Samaritan, but how many of us stop to think about the robber, who left the man without means and dying in the road?

          Look around the world today and you will see too many like that robber in all walks of life and far too few to act as the Samaritan did and give their time and influence to help one in need.

          Enjoy your festival this Christmas that remembers the birth of a soul who literally gave his life, so that others could understand that life is eternal and must be lived in the right way by loving ones’ neighbour and living in peace and harmony.

          He is often called the Prince of Peace and his influences are needed all around this world in every home and on every battlefield throughout the world.

          Enquire within your own conscience and you will find his guidance and influence is there for you, if you are there for him.  Praise the Universal Intelligence that he gave us such a gift as Jesus to sustain us and guide us through our trials and tribulations.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Monday, 8th December 2014

02 November 2014

One Cannot Stand Still

 It is not possible to stand still, as everything in life on Earth is in motion.  Our physical bodies are testament to that!

As our appearance as a new born baby shows, we are soon changing to grow up at an alarming rate!  We are soon at school and then going on through the teenage transition from childhood into adulthood.

Very soon we have responsible jobs to take the responsibility of our own living and livelihood.  We often form relationships with others that may or may not last the test of time.

As we grow older and mature we change and so do others, so it is not surprising that compatibility that felt so good and secure starts to rub up the wrong way and so often we are moved to change the understanding and go forward in another way.

So often, as we continue our lives through middle age and into the later years, we feel stuck and unable to change our parameters of life.  This is not healthy and we must always see that change is necessary, as our circumstances require different approaches to keep our progression on track to a better life.

We don’t always want to change because we feel comfortable and to a degree safe in the same old patterns of life and behaviour.  However, there have to be adjustments made to allow for that harmony and peace to continue.

Nothing is ever left to chance and Spiritual Law has a way of putting us into situations to see how we cope with change and always we survive however dark it appears to us to be.

We are never left alone and always have our guides and helpers to comfort us and to smooth the path ahead, as long as we listen and live in the right way as Jesus Christ taught by his example and words all those years ago.

It is not a case here of today’s religions or men’s teachings.  We can all see that those who disturb the balance and truth of what Jesus taught is already in our very hearts and minds and is not what other men and women say it is.

Within each one of us is a conscience that guides us well in feeling instinctively what is right and what is wrong.  It needs no fear of damnation taught by those who wish to exercise power over us.

Let change come naturally to you as you listen to your counsel within and know that Heaven is not a place, but a state of mind within yourself.

We are all faced with changes and there are no exceptions as we face our own disruption forced on us to create a new life and with new opportunities, as we move forwards in the guidance and truth of those who serve us well as we serve them in the best way we know.

We know that whatever lies ahead of us will be for the better and we will always allow our lives to be guided from within us with the help of the Spirit and the Universal Higher Intelligence.

We wish you well through your transition as we now go through ours, knowing that it will serve the Greater Good rather than our own egotistic desires.  Amen to that.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Sunday, 2nd November 2014

01 October 2014

Change Is Forever With Us

          As we continue to see change around the world, we must be aware that it is happening to us also in our daily lives.  Many are changing jobs, altering relationships and moving from one area to another, indeed there are many who are leaving one country for another.

          Change comes to us whether we are ready for it or not and so often it is thrust upon us.  We need to be aware that we can never stand still and that time is moving always.  We must look to the future and let the past go as that can never be changed.

          If we live in the now we are able to understand where we are and we are able to use the present to influence our futures and in that way we are more prepared for changes that are coming.

          We are influenced by the rhythms of the world and the vibrations of those around us.  The higher vibrations are of love and happiness, while the negative ones bring fear, hatred and misery to so many.

          People in many parts of this world are often trapped in circumstances beyond their control and they are forced into a state of being where they lose what is most precious to them.

          So often this is their home, their family members and/or the basic necessities of food, water, shelter, medication and education for their children.

