03 December 2013

Be Blessed in the Giving and Rewarded by your Kindness

It is with increasing concern that we hear from all around the world of Man’s inhumanity to Man and a failure to work together for the Greater Good.

          More and more people are having to protest against their duly elected representatives in Government, who are either inept or corrupt, but in all cases around the world they ignore the best interests of their people.

          The message that Jesus brought some two thousand years ago is still not being enacted by those who purport to take advantage of their fellow man rather than help him.

           In order to find a path to the Great Intelligence, who gave us life and love, we must follow the teachings to love and help our neighbour.  We are all one large family made in the image of ‘God’, we are told and therefore we must recognise his presence within us.

          We all have a conscience, but so many of us either pay lip service to it or ignore it altogether.  Do we live in enlightened times or in the Darkness of Ignorance?

           The choice of our future in the next dimension is made by our actions here on this earth plane of existence, because according to our choices made here, so we will find ourselves adjusting our mistakes and feeling the sorrow that we may have caused to others.

          At this time of year, it is globally accepted that there is a feast to celebrate the memory of one of the great prophets, who was descended from Abraham and thus is acknowledged in the three main religions throughout these lands.

          However, it is quite apparent that they have different standards within them, as there is a far right element that use their extremist views to hurt the innocent rather than love and cherish them, as the prophets taught us to do.

          We all have to make up our own minds what is right and what is wrong, but our spiritual voice within us all does guide us if we listen and, ignoring our own wants in life, we can choose a pathway of making a difference in the best way possible for all those that we meet.

          This festival is not about how much money we can spend to show how well off we are and to be extravagant in front of those who see us, but a time of humbleness and gratefulness that we are blessed and able to share what we have with others less blessed.

          If we make the effort to put others before ourselves, then we will know the true nature of who we help.  If they gain from our sacrifices, however small, then we are grateful and satisfied.

          If however they take advantage of us and scoff at our endeavours, then we are in the wrong company and must try harder to find causes that lead us and others to the peace in this world and an end to the corruption and greed of a material society.

          We send you good wishes and great tidings, so that this year you may remember others, who will remember you and your kindness, so in turn you will be blessed.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Tuesday, 3rd December 2013

04 November 2013

If You Wish to Gamble Make Your Play

          The world is continuing to change as it rushes further into material values and leaves spiritual tenets as a forgotten basis for life in the right direction.

          Values are falling until Mankind falls from grace and is left in the misery of his own making.  There are no standards and very few are listening to their conscience as to what is right and what is wrong.

          The present stages of life on earth are coming to an end as no longer will the Spirit put up with the foolish ways of humanity.

          Remember that Jesus told us about the foolish virgins, who were shut out of the wedding feast because they were not ready.  Humanity is made up of these foolish virgins, as they are hell bent on themselves and care but little for their fellow man.  They are certainly not ready to be exposed to the Spirit Law of Cause and Effect as they will be.

          These people are too busy living their own lives to even notice what is happening to their fellow men, women and children in other parts of the world.

          Even within their own country they prefer not to notice the atrocities and madness that has replaced common sense and the standards of what was a bygone age of morality.

          Where can we look for help?  The religious houses are in great peril, as they abuse their followers at all ages and treat women as second class slaves.

          West or east it doesn’t matter.  These freaks of the past have failed to change with the passing of time and time is running out.  We must change our attitudes to make the 21st century fit for humans to live in and replace the manmade bondage that exists already.

          The newspapers are in the pocket of either moneymaking or else the rulers of powers in east or west.  They don’t care for individuals, but the might of the governors, who rule what they print.

          Governments no longer rule in the peoples interests and look to their own, which so often are acts of war and money accumulation for themselves.

          People are fleeing their native lands to find a new way of life, risking death for themselves and their families if they fail to cross the seas or the boarders into a refugee camp.

          Where are the teachings of Jesus at the heart of everyday life?  They are not old fashioned but true as always, even if inconvenient to the pleasure loving souls who prefer their own council to the Higher Intelligences.

          These they prefer to ignore, deny or simply turn their backs in their own personal arrogance.  We are not alone but loved and guided by those who care and we cannot afford to ignore their guidance or else we will fall as those who think that they know better will surely do.

          Time is running out so if you wish to gamble now is the time to make your play!

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Monday, 4th November 2013

01 October 2013

What Has Happened and What Needs To Be Done

          As the World continues to need reshaping in order to survive, we must all try and understand what has happened and what needs to be done.

          Mankind has lost his way in keeping order and control over his responsibilities and desires.  When decisions have to be made, they need to be seen in terms of the long haul and not just the immediate gain.

