03 February 2016

We Owe It to Our Children

          The answer to all man’s needs is to be found in the love of God the Father, where all goodness and righteousness is to be found.  Many turn their backs on his existence because they call it religion, but that is manmade and not the truth about the Higher Intelligence.

          From the very beginning humanity has looked to another force higher than his own intellect to help him through difficult times.  Sun worship was a commonplace deity in the olden days and there are many sun gods with different names according to the language and grouping of the people.

          It is true that the gift of light and warmth to this planet is essential for its survival and without it there would be no plant life and therefore no animal existence, which includes us humans.

          If we are to survive at all, we must look after the natural environment brought about by the sunlight, which fuels the many processes that are required for life to exist across the globe.

          Mankind, as a whole, is reckless with his natural heritage and he takes what he wants and as much as he wants, seemingly never considering that these resources are indeed finite.

          It is not possible to keep taking ever more from the pot of life without putting something back to keep the goodness and fruitfulness flowing for everyone concerned.

         There is little capping on the world population that rises every day and will become eventually unsustainable.  This will be kept in order by famine and disease, because the natural order of supply and demand will occur and there will be suffering.

         We are told that once a man in Egypt had a dream.  It was interpreted as seven years of plenty and seven lean years to follow and he ordered that the conservation in the seven years of plenty would sustain his people through the lean years.

          We should all be aware that without careful management nothing lasts for ever and if this continual drain on our resources continues there will be consequences for the generations to come.

          It is not a question of saying that God will provide without us lifting a finger to help.  It is up to us to make the first moves and then by Spiritual Law we will be helped and guided how to do it the right and proper way.

          Politicians have a limited time in office and so they take a very short view of things!  It is up to us, the people to play our part and to live right ourselves, but to encourage right practices in others, so that survival of this race on this planet can be achieved.

          In order to do this then all species must be allowed to live in balance and the pollution of our lands and seas must be cleaned up and kept clean.

         Those who make the mess should be held responsible from the mighty corporations to the family holidaying at the seaside.  We are all members of the human race and we are all dependant on each other.

         It is no use leaving it for others to do and ignoring our opportunities to act.  Like-minded people must come together and start a movement to save this earth from the blunders of Mankind.

         Those organisations, who do act right, must be supported and allowed to proceed in becoming a single and firmer voice acting for all people.  You know it makes sense and we owe it to our children.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Wednesday, 3rd February 2016