06 June 2015

Love Is Given Freely While Hate Has To Be Taught

When all is said and done it leaves a time of quietness for contemplation.  There will be all the ins and outs of the conversation and all views will have been expressed.  It is now that the wise put all the facets of the argument into perspective.

It is well known, but not always accepted that the truth is available to be witnessed from several points of view.  Witnesses see the incident from different standpoints and all will tell a slightly different tale.

So it is with life that we are all brought up under slightly different conditions and influences, so that our interpretation of events and ways of living and being come from different standpoints.

It is here that we need to understand tolerances of other points of view and that our perception may be different from another’s.  We cannot and should not be totally arrogant in believing that we are always right and that others are always wrong.

In a society of love and harmony, individuals are able to accept that we are all different through our experiences and that we can make allowances with each and every one, so that harmony is created and our world is in balance.

Where this is not so, there are aggressive overtones that can lead to differences of opinion, so great that hostility become the norm and people gather in groups to take on another and it is here that the innocent suffer the effects of the aggressors.

While the wars of unreason rage about, there are massive effects on women and children and the basic innocence and human rights are taken away and can never be replaced without the scars showing for ever more.

It is no use turning our backs on the problems that are created by failing to air the soft words of diplomacy and tact.  There are always people whose heads rule their hearts and stony influence and hatred rule the day.

There are clear lines of right and wrong and it is simply a question of deciding where those demarcations lie.  A reasonable man will have different lines from an unreasonable man, who is ruled by his ego and his personal wants.

We all have a responsibility to speak up when wrongs are committed for the sake of the innocent, who are misrepresented and trampled under the feet of the wrongdoers.

However it is necessary to clear the air and to allow all to have their say, so that reason can be applied and our consciences are all in tune with what is the correct course of action.

We must always decide on the driving force necessary to keep words and actions in harmony.  We need to allow the peacemakers to be guided from that Higher Intelligence that is always available to balance an otherwise unbalanced argument.

We must observe the failings of others to keep the best interests of the Greater Good and to address the necessary remedial actions that we can take.

One thing is for sure, turning our backs on life’s problems doesn’t make them go away, but allows them to magnify and so the fires of hatred and selfishness get out of control.

Love will always conquer hate, because love is given freely while hate has to be taught.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Friday, 5th June 2015