03 December 2013

Be Blessed in the Giving and Rewarded by your Kindness

It is with increasing concern that we hear from all around the world of Man’s inhumanity to Man and a failure to work together for the Greater Good.

          More and more people are having to protest against their duly elected representatives in Government, who are either inept or corrupt, but in all cases around the world they ignore the best interests of their people.

          The message that Jesus brought some two thousand years ago is still not being enacted by those who purport to take advantage of their fellow man rather than help him.

           In order to find a path to the Great Intelligence, who gave us life and love, we must follow the teachings to love and help our neighbour.  We are all one large family made in the image of ‘God’, we are told and therefore we must recognise his presence within us.

          We all have a conscience, but so many of us either pay lip service to it or ignore it altogether.  Do we live in enlightened times or in the Darkness of Ignorance?

           The choice of our future in the next dimension is made by our actions here on this earth plane of existence, because according to our choices made here, so we will find ourselves adjusting our mistakes and feeling the sorrow that we may have caused to others.

          At this time of year, it is globally accepted that there is a feast to celebrate the memory of one of the great prophets, who was descended from Abraham and thus is acknowledged in the three main religions throughout these lands.

          However, it is quite apparent that they have different standards within them, as there is a far right element that use their extremist views to hurt the innocent rather than love and cherish them, as the prophets taught us to do.

          We all have to make up our own minds what is right and what is wrong, but our spiritual voice within us all does guide us if we listen and, ignoring our own wants in life, we can choose a pathway of making a difference in the best way possible for all those that we meet.

          This festival is not about how much money we can spend to show how well off we are and to be extravagant in front of those who see us, but a time of humbleness and gratefulness that we are blessed and able to share what we have with others less blessed.

          If we make the effort to put others before ourselves, then we will know the true nature of who we help.  If they gain from our sacrifices, however small, then we are grateful and satisfied.

          If however they take advantage of us and scoff at our endeavours, then we are in the wrong company and must try harder to find causes that lead us and others to the peace in this world and an end to the corruption and greed of a material society.

          We send you good wishes and great tidings, so that this year you may remember others, who will remember you and your kindness, so in turn you will be blessed.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Tuesday, 3rd December 2013