04 May 2012

Why Didn’t Our Parents Do Something About It? May 2012

The way that the world is shaping up you would think that the holocaust has arrived and is beating on everybody’s door.  Around the world there is oppression and the fighting for human rights in almost all of the almost two hundred recognised countries.

Nobody is contented anymore and there are restrictions on human liberties almost everywhere you look.  These can be dictatorial, as in the Arab Spring uprisings as well as in Russia and in China, financial as in Europe and North America or religious as in Catholicism and in Jewish and Muslim interpretations of their Law.

Surely it has come to a terrible state of affairs when there is no tolerance to another’s view point.  Religion is far too heavy handed in laying down the Law on what others should be doing and finding it very hard to follow their own example.

What matters is that all human beings have equal rights to a life under the Law of Humanity, the Universal Law of Existence, and it matters not what colour, creed or educational background that you belong to as all are the same when in a state of pain and suffering.

Nobody has any right to abuse the sacredness of life itself.  There are three type of life here on this earth and they are humanity, fauna and flora.

Humanity had been given a greater degree of intelligence and understanding, but instead of using it with compassion and tolerance, the mind-set is too full of a desire for personal greed to have more than is needed, no matter where it comes from or how many people suffer because of it.

The fauna and flora are prime examples of this as the elephant is shot for the ivory of their two front teeth, Rhinos are killed for the unproven medical qualities of its defensive horn and Whales are still hunted and fish stocks are over fished.  The great Rainforests in South America and Africa are being destroyed and the icecaps are melting.

Still Mankind continues on his way, destroying the valuable assets here on this planet and increasing the population until there will be nothing but concrete and high-rise buildings, as the mental pressure increases on the minds of all people and the little children are bemused or abused by an uncaring world.

Until individual people start taking responsibility instead of leaving it to others, there can be no peace, no change and no sanctity of life and existence.

Bloodshed and suffering is too frequently all about us in this modern word and the 21st Century, billed as the Age of Aquarius – an opportunity for new beginnings and a new Spiritual Age – is likely to result in a massive upheaval of negative ignorance, the worst that the world has ever seen.

The Man in the Street must start to stand up for his rights and the rights of others, whether they are human, animal or plant.  If the greed continues the whole fabric that holds this world together will continue to crumble and the predicted destruction of all benefits achieved will be flattened in the rush.

Kindness to individuals and a smiling countenance is a start.  Being aware of your neighbour and those who you pass by in the street is a start.  Friendliness first before aggression will help.

Until we all start to think and care about this world that we all live in and really make an effort to change our ways and build for the future instead of grabbing what we can for today, then there will be little left for our children and our grandchildren to enjoy and then you may hear them say, “Why didn’t our parents do something about it before it was too late…”

          Jenny and Michael Ayers
Friday, 4th May 2012