08 September 2010

A Heart of Gold is a Happy One - September 2010

Our message this month is about the way that people are ignoring each other when support is needed.

We never know when we are going to need that helping hand and if we do nothing to help others without conditions being attached, how are we going to be able to receive help ourselves when we need it?

 Relationships are becoming increasingly difficult in many households where love has been replaced by fear of what the other may be thinking about or may react to.

As the pressure on every day living increases, there needs to be an open countenance and a willingness to discuss difficulties as matters change in the running events.

It is not easy to wear your heart on your sleeve because other people know how they can get round you to accomplish what they want instead of what is best for all concerned.

However it is the only way that people who get to know each other can exist together in harmony and that is by being open and trusting in each other person's good sense of fair play and decency.

Are these old fashioned words to you?  Well if so that may be because you are passing by on moral and personal responsibility and you have closed your mind to the needs of others around you.

If that is so, how can you expect to be treated with an open hand of love and friendship if you hold no personal responsibility for your actions?

You reap what you sow and if you are a giver then you have a right to receive in good measure.  If you are not treated fairly by those around you then stand up for yourself and take the necessary action.

It is no good hiding away in pain when it is often better to walk away with your head high.  Keep your heart strong to see your generosity rewarded as it should be.

Think long and hard so that with help and guidance you can be yourself and if others don't react to you in an even and honest way, then give to those who appreciate you and let the takers find another.

Goodness comes from within and a heart of gold is a happy one – not a neglected and unhappy state of being.

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