In these troubled and most disturbing times there still are so many people burying there heads in the sand and saying, “It will be all right. Someone will fix it. It is nothing to do with me.”
Just how wrong can anyone be? Each and every one of us has a responsibility to ourselves, our families and also our extended families. They are our neighbours, whether they live in a nearby town and worship in a mosque or synagogue or they live in the Horn of Africa, where they suffer famine and political war.
Recently two factions came face to face on our own doorsteps. Young people living in tents confronted Saint Paul’s Cathedral and those who run it.
We take no sides as we see two bodies of people unable to talk about their differences, while both working apparently for the same ends. Both sides are so narrow-minded and arrogant in that they believe that they are right and that there is no other way but theirs.
In fact this example serves well to illustrate the very way that Mankind destroys itself time after time. At a time of extreme economic difficulties the American politicians behaved in such a way that the Republicans refused to help the American people by joining the Democrats and solving the problems of that country.
Throughout the world corruption is being shown to be the enemy. It is not a question of Capitalism or Communism or any other way of life being the right and only way.
It is too often the question of, “Yes, I will do as you ask, but what is in it for me?”
Until this cancerous greed in the minds of the few are cleansed or contained there can be no equality of one person to another. Those who have acquired wealth use its power for their own salvation and self aggrandisement.
Until politicians stop turning a blind eye to their responsibilities by trading fairly for what they need and use that trade to stop the abuse of human rights in those countries, there will be no change to the man in the street.
We all have our part to play in realizing the truth and where we find it to be unjust we must all play a part by peacefully showing agreement or disagreement.
We need to discuss the future with others who are like minded and where the love of our fellow man is not subservient to the needs of the individual.
There is enough for all on this planet, but too often it is gathered together in such a way that it cannot be shared by those who most need it. It appears to be gloated on, or almost looted away from the outstretched hands of the starving, the thirsty and forgotten people.
We all have more than we need and we live our lives in isolation while the World around us crashes to the floor and will affect every man woman and child before it can be raised up in a better way.
Our message today is to ask you to throw away your rose tinted glasses and to see the truth as it is. The world is going out of control through the blunders of the politicians and the bankers.
Someone out there has to stop them and bring back the balance of every day life to all people. Can that person be you or do you know a man or woman who can?
God bless you all
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