04 September 2015

We Need To Create Heaven Within

Know that the sun is there to lift your spirits.  It will always shine on your anxieties and melt the very things which disturb your happiness.  You cannot achieve all that you want in life, but you can be certain that the sun will rise every morning and bring you hope.

          If you care to look back through the history of Mankind’s advancement in his thinking and being, you will see that the early gods, which he chose to worship, were the sun.  He gave them many different names, but all around the world, in the early days, he chose the sun to be represented by a figure and that figure to always represent the sun.

          This is not as primitive as it may sound and just because we live in an age of science and technology, we mustn’t look back on our ancestors and mock their limited knowledge compared with what we are blessed to know.

          It must be said that many people still worship the sun in their own way.  People are happier when the sun shines, as the vibrational energies which it sends are lighter and warmer to our senses.

          Many people after a long hard winter, especially those who live in the northern countries, can be found in the spring sitting on seats in parks during their lunch breaks with their eyes closed and allowing the warm and lighter energies to be adsorbed by their bodies.

          They feel recharged and strengthened and are able to continue with their work and play in a more positive and happier way.  Exposure to the sunshine gives our bodies the important Vitamin D, which helps to regulate the strength of our bone structure.

          Many of the old mosaics in the early years of Christianity depicted Jesus as Helios, the sun god.  Helios drove a chariot of four horses and represented the sun crossing the sky from east to west and into the darkness, but always arriving in the east to bring in the dawn of the new day.

Jesus was possibly depicted as the sun god, because the sun is essential to our life on earth, as without it there would be no plant life and humanity would starve with the rest of the Animal Kingdom.

 To many of us it is unthinkable to live without Jesus in our lives.  His teachings were of how we should behave and live together in perfect harmony and progress towards the next world by bringing the Kingdom of Heaven into this one for all to enjoy.

He taught about enlightenment and love, which are the very essence of life.  He brought healing to those who were sick and never judged anyone.  The parallels that he brought are still as valid then as they are today.

He taught us about the calm that is within us all, where our spiritual life and being is centred.  This is where he can still be found today if we allow him to come into the quietness of our meditation, when we are not distracted by any outside influence.

This does not occur with religion, where the dogma and noise distracts the worshipper from the Creator and the message that his representative brings to the earth plane.  Jesus works on a one to one basis and not to a crowd that is distracted by the scripted service devised by men according to their own rules.

It seem that the spiritual aspects have been deliberately taken out and vanquished and the interaction between this world and the spiritual energies that exist, where there is love and harmony together, can come into our lives and make us stronger and more understanding of what Jesus taught.

Is it surprising that people are moving away from the restrictions that are placed on the individual free thinker and who is searching for the truth and justice for all through Laws of the Universe given to all, who have an interest in righteousness and fair justice for all?

We are all responsible for how we conduct our own lives and we will surely be shown the error of our ways, when we pass beyond this earth plane of negative actions and self-interest.  It is a wise man or woman indeed, who has looked at their lives and how they live together with others for the Greater Good.

We have the sun and the enlightenment of Jesus’ words, which give us hope and direction, so that we have ways clearly signposted on how we should live together with others and find our way together for a better world beyond, that which we call heaven.

Thus we need to create heaven in our own hearts and minds, so that we cannot fail and will always know that we are guided and shown how to do our best for ourselves and others to bring about the Greater Good.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Friday, 4th September 2015