03 February 2015

The Greater Good Must Come First

It is becoming very apparent that the aggression in the world is not receding and the number of wars and national upsets is increasing rather than being addressed and peace and harmony being introduced.

Until Mankind learns to live and work in harmony, there cannot be any reduction of the hatred and pain that is daily being inflicted on the people.  They are caught up in a wave of greed and hostility for which they suffer and have little redress.

Those in power have driven a wedge between loving ones neighbour, as had always been taught throughout history, but not always acted upon and what Jesus taught us, which was to love our enemies.

Our Creator made souls that were equal and only differ as they pick up experience from their very being and actively advance in the society into which they are born.

The outer casing being the physical body, which holds the very sensitive soul in place and protects this loving creation, is somewhat different from one to the other.

Mankind has always distained anything that is different rather than admire the diversity of the Creator’s handiwork.  It is Man himself that forms groups of likeness together and repels anything else that isn’t the same as his liking.

Until humanity stops finding fault with each other and resorting to violent means to repel it, there can be no more harmony.  There is so little tolerance of another’s belief system and even religious groups, which stem from the same stock, soon divide up.

Power and greed are two of the worse driving forces throughout the world and they prohibit love and a caring society where the Greater Good can be served.  It is the people who suffer, while those who are chosen to represent them so often seek their own interests first and foremost.

At the highest level of politics, national interests are achieved ahead of International justice and honesty, so no advance is ever made in solving the problems that leaders don’t feel warrants their advantage.

Until there is a body of International Justice and Right-thinking for all nations and for all people by those who are able to enforce Human Rights as laid down by Spiritual and Universal Law, the misery and pain of the innocent cannot be addressed.

Nobody can be above the Law and the Law must be seen to be even-handed and honest to all people everywhere in the world.   There can be no exceptions, otherwise the system of justice breaks down and does not serve all people equally.

Each and every person on this globe must start to take responsibility for being here and make their lives reflect the Greater Good rather than their individual wants rather than their needs.

There are many people who understand this and yet do nothing.  There are some people who have the power and the means to bring in justice for all and defeat the stronger against the weaker.

They know who they are and they must remember that the Higher Intelligence sees all and that it is not always the case that what you do that is wrong, but equally what you fail to do for the better when you are given the chance.

We all have some say in our future.  For some it is small and localised, but still important.  For some it is mighty indeed if they would only see what is truly needed and act honesty as their conscience dictates to accomplish what was always called ‘The Will of God’.

The Greater Intelligence still drive our Consciences, but are we still listening or are we too weak and turn away leaving it for others to do?

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Tuesday, 3rd February 2015