02 May 2014

Make Amends and Put Right Your Mistakes

“Our message this month is to all those people who have made mistakes in the past and hurt people, whether directly or by mistake.

“It is never too late to say that you are sorry and that you would like to make amends in some way, so putting right as far as it is possible the error that you made, however long ago it was.

“If you feel that it was not your fault and that you did nothing wrong than see if you are not hiding behind your own delusions.

“Remember that you may get away with it in this material world, but that everything is seen and nothing can be hidden.

“We are all familiar with the fact that we come naked into this world and that we can take nothing away with us, but our lives are stained in our subconscious record and, without this physical body, there is nothing in our spiritual body to hide what we have done and what errors we have made in Spiritual and Universal Laws.

“We all have to face ourselves and our own actions and thoughts before we can be accepted into the higher life beyond this world and many of us will have to make amends for what we got wrong and failed to put right.

“By our fruits we are indeed known and it will be clear to everyone we meet whether we have been successful in living by Laws of a Higher Intelligence or whether we simply lived for ourselves in the selfish knowledge that we know better than others.

“It is well worthwhile taking some time out now to consider this, as we are all eternal beings and there may be a lot to atone for later on, which is never pleasant to see how badly we have behaved to others, who may well have given goodness to us, which we took, used and sent them empty away.

“What may seem beneficial on this earth plane of existence is so often an illusion in the way of life beyond these few years that we spend here sampling the energies that exist here, like an assault course through the jungle of emotions and what we enjoy can so often be at the expense of others.

“Giving and taking is a way of life, but there must be a balance between what we give and what we take away.  There are no more bargains in the market of human relations, because by Spiritual Law we reap what we sow and that means that we must be fair and just in all we do and say.

“To take from another just because you can leaves a stain on your record, which will have to be paid at some stage as you can get away with nothing in the long run and that is eternity.

“To enjoy without taking responsibility may be fun now, but if you hurt another then you will be hurt yourself, as you will have to feel the pain of your actions before you can understand what you have sown and then have to reap your reward in due course.

“Put right what you can now, before you get bogged down with the effects of living without love and exist on the loveless relationships of a friendless world.”

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Friday, 2nd May 2014