02 March 2014

Why Are We so Blind to Our Future?

          To see the world through other people’s eyes is difficult for most of us.  We are too blinked by our own upbringing and the dogma that we were taught at an early age.

          In different parts of the world the people face different problems, but we are all the same within our own conscientiousness as we were all made in love by our Father Creator.

          It has been said that Man has to be taught to hate, but that love is endemic within his soul.  This is true and the hatred and fears all around this world have been taught to the people by the bad and selfish behaviour of the greedy and the heartless.

          Heartless behaviour is the shutting out of the godly forces, which are our guiding enlightenment to live and share in harmony with each other.

          We, as a race, cannot any longer allow our differences to be what separates us from our fellow human beings.  We need to discover just how much we all have in common and work to unite our belief systems in benefits for all concerned.

          The old adage of divide and rule is no longer applicable in today’s world.  This empirical way of controlling people has long gone, but is still practiced by strong and unyielding nations over weaker ones.

          It also happens in families and businesses where people want control over others.  They see this as a power that gives controlling interests of the few and makes them bigger in the eyes of others, but the discerning eyes can see this as the weakness that it is.

Wars have been fought around the world embodying this principle and it can still be seen in today’s politics and religious houses.

Until Mankind embraces a conduct that all are equal under the Law and that we all have the same rights to practice our belief systems together for the Greater Good and not within the confines of a narrow-minded philosophy which applies only to its members, then we are all lost.

We will continue to disrupt the peace and understanding of our neighbours through aggressive pursuit of what we believe to be right and to bulldoze our creed through the force of arms over the weaker peoples.

We will also continue our right to slaughter the game resources for a minority of misplaced beliefs and to allow the strong to make small fortunes out of banking and corruption in weak Governments and continue to create the ‘Us and Them Society’, where one does not care about the other and the other hates the former because of what they have.

It cannot be sustained and until people stand up for equality and justice through sharing in harmony and understanding, then peace will be an unaffordable luxury as it already is on so many unbalanced economies throughout this world.

Is it too much to remember that we were taught to love and help our neighbour rather than finding any excuse under the sun not to do so?

We should remember that we all live under that same sun and that in the natural world all have an equal right to live under it, except of course Mankind, who apparently knows better as he creates his own demise and who doesn’t care who he takes with him.

It’s not too late to change, but it certainly gets more difficult every day.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Sunday, 2nd March 2014