01 April 2009

A Happy Eostre to All People - April 2009


Easter is often said to be ‘as old as Christianity itself, so as Laurence Gardner states in his excellent book The Grail Enigma “it is surprising that the first ever mention of this feast day comes from no earlier than the 4th century.”

Apparently in AD190 Eusebius stated in his Ecclesiastical History that there was a lot of controversy in Christian circles about whether the Lord’s suffering should be in line with the Jewish Passover on 14th Nissan or if the third day should always fall on a Sunday. Pope Victor decided on the latter.

At the Council of Nicaea in AD 325 it was decided that for the feast day to always fall on a Sunday it had to be a movable feast. It was agreed to hold the Christian festival on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the vernal equinox.

It was called the Lord’s Day, the Pascha of Jesus and even Christ’s Passover, but still there was no mention of the word Easter.

Three hundred years elapsed before there was another Paschal Debate when the bishops decided to dissociate the Christian festival with the Jewish Passover.

In the Book of Exodus God had instructed Moses to kill an unblemished male lamb and it should be roasted and eaten with herbs and unleavened bread.

This annual thanksgiving was called the Paschal Lamb, but as the Christian bishops decided that Jesus was the Lamb of God he was the Jewish sacrifice at the time of his Jewish Passover crucifixion.

They somehow believed that the Jews were celebrating the suffering of Jesus and called it abominable heresy, so they wished to stand as far back from Passover as possible.

Pope Gregory (590-604) was told by his missionaries in Britain that the people there were ignorant of the Roman directive concerning the Pascha of Jesus.

They were celebrating an annual event instead that they caller ‘Easter’. This was nothing to do with Jesus or the Roman Church as Christianity in Britain since Eusebius had written in AD 330 that the “apostles passed beyond the ocean to the isles called the British Isles”.

In 597 Pope Gregory dispatched Augustine to England to investigate the situation and to establish Catholicism in this country. It took him four years to acquire a suitable property and proclaim himself the first Archbishop of Canterbury.

His attempt to become Primate of the Celtic Church failed as these Christians were more Nazarene that the Roman. It was reported half a century later by the venerable Bede that at Whitby in AD 664 the Roman Church tried to overwhelm the Celtic community with regards to Easter.

The Roman bishops simply adopted the name of Easter and applied it to the Pascha festival and thus usurping Celtic tradition by a nominal takeover.

The Celts continued as before, but the Catholics aligned their festival of the resurrection of Jesus with Easter and suppressed the true origins as time went by.

Hence it is customary at Easter or Eostre to celebrate the Goddess of Spring and her festival at the time of the vernal equinox, just a little before the Jewish Passover.

With equal day and night length the Holly King was reborn and when Eostre appeared on the vines to present the Eostre egg of her fertility.

Her personal emblem was the young rabbit, the Eostre bunny, and she was portrayed with an abundance of spring flowers. Coloured eggs were given as presents and seeds were planted.

Homes were also spring cleaned and buns were baked with solar crosses and baskets were woven in a way that the birds made their nests.

In reality Easter is now recognised as a Christian festival and the Roman strategy hasn’t entire succeeded as many of the popular symbols of the original celebrations still persist 1,300 years after the Synod of Whitby.

Nevertheless we wish everybody throughout the World a happy time this Eostre, whether you live in the northern or southern hemisphere and whether you celebrate the Pascha festival, the Passover of Jesus or the goddess of springtime.

The important message is to remember that Jesus taught us to love our fellow man and woman and that if we love those who chose to be our enemies we will find peace and love in abundance in the Spirit Realms after we leave this earthly plane of existence.

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