01 August 2009

Try and Understand - August 2009



As with last month I was shown a very clearly the message to give here and so here it is.

There is continuing guidance being given as the light continues to shine through the Darkness of Ignorance as the Universal Force sends us understanding and eureka moments if we have the courage to grasp them.

They may be through the experience of others who we read or hear about when that light shone brightly and realisation became reality, but we need to be aware also of our own.

Through the last few decades The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Library of Nag Hammadi were exposed to man having lain hidden literally for centuries.

There are other breakthroughs happening all the time as men and women are guided, as they always have been when they listened, as spiritually guided people are when they hear ‘God’ speaking to them.

Moses and the prophets did exist and did speak and understand clairvoyance to pass on messages to people and this has been all through the centuries.

Of course there have always been good mediums and there have been charlatans. This has always been as man is a great mimic and always will cheat to make a fast buck and/or pander to his ego.

It has been Mankind, who has held back by the fear of being alone, who allowed others to dictate policy rather than listen to his voice within, where ‘God’s guidance comes from.

Every now and then there comes one stronger and with more strength, who stands out and speaks out. Joan of Arc was a simple girl who loved her voices and followed their lead and changed history.

Beware of being told by Man what is so, if it doesn’t fit with your inner voices, your conscience. I leave you with the words of Professor Andrew Parker in The Genesis Enigma, which ring so very true.

“In the nineteenth century the psychological dam built by the church to stem the flow of geological discovery finally burst, under the pressure of a torrent of independent evidence from a myriad scientific studies.

“It became personally safe to engage in scientific study of the natural world, and the Victorians in Britain, and their neighbours on the European continent and in North America, didn’t hold back.

“Progress was rapid as the new model scientists made up for lost time – rocks and fossils would surely have been understood earlier, perhaps back in the Renaissance, had it not been for the looming wrath of religion.

“But that’s religion – the human interpretation of God Himself, heavily influenced by certain personalities – not God Himself. It is perhaps ironic that Darwin would become the target of religious criticism when, had it not been for religion, natural selection would probably have been expounded before his time.

“Maybe Darwin would have discovered DNA?”

Andrew Parker

I can’t help remembering that Pythagoras, living some five hundred years before Christ, declared that this planet was round after seeing the shadow of the Earth during a lunar eclipse and he saw order and harmony in the universe. The Earth however still stayed at the centre with the Sun revolving around it.

Nearly five hundred years after the birth of Christ Columbus had difficulty obtaining support for his plan because Europeans thought
the Earth was flat.

It saddens me that the church, despite their alleged lines of communication with ‘God’ were still persecuting learned men such as Galileo Galilei for the heresy of saying that the Sun was at the centre of our planetary system.

What I do know is that we all have our own direct lines of communication to ‘God’ if only we would believe it and trust, because no one can walk another’s pathway and that includes the religions of the world.

There is a great lesson here for us all and that is that we must learn to accept change and not deny the facts which don’t fit our belief system.

However uncomfortable they may be, we must learn to change the belief system to accommodate the facts.
Michael Ayers
1st August 2009

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