          In the West we are generally blessed with freedom and a sufficiency for all our needs.  We find it hard to understand emotionally the effects which are inflicted on others around the world, so often by the mistakes and errors of our own leaders.

          We all need to take personal responsibility for all our neighbours and not just those who happen to live in nearness to ourselves.  What we do does affect so many others and we need to be aware of the consequences.

          We are all connected by global trade and finance and yet those benefits seem to be spread more thickly in some areas and more thinly in others and yet the needs of human individuals is basically very much the same.

          The benefits need to be more evenly distributed, with excesses and corruption depriving the common man in the street from his rights, completely removed.

          It is the people who should be served by those who they appoint to look after them and if they fail the people must stand together and see that it is put right.  No longer is it safe or wise to sleepwalk through life.

          We are not alone and we must not act alone, because that is why the complexities of this world have been riddled with mistakes and errors of rulers only interested in themselves rather than those they serve.

          Change is happening rather rapidly around the world and this is affecting us all and the lives of our family and children.  We must be prepared for what is coming and not allow others to act alone when we all need to do what we know is best.

          If we don’t know what we should do, then guidance is there if we seek to look within ourselves and genuinely listen to what we know is right.  Too often we turn away, but we will always have to answer for what we do and what we fail to do after we pass from this world into the next dimension.

          For those who don’t believe in an Afterlife, then you are missing all the signs and will have a big awakening when you are asked what you have done with your life for the benefit of humanity.

          The Creator who made you has never abandoned you, but can you honestly say that you have never abandoned him?

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Wednesday, 1st October 2014 

05 September 2014

What Sort of World Do We Want?

It is with sadness that we look around the world and see how Mankind is treating his fellow man, woman and child.

Nobody it seems is safe from the depravity and abuse that is handed out and the innocence of childhood is the most abused of all.

Millions of children around the world are raped and sexually abuse by the sexually perverted, who find that they are only able to perform against the weak and vulnerable.

Women, who make up half the population of this planet, are at risk of rape and manhandling by those with inferior minds, who have no respect for a human with any conscience and family standards.

Soldiers, around the world, are ill-disciplined it seems with little respect for life other than their own and are often encouraged to commit atrocities in the name of their cause.

The balance of life with honour and justice and a respect for ones fellow human beings seems almost irrelevant to these armies of miscreants, who are looking for a cause to kill regardless of the rights and wrongs of Spiritual and Universal Law.

What they achieve is only another notch on their ego and what they leave behind is the destruction of another life.  Schoolgirls are not spared and have been taken from their families causing much emotional hardship.

Meanwhile, it seems as though there is no mechanism in this world that has sufficient teeth to stop the atrocities of war and the direct abuse of the civilian population.

The common man is of no account and Governments around the world seem to care little for his pain and suffering, except at election time when there is lip service paid for his vote with very little being done for the benefit of him or his family.

There needs to be an organisation with world powers without politics, but run on moral grounds based on Justice and Right Living for all concerned.

All wrongdoing must be taken into account and punishment used where necessary to provide justice and honesty that can be relied on by all parties.

Those who rule must be equally transparent in what they do, so that all can see what is being done and corruption must be eliminated.

Rulers are there to serve their people, but all too often they are lining their pockets and failing the people.  When will the people say that enough is enough and that they must be given justice and peace to live a life of harmony with their families?

All have to understand collective responsibility and if no one stands up for what is right, then wrongdoings will go unpunished and anarchy and destruction will follow.

We are all at the crossroads of the future.  Either Mankind will save himself and this world for his children by putting right his mistakes or there will be no world left for humanity to share.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Friday, 5th September 2014  

03 August 2014

Why Are We Doing Nothing?

 The world is steadily being destroyed by violent factions, who are filled with hate for their fellow man around them and wish to take away what little the others have.

What is so incredible is that the rest of the world is standing by and letting it happen, without lifting a moral finger to say that this violence must desist.  The Laws of International Nations on earth do not allow genocide and murder to flourish and yet it is happening.

