04 March 2013

The Future is now up to you if you Care

The path to change never runs smoothly and so it is proving, as we watch and wait for the energies needed to strengthen our world and to bring about the courage of the downtrodden and abused as the ego of the abusers starts to shrink.

This is but a parallel course, as one cannot take full effect without the other.  The mind-sets of all Mankind have to change to allow the power from the Higher Intelligence to become effective.

 We all have free will and this, some may argue, has been our downfall, as we have not taken the responsibility that goes with it.  It is good to make up your own minds and not to be bullied or persuaded by others of a stronger disposition.

However so many souls upon this earth plane have taken the easier way out and gone with the teachings of others, even against their own instincts, without truly weighing up the overall consequences.

In the long term Man has been driven by religious teachings that if one failed to follow them, as laid down by the leaders, led to disastrous and highly painful consequences, while if you did what one was told by them, it would all turn out for the better.

What was missing here was that the individual, who has the gift of free will, failed to acknowledge the ‘God’ in the Heavenly next world, but relied on others to know that the Higher Intelligence existed at all.

As time eventually passed and the materiality of churches, mosques or synagogues continued in the same old way without any adjustments for their mistakes and errors, let alone the changing world all around them.

Today the mind-set has started to rebel and move away from the constrictions of organised religions in favour of their own inclinations and experiences.

Many are searching for the goodness and the love that abounds for everyone through the Creator and the miraculous development of this Universe.

However there is a core of greed and corruption that is rife in this world which has led to the depletion of world resources and the damaging effects of global warming bringing doom and destruction to this very planet, if Man continues to neglect his responsibilities.

Help has always been given from the Source of all knowledge and wisdom to alert Mankind of his errors, which has largely been ignored and has brought this planet and its ever expanding population to the edge of doom and destruction.

It is not too late however to turn one’s mind to the greater and necessary actions of freeing this world from the negativity and harm of the selfish and the corrupt.

At this very time there is a change of attitude to be brought about by the energies of universal proportions that will strengthen the weak minded and soften the egos of the self-righteous.

It is already beginning to occur, so now is the opportunity to get on board by thinking for yourself and doing what is good and right.  You will not be alone and all will benefit and flourish as never before.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Monday, 4th March 2013