I heard it said by a Spirit Guide, who is known on this earth plane as Magnus, that reincarnation was an insult to 'God' to suppose that 'He' had stopped making souls.
In his book Red Cloud Speaks from the trance teachings through Estelle Roberts, he asks us what would be the point in coming again and again because if you got it wrong before so you will again. Here he explains more.
"The survival of the spirit after death of the material body is a natural law. You pass to the Astral World, which I myself have often called a clearing station for the heavens and is the next approach for man beyond his earthly span of life.
"The next stage of his existence is very much akin to the state of your material world for the Spirit World is very closely associated with the matter-world.
"A man does not change his views, his beliefs or his ideas after leaving the body. In the words of your Bible, "As a tree falleth so shall it lie," meaning that you are just the same after death as you were before it.
"How many of you believe your Bible and understand its teachings? Your Bible is a book which teaches the psychic laws of the natural and spiritual world.
"Let us study for a while the last part of the book of St John the Divine in Revelation. John is a psychic who could hear and contact this World from where I come, because he was a medium.
"If you read that book you will find these words, "It was upon the Lord's Day and I was in the Spirit," meaning that he was in contact with my World. "And I heard a voice like a trumpet."
"He heard a voice from heaven saying, "Write!" And John wrote.
"One of the points he wrote about in Revelation on two or three occasions was about the 'second death'. Can you interpret that from your Bible or must we keep coming among you again and give you the Divine Revelation of the Spirit?
"To pass into the Astral World is not the beginning or the end. You must realise that here and now. Those words in the Bible are true. They are the voice of Spirit speaking then as they continues to speak today.
"Unless you are born of the Spirit you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven ."
This means that unless you blend your body, soul and mind with greater understanding of the Spirit in its eternity, you must pass backwards and forwards from the Astral to Earth.
"Until you are born to the fuller understanding you must still travel backwards and forwards. You will not go very far away, but stay until a real desire makes you say, "How can I enter the Kingdom of Heaven ? What must I learn?"
"You must learn what Spirit is. You have to register divine thought in its fullness before you can be born to Spirit.
"Directly man focuses his mind upon Divine Law, automatically, even after the death of the material body, he advances into the fullness of his divine being.
"He can enter into the fullness of the Lord, meaning the Law, but the second death is for those who return bankrupt of spiritual ideas.
"How can they advance upon the road when they don't know where it will lead them? So automatically they enter my World and "As a tree falls so shall they die."
"When a man comes to my World he is not changed. If he still disbelieves in spiritual law he will be the same after death as before. He remains in that condition for twenty years onwards in the Astral World until he has obtained the fullness of that mature state.
"What happens to such a man? He will die a second death.
"You are eternal at all times, for you can never be destroyed, but you must pass from state to state in that eternity until all the states are passed.
"After a period in the Astral World, if the ignorant mind which is dependent on matter is still bankrupt in its ideas of going forward, so the body automatically dies.
"The man is then born again and, as in this world you are born into a material body and pass through another state, so it is in this world.
"You advance to a certain state of mind and if it is spiritual then you understand these words, "Upon him the second death hath no power."
"You automatically expand in consciousness and become part of Divine Law and go on and on and on.
"If a man denies the reality of his spiritual self, he annihilates himself to the extent of that real kingdom, which is his inheritance and so according to the Law he dies in the Astral World, not of bodily disease but of disease of the mind, of error, which extinguishes the light which is his own reality.
"Therefore he is reborn; that is the second death, reborn into matter. He may wonder why his body is diseased when his fellow men have healthy bodies.
"He does not realise that he has put into operation the Law of Cause and Effect that his body is caused by his own mind and so he blames 'God', not realising that the Eyes of 'God' are too pure to behold iniquity.
"You mould matter. Matter does not mould you. It is your state of consciousness that must not be lulled into a belief that all is well and that you will enter my World.
"There is a perpetual journey for those who deny the Universal Law of 'God's' consciousness in your midst and it is upon them that the second death falls – it is death and rebirth into the matter-world.
"It is time that you awoke from the belief that you are going to enter my World and then all your troubles will be past. If you will only, here and now, direct your mental forces on the great and wondrous Law of Truth, it will strengthen and hold you.
"You have freewill and you have chosen to return to every incarnation and you still haven't woken up to the fact that you are eternal.
"You are here because you have chosen to be here. Some come to learn and some come in service, some are evolved and some are spiritually bankrupt.
"You know the words, "There is nothing covered which shall not be revealed."
"The words of Spirit are given to every man to profit withal," not for one man, because 'God' has no respect for persons – neither do we but we are respecters of truth.
"There is plenty of time if you care to sleep or suffer confusion as a result, but you must sooner or later wake up to the truth and realise that to hate no man, but to serve men is to know 'God'.
"To do this is very hard, but it is only through this that you pass right through the Astral World and enter the first heaven as one of the disciples said, "I was caught up into the first heaven."
"You must be born again whether you like it or not, because it is fixed in your evolution and you can be born into that greater expanse and expression of life that is beyond the Astral or, automatically, you will die from the Astral and return to the matter-world.
"There you will take up according to your character, your belief, your desire and motive all that you have left undone and have done erroneously.
"No one will dictate to you – least of all shall we do so. Whether in or out of body you must advance here and there or remain earthbound according to the individual's free will.
"You will persist after death, so learn the lesson now and thus escape confusion or you might have to return. Understand now that you can live in that real world where there is no more suffering, no more sorrow and no more pain.
"That is the world where you really belong, but if you prefer to wander along the pathway of confusion and see through the glass darkly, living according to man made laws, that is your responsibility."
We must all take personal responsibility for ourselves and seek to move forward with what 'God' had entrusted to us and that is the very essence of life itself.
Until we learn to live in peace with each other and accept eternal life as a pathway to the 'Godhead', how can we expect any peace of mind, body and soul which can only be calmed by being embraced by the love of 'God', but first we all have to earn it.
Michael Ayers
Saturday, 3rd October 2009
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