Nobody, it seems, has the balls to stand up against the bullyboys in the Middle East, Africa or on the borders of Europe between Ukraine and Russia.

For far too long, humanity has allowed strength to pull down the weak and no protection is given and where there is hate in people’s hearts there can be no room for love and compassion.  Harmony should emerge between those who have so much in common and yet they fight against what they have no tolerance for.

Religious orders are much to blame, as it is the leaders who preach that God is on their side and not on their enemy’s.  These egotistic, self-appointed leaders of the masses claim what they cannot sustain and that is that they have a direct line to God’s wisdom and know his mind.

How can they compare their puny intelligence against the Higher Intelligence, which made all Creation, including them, to live together in love and harmony and share the gifts of life on earth for the benefit of all people, animals and plants together as one?

If you care to examine what these preachers are saying, you will understand that they do not care at all for the Greater Good, as God does, because he made us all equal, but they, the simple minded teachers of power over their flock, only wish what is best for them and their little tribe of followers.

We cannot all claim to be in daily contact with God through the Scriptures, the Bible or the Koran, because Man has adulterated the words to fit his own purposes.

However, through the tenets of Spiritual Law, which was taught by the great prophets, such as Jesus, who is revered in all the three religions which Abraham handed down to his successors.  There emerges a right way of living and acting for all people without religion, colour or education.

Nobody needs a religion to be mindful of what is right and what is wrong.  We are all given a conscience so that we should know, but many refuse to listen to this guidance, because it conflicts with greed, egotism and material advancement.

If we turn away, as the world appears to be doing where there is extremism crushing the ordinary people, who simply wish to live in peace and harmony, then these bullyboys go rewarded and encouraged to commit even greater atrocities.

The losers every time are the children, the women, the elderly and the sick.  Do we care for anybody else but ourselves?  Are we waiting for somebody else to do the necessary curtailing of what is wrong in this world today?

Very soon the one who created Mankind and the Universe itself is going to take a big spiritual stick and we will have to stand up and choose the right way of living together, otherwise we destroy all that there is on this earth plane by the mistakes we have made and don’t care to put right.

The choice is very close to being a reality.  When you are faced with your own history of living, will it stand the All Seeing Eye looking at you and questioning your motives for doing as you have done? Or will you turn away your head in shame, as the world is doing to so many abused and tortured souls, who are crying out for help?
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Sunday, 3rd August 2014

04 July 2014

Pains and Hurt Come in Many Disguises

We are all aware of the tragedies that are occurring all around the world, but are we able to see the hurts and pains that are caused in our own lives, as people continue to tread on the toes of those close to them?

Too often we are too busy following our own thoughts and actions of what we want that we don’t see the effects that our words have on the emotions of another.

A son sometimes finds it too easy to blame his mother for his mistakes, when she is brought to tears by an unguarded and often unprovoked criticism.

Often a teenage daughter tells her caring parents that they don’t understand about being young when they try to protect her from the dangers that lurk out in a hostile world.

Parents are sometimes too hash on their children as they grow up and, instead of giving them the love and teaching of family life for the future, they rely on others at school to do their job for them.

In the work place too are unbalanced relationships, where often those in positions of power and responsibility take advantage of the younger and more vulnerable staff in their charge.

Sadly this list can continue for a long time, but it serves to point out that we often don’t think before we open our mouths and, even inadvertently, we bring pain to others that they do not need.

We all have a responsibility to treat our neighbours, which includes our family, the way that we would expect us to be treated by them.

This is surely one of the basic and simple rules of life and living in the right way, so that we cannot be held responsible for causing unwarranted hurt to those who need our understanding and gratitude for simply being there for us.

If we all help each other and share harmony and peace with understanding and tolerance, there would be less negativity in this world.

There is far too much competition driven by the greedy ego and too many people act the way they do, just because they can.  Many think that they get away with it time and time again and thus become comfortable with this way of life.

