Now that the
energies of last year have been replaced by the new and vibrant energies for
2016, you will all notice an upliftment of opportunities coming into your
lives. The doors of opportunity that
were closed to you have now been thrown open.
You were given
freewill when you were created in unconditional love by the Higher Intelligence
and therefore it is up to you to whether you will take advantage of these
uplifting times or will continue to languish in the doldrums.
There are many
things to do and each and every life has objectives to conquer, so that all can
live in harmony and as one. Peace and
hope have never been as important before, as every single person now has the
ability within themselves to cast off the yoke of what had been holding them
It is simply a
question of putting your best foot forward with renewed conviction that nothing
is impossible and that even those things that were not perhaps right in your
lives before, will disclose and reason why that course was not the right one
and, by changing a little here and there, a new objective will be the glowing
light ahead of you.
The Higher
Intelligence won’t necessarily give you what you want, but will answer your
thoughts that you send out to the Universe in the right and holy way, so that
you receive what is best for you!
While on this earth
plane, it is usually very difficult to see the bigger picture and so often we
are distracted by the little material things that we feel we want, rather than
what we need to fulfil our objectives for a better and more righteous life.
It is choosing the
right direction that sets us apart from our fellow travellers, as so many are
either sleepwalking through their lives or have been brainwashed by those who
exercise their need to have power over others.
It is a pitiful
reflection of those who are so weak within themselves that they have to laud
themselves over a weaker being in order to feel that they are noticed and
fulfilled. There are too many examples
around the world to mention them here by name, but a discerning reader will
have no trouble seeing them.
What is so sad, is
that there are many examples in the ordinary lives of the people, who have the
realisation to see this, but allow themselves to be destroyed by accepting that
they are worthless as they have been told and do not stand up for themselves to
break away from this damaging influence.
The new energies
that are coming in and many are already being felt, so that souls are
strengthened to break away from unsatisfactory circumstances, whether they are
in the workplace or in the family home.
It simply requires
the admission of the situation and the asking of the Higher Authority to bring
about a just solution, where everybody gains and the right living path of love
and integrity can be followed.
Remember that old
Chinese proverb which states that every journey starts with a single step. Without taking the initiative and
responsibility for the way ahead, it is not possible for that journey to be
successfully begun and undertaken, so that the result is another success for
the humanitarian needs of today.
We all have a second
thought when we are called to the plate, but not for long when we know what is
best for all concerned and we put our best foot forward, knowing that we act
for the Greater Good through Spiritual Law, which states that we reap what we
It works and is the basic rule that should govern all our
actions. First we have an idea and second
we test it by feeling our conscience agreeing that this is the right way to go
and then having put out our thoughts to the Higher Intelligence to give us his
unconditional love and guidance, we know that we cannot go wrong.
This earth plane has
been bereft of enough loving energies for so long, but in his wisdom the
Almighty has sent a new wave of strength to help us to find our way through the
jungle of fear and indecision.
For those who need
courage to act, ask for it in your prayers and see and feel that you are
stronger within through the spiritual nature of your being; how you were
created and given the compatibility to understand the Light of Creation.
To achieve this gift,
set yourselves towards his light and go forward in happiness, because the
alternative is to turn away and go further from his love and influence. It is a long road back once you have started
to turn away.
Look around you and
see the many success stories that are proofs of his love for us all and know
that miracles can happen to us and not only to others. Have we the courage to ask and to then step
up to the plate? Of course we have!
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Sunday, 3rd January 2016