“As the pace of change continues around the world and there is increasing disruption to our own daily lives as we see the inevitable destabilisation of our comfort zone, we must entrust our lives to the Higher Intelligence, who many call ‘God’.
“I am not talking about religion here. That is man made. I am talking about the inner self, which guides us well if we chose to listen to the direction of our actions, which we instinctively know does make sense.
“We are entrusted with a special connection between our spirit and the place we came from, which is where we will return after our time on the earthly plane of existence is over.
“Many souls have come over the centuries to dedicate their lives to helping the people to understand the truth about the existence of our own reality, in other words the difference between the material world and the spiritual world.
“Mostly those words of enlightenment have fallen on deaf ears by those who are already well endowed with material possessions, who are afraid to give up anything that they regard as their comfort and their security.
“It is so often the poor and needy who listen in hope and, by doing so, they begin to find the understanding that they are not alone and that help is at hand.
“That help may not turn them into rich and prosperous people on the earth, but it will show them the way of understanding by seeing the plight of others and, by sharing and helping each other, they reach a higher state of spiritual understanding.
“Paying lip service to a religious state of being, where one is forgiven ones sins by a priest each Sunday and continuing to trample on the needs of others for ones own earthly advancement, is no way to prepare for the next stage of life beyond this plane of activity.
“There are many routes to the upliftment of a spiritual nature and all religions hold some truths about the way to live and worship a higher understanding, but none are free of man’s greed for power and wealth.
“There is nothing wrong with power and wealth. It is the way that it is used and we invite you to look around the world for yourselves and honestly see and observe how that power and wealth had corrupted people and nations become corrupted and the people suffer.
“There is a new wind blowing from the Spirit bringing change and understanding for the better, but first the old ways have to be broken and discarded before new foundations can furnish new and better systems.
“When these become implanted then the benefits will come down to the people, who must take their own responsibilities seriously and not leave it to others, who then profit for themselves and the cycle of self interest and greed starts all over again.
“Once the man in the street starts to care about his future and the future of his children, then progress can be made. A better and more equal life can evolve where greed and oppression can be uprooted and love and harmony for the greater good can emerge to the benefit of all souls.
“Amen to that."
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