Few stop to realise that there is a Higher Intelligence, who sees all things and each and every person will have the opportunity to explain their mistakes and misdemeanours, as well as feel the pain that they caused before they can move on with their own progression.

If we all live in the knowledge that we get away with nothing, but attract difficulties to ourselves by causing hurt and pain to others.

When we live in the right way, as was taught all those years ago in Galilee, we are rewarded with gifts and higher abilities to help the Greater Good by serving humanity and the Creator Father who gave us all life through his unconditional live.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Friday, 4th July 2014

03 June 2014

Goodness and Justice against Greed and Selfishness

The world is slowing down in its response to the atrocities that are driving humanity to the edge of survival.  Transparency, through the guiding energies of our Great Creator, is bringing about a state of exposure of misdemeanours carried out in the past years.

However, politically organisations lack teeth to deal with acts of terrorism and blatant abuse of their people, when they are one of the seemingly top nations who have a veto to nullify their actions in Security Councils and tie the hands of nations who disapprove of their actions.

China, Russia and the Unites States of America are all as bad as each other, as they use the veto for their own ends.  Nothing can improve the system and the course of human rights until the veto is abolished and there is a Security Council, which respects the majority of all nations to make decisions.

Imperial status has largely governed the bringing into effect of the way that the world has been governed.  These nations hold together against wishes of nations who continue to flout International Law, as long as they have the backing of a nation with a veto to save them from methods to stop their bad behaviour.

Power corrupts and until it is the people and the smaller countries, that can see that the playing field is fair and even for all and that justice is a reality and not just a word in the dictionary for the rich and strong rather than the poor and needy, nothing will change.

There are many human rights organisations who struggle in their doing of good work, but they do give publicity to the inhuman acts that Mankind hands out to men and women and children all around the world.

These organisations need political acceptance and not lip service, as the Governments of today think more about their own jobs than the people, who they are there to serve.

As human beings, we must all stand up for our rights and see that justice is carried out in every country in this world.  We trade with those whose human rights records are lamentable.  Why do we always close our eyes to the facts when we want some for ourselves?

The whole moral status of all of us is becoming selfish and as corrupt as the atrocities that we see every day in our news media.  We must all really start to make a difference by allowing ourselves to do our bit ourselves and not to leave it to others time and time again.

We are all given opportunities to serve our fellow man, but so often we are too busy or simply uncaring to stop and help wherever there is a need for a child or a woman, who needs us to put ourselves aside and do what is right and just.

Jesus gave us the example and it is up to us to follow that way of life and not to associate the God word or the Christ word as a part of religion and therefore not for us.

It is the people who put themselves aside for others like Mother Teresa and Nelson Mandela, who we need to use as role models, so that we can make the world a better place because of our lifetime here.

It is not the word of the Church that matters, but the conscience inside each and every one of us to do the right thing that will help to save humanity from the headlong rush to destroy goodness and justice through greed and selfishness.

We are not alone and all we do is seen and we must face ourselves eventually and understand why we did so little good when we were given the chance to make a contribution to the Greater Good of all Mankind.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Tuesday, 3rd June 2014  

02 May 2014

Make Amends and Put Right Your Mistakes

“Our message this month is to all those people who have made mistakes in the past and hurt people, whether directly or by mistake.

“It is never too late to say that you are sorry and that you would like to make amends in some way, so putting right as far as it is possible the error that you made, however long ago it was.

“If you feel that it was not your fault and that you did nothing wrong than see if you are not hiding behind your own delusions.

“Remember that you may get away with it in this material world, but that everything is seen and nothing can be hidden.

“We are all familiar with the fact that we come naked into this world and that we can take nothing away with us, but our lives are stained in our subconscious record and, without this physical body, there is nothing in our spiritual body to hide what we have done and what errors we have made in Spiritual and Universal Laws.

