Today starts the Festival of Easter with Maundy Thursday, that traditional day of the giving of Alms to the poor. This is so often symbolic, as the giving of Maundy coins by the Queen makes the coins too valuable to be given to the poor and needy to buy bread. Instead we all need to look into our hearts at what is there to give to those who are needy.
In Greece, the people are driven by extreme measures that are not of their making, but are the making of politicians, who falsified the books to join the European Community and then spent the money on grandiose schemes as if there was no tomorrow.
With the falling of the Euro, the pain and the distress of the people around the European Community is surely too much to bear. When a man of seventy-seven shoots himself in protest on the steps of Government leaving his suicide note for all to read, will the politicians realise that it is their fault or will they hide behind the usual excuse of I did nothing wrong?
Until the people in authority own up to their responsibilities and stop lining their own pockets and polishing their egos, the people there can make no progress until everything has fallen and must be raised again from the ashes.
In Syria, the despot Assad continues to blast his people with death and torture, turning its cities into ghost towns that will have to rise again after Assad and his butchers are dead and gone. The people will rebuild them when sanity is restored and goodness will take its rightful place in this world.
Why are there always men and women throughout the ages, who insist that they are right and that they are mightier that the Laws of the Universe?
Why do the people not take personal responsibility in stopping these madmen from taking their power and abusing their own people?
We are all in wake-up mode as the democracies around the world are beginning to raise their heads at last, as the seeds sown are being nurtured by the mind-sets of those who are strong enough to stand against tyranny.
In Burma, a lady has fought her way against all the odds to bring herself and her democratic party to the fore and will prevail. Aung San Suu Kyi is a lady of strength and wisdom who has, like Nelson Mandela, refused to be silenced and has won the day.
We all need to look within ourselves and to see what we can do. The Queen Elizabeth II hands out her Maundy Money to the deserving and sets us an example.
Are we deserving of all that we have? Do we give to those in need and help to justify the wrongs that are all around us or are we too busy enjoying what we have to bother about other people?
If we do not do what is needed, then how can we expect to be considered when we are in need of some support, which by Universal Law will come to try us according to our ability to pay the piper?
Never think that you are alone and untouchable. We are all connected and dependant on each other, so together we will succeed and alone we are nothing worthy of any name at all.
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Thursday, 5th April 2012