04 October 2010

If You Are Afraid to Lose, You will be the Loser - October 2010

So many people are too stubborn to change, because they fear that they will lose by it.  The Middle East peace talks are a case in point.  If you are too stubborn to give an inch because you will lose face to the masses, how can negotiations ever even begin?

The whole world is full of people who will not address changes which have to occur so that everybody gains.  Life is all about giving and taking.

This is the whole concept of trade.  I have something that you would like, so give me something that I can accept for it.  By giving and taking, so negotiations can reach a level of acceptance and a bargain is struck.

Too many people today want only on their terms.  "I have a right to what I want.  I don't have to earn it.  I can have what I want now and take it."

The age of easy credit, through mortgages and credit cards in the hands of irresponsible people, has caused a great deal of misery all around the world.

It has become a world of selling and not a world of what I can afford to have for myself and my family.  Children are brought up by so many to get what they want by making a noise and to shut them up they get their way.

We must all learn to accept personal responsibility and if we behave badly we must be prepared to stand up and be counted.  We must put our hand up and be prepared to say, "Yes, I did that."

What we fail to address in this world before we pass on to the next is not a question of what can I get away with, because when we move on we shall be naked before the eyes of those who come to meet us.

They will ask, "What have you done with your life that is sufficient for you to be acceptable here."

If we are not ready to take our place in the Light and Love of our Creator, then we must address what we have left undone and our selfish and unyielding behaviour to others around us will have to be understood and shown to be heartfelt.

          What has been the point of our journey through life on this planet, if we have used all our motivations for self gain and neglected the needs of others that were in our power and opportunity to address?

The mistakes and errors of a lifetime will be seen and we will all be found wanting, but if we have the right intentions and are honest with ourselves, then with our conscience guiding us we can aspire to the life to come.

Let us ask you to consider your life and to see what you are going to answer when you are asked if you have done sufficient to enter in and to share the love of others.

It is not our right to be let in to the good life until we have earned it and our place there will be kept until we are ready to occupy it in our Makers time and not our own.

Be ready to answer the question, because none of us know when we are going to pass out of body and will be asked to justify what we have done with what we were given and that was a pure life at the beginning, so have we remained unsullied by giving or simply taken what we wanted for ourselves.

We are seen and watched by those who are unseen, but love us and want us to do well.  However, only we can walk our own path of life and therefore we must be accountable whenever we are asked.   

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