Now the world is in
the shadow of the darkness of Mankind’s own making, there has to come a new and
exciting change, as the energies from On High enlighten the mistakes of the past
and force Man to see the errors of his ways.
The basic rule of
Universal Law is that you reap what you sow and Mankind has gone his own way
long enough, ignoring the teachings from Jesus and allowing the Church to sell
forgiveness through the Confessional and by accepting donations for their own
It may be difficult
for many to understand the difference between Religion and the Infinite
Intelligence on a far higher level than anyone on this earth plane.
Many set themselves
up as being ‘God’s’ representative on Earth, so that they can have care and
control of the spirits or souls of their Congregations.
In reality, it must
be seen as being open and free of dogma, so that the people can see what their
Elders are and whether they live by the rules that they teach.
Unfortunately for
the Masses, religious business has carried on behind closed doors, but they are
now being opened to reveal the ungodly side of their business.
No single person
needs a church, mosque or synagogue to be told what is right and what is wrong
in their lives and for them to open their own minds to the Higher Intelligence.
As Buddha taught, “The mind is everything. What you think you
It is not what you
are told to be, but what you think that you are that makes you visible to the
Higher Intelligence.
All things are known and even business
conducted behind closed doors is being brought out into the open by the
energies that serve for transparency for the people to see how they have been
Look around the world and in the midst of negativity
see the breeze of openness exposing the mistakes of the past. Justice is being brought to those who thought
that they had got away with their crimes against humanity.
Mankind as a whole must turn itself from
its past mistakes and openly see where they went wrong and then address
them. Only then can the world be a
better place for the generations of children, who are currently being offered a
childhood of pain and a future of many dangers.
All must act now by being aware of the way
the world is and standing up for right and openness. This movement has already begun. Are you one who will join it and do your bit
for the future of the world and its humanity?
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Wednesday, 3rd July 2013