01 January 2009

Our New Year Message to All People - January 2009


As we celebrate the New Year according to the Gregorian calendar, which was decreed by Pope Gregory XIII on 24 February 1582 by the papal bull, perhaps we may need reminding that there are other and older calendars.

The Hebrew calendar was known to Jesus the Nazarene and references to its beginning can be found in the Torah, the five books of Moses, where God gave commandments on the Exodus from Egypt about the principles of this calendar.

It has been calculated backwards to the creation and in 2009 it gives the age of the world as 5770.Jesus would also have been aware of the Julian calendar, which was introduced by Julius Caesar in 45 BC.

The months are familiar to us today and are Ianuarius, Februarius, Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Iunius, Iulius, Augustus, September, October, November and December.

According to Luke’s Gospel, Jesus began his ministry in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar. That year was AD 29 and in AD 33 he was crucified.

During those short years of spiritual life Jesus taught how we should live on this earth plane if we wished to enter the Kingdom of God.

This is often called Heaven or the Spirit World and is our destination after we leave this earthly body behind and move on according to our fruits for which we will be known.Jesus talked about fruits as being our works or achievements here on Earth.

In the next world we shall be as naked as Adam and Eve were said to be, because we will not be able to hide who and what we are.

If we have followed the words of that prophet, that seer or spiritualist medium from all those years ago, we will have lived our lives as best we can as a precursor for the next stage of our lives in the Spirit Realms.

In order to do this we need to prepare ourselves by trying to live our lives as if we were already in Heaven by giving love and strength to all those we meet who are in need.

The start of the New Year, regardless of which calendar we follow, is a chance to say to ourselves, “I will do better. I will listen to the Spirit. I will give what I can to cheer others on their pathway.

“I will put aside my anxieties and fears, so that I can overcome my prejudices and love all men and women as I would hope that they would love me.

We all need to look within ourselves and see who and what we are and what it is that we stand for.

Our future is in our hands and minds. Nobody else can walk our life-paths for us.

There are many who love us in this world and the next where our loved ones wait for us to come, as come we will when ‘God’ decides that we have fulfilled our contact and made a difference by our living here on this earth plane of existence.

So now is the time to say, “This New Year is the new beginning. I only need one New Year’s resolution and that is to listen to my inner self and do all those things that I already know I should really do and not shirk my personal responsibilities”.

One thing is for sure. When you have done the right thing, there is that little glow of satisfaction when you know that you had to do it that way and that peace of mind is there to follow on until you reach the next decision or challenge.

God bless you all and may your New Year be full of change for the better and may you have that inner strength to make the changes and be happy with the results as you progress forward with a smile on your lips for whosoever you chance to meet.

Jenny and Michael wish you a Happy and Productive New Year as you follow your own path to your ‘God’, who loves you well. Amen.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Thursday, 1st January 2009

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