“We all have to face ourselves and our own actions and thoughts before we can be accepted into the higher life beyond this world and many of us will have to make amends for what we got wrong and failed to put right.

“By our fruits we are indeed known and it will be clear to everyone we meet whether we have been successful in living by Laws of a Higher Intelligence or whether we simply lived for ourselves in the selfish knowledge that we know better than others.

“It is well worthwhile taking some time out now to consider this, as we are all eternal beings and there may be a lot to atone for later on, which is never pleasant to see how badly we have behaved to others, who may well have given goodness to us, which we took, used and sent them empty away.

“What may seem beneficial on this earth plane of existence is so often an illusion in the way of life beyond these few years that we spend here sampling the energies that exist here, like an assault course through the jungle of emotions and what we enjoy can so often be at the expense of others.

“Giving and taking is a way of life, but there must be a balance between what we give and what we take away.  There are no more bargains in the market of human relations, because by Spiritual Law we reap what we sow and that means that we must be fair and just in all we do and say.

“To take from another just because you can leaves a stain on your record, which will have to be paid at some stage as you can get away with nothing in the long run and that is eternity.

“To enjoy without taking responsibility may be fun now, but if you hurt another then you will be hurt yourself, as you will have to feel the pain of your actions before you can understand what you have sown and then have to reap your reward in due course.

“Put right what you can now, before you get bogged down with the effects of living without love and exist on the loveless relationships of a friendless world.”

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Friday, 2nd May 2014

05 April 2014

Where is Mankind’s Responsibility?

          As the world moves ever closer to destruction and Mankind sees apparently no other way to resolve its issues than by aggression and the lining up weapons of destruction, we must all be prepared for the worse.

          It is not a question of scaremongering, but a simple glance at the levels of violence in this world that are abroad throughout so many lands that thought they were civilised.

          The greed of always wanting more and being aggressive enough to always stand up to defend what one wants, regardless of the rights or wrongs of the situation concerning the Greater Good of humanity, is now becoming the natural law for Mankind.

          By Mankind’s natural behaviour, the number of extinct species are increasing almost daily.  By Mankind’s burning of fossil fuels, the warming of the planet continues at an ever increasing rate.

          One only had to seek out the global news to see how the weather patterns are already changing and the intensity of extremes are becoming more regular and causing more damage to life and structures.

          How far does this all have to happen before Mankind, as a responsible being, behaves in such a way that progress for the benefit of all people and living matter around the world, becomes the mainstream of his thoughts and actions?

          People in Government are too busy redefining their local laws and lining their own pockets and future dreams that they are apparently oblivious to the destruction of the world all around them.

          No man is an island it was said, but every man seems to act in isolation according to his own needs and desires rather than feeling the needs of others all around him.

          Until the realisation dawns on the minds of all these individuals that we are all connected and are all interdependent upon each other, because what happens in one place effects has a roll on effect elsewhere and we cannot control these situations alone.

          We were given life and love to work together for the Greater Good of all people and yet, through the various isolations of self-inflicted desires, we are becoming less caring and more self-centred every single day.

          It is now such a mighty mess that even with good will, which appears very lacking, the resources of shared nations will not be enough to correct the balance.

They all seem to think that it is somebody else’s responsibility and the answer is, “NO!  It is yours, and yours and yours.”

All must come together to solve the problems and act together for the Greater Good of all people and stop paying lip service to their office by thinking in isolation.

When the mind-set of the world figures change and all people can  see the transparency of truth and good intentions running through the lives for everybody and not just the few, it will be time to ask the Universal Intelligence to send guidance on how to achieve the impossible that Mankind has created and make it possible through the Divine Love of our Creation.

Until that time we will continue to fall and destroy everything that makes life worth living in the belief that we are the gods and that we can do anything and have anything.

Everything has to be earned.  You can’t put the world right by using your Credit Card, which was made by Man, not by Divine Creation.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Saturday, 5th April 2014

02 March 2014

Why Are We so Blind to Our Future?

