07 April 2016

Let Your Thoughts Be Answered and Lead You to a Better Way of Life

          The continual change that affects us all has to be understood as we go through our earthly lives, because nothing stands still.  It can be a lonely and frightening state of affairs without the support and explanation of the spirit guides and helpers.

          They are led from the Greater Intelligence that is responsible for the Creation of all things and, without His great and unconditional love, there would be a darkness of ignorance smothering the goodness and righteousness that does exist for all who live right and abide by Spiritual Law.

          There is a great simplicity in spiritual truth, where we reap what we sow and if we are positive with goodness for others we reap rewards of goodness many times over.

          Those who are ruled by their own ego and turn their backs on their guiding conscience will reap the darkness that they create themselves for their own greed and corruptness.

          These souls may prosper on some areas of their lives, but they will never enjoy all good things that are given to us from On High through our own worthiness, such as unconditional and lasting love and a healthy mind and body and soul.

          We are not punished for behaving badly.  That is the earthly way of handing out retribution according the earthly laws than Mankind has created for themselves.

          It is our own choice what we do and how we do it, so that through that freedom of choice that we were given when we entered this earthly plain of existence, we reap for ourselves the same as we dish out to others.

          When we do good things with the right intentions we are rewarded by reaping a harvest according to our deeds.  Nobody can walk our path for us and no one can intercede for us against our misdemeanours.

          Man was made to face the truth by his actions and to build up a rapport with the Higher Intelligence, who gives and receives the unconditional love, which is due to him.

          A soul cannot hide from his true thoughts and deeds, as all is clear to the spiritual way of life.  Nobody can hide behind another to pretend that they haven’t done what they have.

          Divine love is transparent and it flows unmolested where there are higher vibrations, which are positive and meaningful for the Greater Good and allow souls to work and live together in harmony.

          Where Mankind turns his greed and negativity onto the activities of others for their own advantage, then they will be given opportunities to turn around from the selfish ways and move towards the light of salvation, but if they refuse to, then they will be taken out in ‘God’s’ good time to be faced with their lives and desires and to answer why they behaved as they did.

          You reap what you sow and when those who dismiss this philosophy that ‘The Master Jesus’ taught us, they will find that sooner or later it is the truth and the longer that it takes them to realise this, the darker their journey will be into the light.

          It is here that souls must recognise that they are in charge of their future and that change is the way that they do so.  Nothing stays still and everything moves, albeit at different rates according to their make-up.

          Do not be lead away from the path of truth and righteousness, because no one but you can discover it within themselves, where all contact with the spiritual life emanates from.

          It can’t be bought, so look not there for riches.  Sit in the quietness and according to your achievements you will find that your thoughts are answered and a new way of understanding will lead you through the changes into a better life.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Thursday, 7th April 2016