01 May 2013

We Mustn’t Give Up On Our Responsibilities

          For those of us who watch the World News on a regular basis, it is becoming like watching the same horror movie over and over again.

          Nobody seems to learn from their mistakes and the corruption, the greed and the killing continues at an ever increasing pace.

          Governments come and go.  Armies fight on against not only their opposing army, but the women and children.  The civilians are now fair game and are targeted with explosives and by suicide bombers.

          As if that wasn’t enough, greedy builders and owners of businesses are being exposed, as their handiwork collapses again and again killing hundreds of people.  Building and fire regulations are regularly ignored and the innocent suffer through lack of forethought and lack of spending on safety.

          Refugee camps are springing up around the globe and slum dwellings are becoming common in places everywhere.  The poor have no refuge save the hand-out or crumbs from the rich man’s table.

          The rich are becoming richer and the poor are becoming a higher percentage in every nation on earth.  What divides Man’s mind-sets is that he will only work for extra goodies in his pocket and the way to succeed is to bribe the already corrupt and to ignore the goodness that is daily trampled on by those who don’t believe in a world of justice and compassion.

          Until each and every soul on this planet stops thinking that there is nothing that they can do about changing the state of affairs throughout the world, nothing will ever get done.

          Already the rich nations are continuing to pollute the air with their gas guzzling four-wheel drive vehicles, which are used primarily for the school and the supermarket runs.

Nobody is prepared to take responsibility anymore.  Nobody is prepared to add their little bit to the pile of progress.  Why is everybody so selfish, when if we all tried that little bit more to help the planet and the Greater Good, this earth plane could be saved and the fighting would cease.

Until we all do something about the state of the world, we are all responsible for its decline and we will all suffer the consequences for the destruction of ourselves, those who we love and the whole environment which allowed us to live here, until we all gave up on it.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Wednesday, 1st May 2013