          To see the world through other people’s eyes is difficult for most of us.  We are too blinked by our own upbringing and the dogma that we were taught at an early age.

          In different parts of the world the people face different problems, but we are all the same within our own conscientiousness as we were all made in love by our Father Creator.

          It has been said that Man has to be taught to hate, but that love is endemic within his soul.  This is true and the hatred and fears all around this world have been taught to the people by the bad and selfish behaviour of the greedy and the heartless.

          Heartless behaviour is the shutting out of the godly forces, which are our guiding enlightenment to live and share in harmony with each other.

          We, as a race, cannot any longer allow our differences to be what separates us from our fellow human beings.  We need to discover just how much we all have in common and work to unite our belief systems in benefits for all concerned.

          The old adage of divide and rule is no longer applicable in today’s world.  This empirical way of controlling people has long gone, but is still practiced by strong and unyielding nations over weaker ones.

          It also happens in families and businesses where people want control over others.  They see this as a power that gives controlling interests of the few and makes them bigger in the eyes of others, but the discerning eyes can see this as the weakness that it is.

Wars have been fought around the world embodying this principle and it can still be seen in today’s politics and religious houses.

Until Mankind embraces a conduct that all are equal under the Law and that we all have the same rights to practice our belief systems together for the Greater Good and not within the confines of a narrow-minded philosophy which applies only to its members, then we are all lost.

We will continue to disrupt the peace and understanding of our neighbours through aggressive pursuit of what we believe to be right and to bulldoze our creed through the force of arms over the weaker peoples.

We will also continue our right to slaughter the game resources for a minority of misplaced beliefs and to allow the strong to make small fortunes out of banking and corruption in weak Governments and continue to create the ‘Us and Them Society’, where one does not care about the other and the other hates the former because of what they have.

It cannot be sustained and until people stand up for equality and justice through sharing in harmony and understanding, then peace will be an unaffordable luxury as it already is on so many unbalanced economies throughout this world.

Is it too much to remember that we were taught to love and help our neighbour rather than finding any excuse under the sun not to do so?

We should remember that we all live under that same sun and that in the natural world all have an equal right to live under it, except of course Mankind, who apparently knows better as he creates his own demise and who doesn’t care who he takes with him.

It’s not too late to change, but it certainly gets more difficult every day.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Sunday, 2nd March 2014

03 February 2014

Live in the Right and Proper Way

          As the iniquities and corruption around the world hots up into an ever-increasing scum of bad living, it is still possible to see that Spiritual Law is removing the hidden agendas and allowing transparency to reflect some honesty to prove that Universal Law still holds sway against all the odds.

          Mankind seems to be like a belligerent child, who is determined to behave as badly as possible regardless of the rules of law and refusing to believe that he has done anything wrong.

          To be thriving on corruption and greed, any part of humanity is blinded to the fact that at any moment he or she will be exposed to the people and they will see to it that those who gain at their expense will pay the heavy price of their folly.

          There are so many cases now exposed around the world, where the people are finding their voice and their metal to stand up at last for rights of humanity.  There must be a determination to leave this planet cleaner and safer for all those who come after – the children and the grandchildren of today’s people.

          The biggest lesson that has to be earned by all souls on this earth is that they must pay for their mistakes in kind and must put right what they have dishonoured.  Anybody seeking justice must see it in the light of their own mistakes as well as those made against them.

          No one is squeaky clean in this respect otherwise, if they had stood up against the wrongdoing at the beginning, it would not have spread and expanded at such an alarming rate.  Therefore we must all be prepared to accept some part of the blame.

          However it is never too late to make amends for our mistakes however painful they may be.  Even years later, when the errors are realised or are pointed out by those with a higher understanding of Spiritual Law, the unravelling of the errors is still possible and new lessons and ways of living in the right way can and must be followed.

