04 June 2016

Do Not Abuse the Inner Child

          Today the world is looking more uneasy than ever.  In people’s lives there is more disruption than ever before, as those who were abused and damaged as children are unable to function normally.

          They are permanently unable to pass that blockage when trauma interrupted their young lives and their innocence was permanently damaged.

          They may advance in bodily years, but their emotional age remains blocked at that time of their lives when the abuse took place.  They will forever be unable to act in any relationship as an adult in emotional matters until that blockage is addressed.

          Many have sort treatment when these matters are brought out into the open and discussed by counsellors for years and years, never getting to the root of the problem.

          How can they when they fail to fully realise that the trauma is logged in the subconscious mind and can only be addressed by the skilful counselling of a Psychotherapist, who has been trained to follow this with clinical hypnosis over just a few well timed and executed sessions.

          If untreated, then those who grow up into adulthood life will have an inner child reflecting when that abuse took place.  A person in their seventies will still be a child emotionally and can never adopt a response of adult love and affection towards their partner.

          The need is to first recognise the problem and then to search for a therapist that specialises in curing inner child problems using hypnosis.  The earlier this is recognised and dealt with, the sooner that soul will get back their normal life that was scared in childhood.

          There are many reasons for trauma and all of them cut deep into the young soul, branding the subconscious for a lifetime if untreated.  Left alone, as so many are through ignorance, there can never be in a meaningful relationship between two people who may love each other, but can never be in love with each other on an equal level.

          This is sad enough, but it also means that those who still marry and have children of their own will, being taught behaviour patterns, tend to make their children dysfunctional in the same way and so patterns of this behaviour continually increase with more and more of society at all levels being increasingly unable to cope with the basic daily problems of life.

          Where there are family and relationship problems they need to be discussed.  Counsellors today must be aware of these issues and, if they are not able to deal with them satisfactorily themselves, they need to be able to recommend therapists who are specially trained to do so.

          Life can be hard enough these days, but where normal relationships are not able to function for the greater good of that family, then there must become an awareness of the basic needs and, by discussing issues and letting in some daylight, a cure can be achieved within a few months and the saving of a lifetime of misery is avoided.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Saturday, 4th June 2016