          For those who turn their backs on the truth, because their egos are greater and more untouchable that the common man or the spiritual messenger, then they will fall by their own hand and see their own irresponsibility before their very eyes and it will be too late to reverse their pathetic juvenile attitudes.

          They will be taken out for all time and in the next dimension will face a strong learning period of the searching for the truth through their own eyes until they reach the right levels of justice inflicted on them by their own arrogance.

          Unlike the words of many clerics, who are unlearned in Spiritual Law, no man can give forgiveness of another’s misdemeanours.  Only self-analysis and true understanding can give a divine forgiveness and there are no hidden corners and all must be exposed.

          The Higher Intelligence sees all and empowers his agents, who have proved themselves already to act as guides and mentors to those who struggle, but do so in the right and honest way.

          We all have our own dark secrets and so we must all make amends.  Then, when we are fit to live in love and harmony with other good and honest people, we will be allowed to show our worth, but not before.

           The sooner we realise that there is no time to waste and turn from our errant ways and work for the harmony and benefits of all humanity, the sooner we can be healed and our minds cleaned of all those negative thoughts that we thought we could get away with.

          The answer is that we have nowhere to hide, so by living in the right and proper way, as has always been preached and taught by the prophets and the messengers from the Higher Intelligence, but sadly not by the religions who only fight their own corner, the sooner that we will be able to live for what matters, which is the freedom of conscience where all good things are possible to the righteous and the caring.

Amen to that.
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Monday, 3rd February 2014

02 January 2014

If We Are To Weather the Storm We Must Do It Together

          As the world continues to go out of control because the conflicting energies of positive and negativity are out of balance, it is imperative that those who send out their thoughts of love and healing continue to do so.

          They are maintaining the status quo at the very least and the more positive thoughts that are put out, the better it will be for all humanity.  In order for progress to be made Mankind must learn to be human.

          Humanism is the way that all created men, women and children care and have compassion for each other, so that together they may live in peace and harmony for the Greater Good and not simply for themselves.

          The Great Intelligence, who created us and this world together, did so as the Universal Law allowed and we were given the right to think and act for ourselves, but also to take the responsibility for our actions.

          The balance on this earth plane is now unsteady as Man takes what he wants, but doesn’t address his responsibilities to the rest of humanity and the natural world.

          So much so that the imbalances are now showing, as the natural world of weather becomes unwieldy and more intense and the highs and lows are exaggerated, so that storms and droughts equally become more frequent and more intense.

          Mankind has brought this on himself by his greed for resources and easy living without a material conscience that what he was using up was not only limited in supply, but was also causing global pollution.

          As the floods and natural effects become greater, so the discomfort of the people is noticed and weathered for a painful interlude and damaged infrastructure has to be rebuilt at great cost to the local economy.

          Isn’t there a lesson here, that we should be investing in balancing the natural forces before they cause further damage, rather than always having to clear up the mess to the material world as well as to people’s broken lives?

          Climate change has been known as a proven fact for many decades, but the main polluters are not ready to curb their selfish practices and even spend money lobbying the politicians to leave them alone to make the problem worse.

          Where the politicians fail is that they are elected by the people and should be governing for the benefit of all people and not just for the corrupt and selfish few, who only care for their own way of life regardless of the pain that they cause others.

          We must all understand first and foremost that there is a problem here and that we have a voice, which together can and must create change, whereby we are no longer sheep to be led to the slaughter, but as humans we have a right to share with all others the basic human necessities.

          Too many people in this world are starving and are abused and the high and mighty statesmen seem to think that by throwing money at the problem it will go away.

          Until compassion and the understanding of what is right and what is wrong is understood according to Spiritual Law, which Jesus taught in its simplest and purest form to all men of all nations and not just to groups who used it for control, then we are set to continue down this slippery slope to global disaster.

          Mankind has a history of refusing to listen to any doom and scenario, but unless he listens and acts to this one, he will be further crushed by his own hand and will have no one else to blame but himself.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Thursday, 2nd January 2014