          For example, it seemed to some a good idea to cut down the trees and to make agricultural profits out of the hillsides until it rained and then the soil having lost its stability from the tree roots was washed away causing mud slides and loss of life.

          Again, it was not thought to be a problem to burn coal and other fossil fuels to enrich the lives of so many around the world, but now that the protective layer around the Earth is being corroded and the sun’s rays are no longer diluted, then the temperatures rise and so do the sea levels, shrinking the available land for people to live on.

          Over the ages, animals and plant species have been lost to the inhuman practices of Mankind’s greed and excesses.  Today, as we converse together, Elephants and Rhinos are being hunted and killed for the tusks and horns, so that an unenlightened few in the Far East can have decorations and alleged medicines that scientifically do not work.

          On a bigger scale, logging and forest clearance is reducing the tree foliage around the world, so that instead of carbon gases being transformed into life giving oxygen through photosynthesis, more carbon is released to the atmosphere and our own air is more polluted than ever.

          When will Mankind join together as one species and sort out the problems facing all humanity in this world?  Isn’t it about time that an Elite Global Body of disinterested men and women, who have spiritual guidance and allegiances without religious complications, started to take responsibility for the whole globe and outlaw self-interest and personal greed and avarice?

          The old political way has failed where first Empires ruled and crushed the spirit of the people and now where politics and extremist views are taking hold of the material issues over basic human needs and expectations.

          Wars are being fought and much blood spilled, simply because one group hates another sufficiently to kill and maim the other’s women and children, while the rest of Mankind looks on as if watching a gladiatorial contest.

          There are no more winners here.  All will lose in the end and the Higher Intelligence will allow humanity to suffer until they understand their responsibilities and acknowledge their errors.

          The only hope on the horizon is for those who really care about the future of the human race stand up together and make their voices known.  In some countries, rebellion is taking place against the elected leaders, who place their own interests above the people whom they should serve.

          However Justice is in short supply.  There is no earthly Court of Human Justice that is above all politics and bribery.  Mankind needs to form an Elite of Souls, who are above corruption and who serve the people rather than themselves.

          Is this just pie in the sky?  If you think so then you have lost the belief that there is good in humanity and that it is worth saving.  Until men, women and children are aware again of the Higher Intelligence that rules the Universe, they do not deserve to be given a way out of their ignorance.

          It is surely now time that each and every soul realised their responsibilities and made their personal contribution to the saving of this world and their own salvation by working with others for others, so that we can all survive the mistakes of the past and build a spiritual future for those who are still to come.

If not, then it is too late and Mankind has lost its way as well as its heart and soul.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Tuesday, 1st October 2013

03 September 2013

Salvation Can Only Come from Higher Intelligence

          As anybody can see, who has a modicum of interest in World Affairs, this world is slipping steadily towards war at an alarming rate.  Using the civil war in Syria as an excuse, some western nations are beating the drums of war towards the use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime.

          They have short memories and they are choosing to ignore acts of chemical warfare that they used or condoned in the past.  The Middle East has long been a festering theatre of death and destruction and only by a miracle beyond Man’s warmongering has a nuclear war been averted before.

          Until hate in these lands is replaced by common sense and a love for ones fellow man by coming together with all that they have in common, the differences will continue to drive fear and hated into the hearts and minds of these populations.

          It is the women and children who suffer most and the destruction of not only the physical comforts of life, but also the mental scaring, as the young grow up without their childhood and they are bred a diet of hate against their neighbours.

          It is not a question of who is right and who is wrong.  All Mankind at this time must start to take some collective responsibilities for some questionable decisions in the past and the greed for cheap fuels across the world.

          It is this incidentally, the burning of these carbon fuels, which is leading to the unbalancing of the natural world, as Climate Change is now rampant across the globe and Man appears to be ignoring it.

          So one compounds another and the unbalancing of natural resources is only one part of the puzzle.  Peace and harmony is the balancing of all natural forces for the Greater Good.

          If one looks around the world for unconditional love bringing good behaviour through justice, equality, religious tolerance and open Government without corruption and deceit for the benefit of the people of those lands, one has a hard job to find it.

          Mankind has lost his path in ever increasing ways of disharmony and until he is brought to the very edge of destruction by his own hand, he will not stop and call out to the Greater Intelligence for help.

          We, as individuals, have a part to play here and must also send out our thoughts to the Universal Intelligence, who is watching us closely.  How we behave as individuals has a vibrational effect on the overall energies of this world and its people, fauna and flora.

          For too long, people have failed to stand up and be counted and the time has come to do so, because nobody’s voice is too small.  All are listened to by the Great Divine, who gave us all life and love.  All are important as a part of the whole.

          Without the individual droplets of water, there would be no oceans.  Without the small grains of sand, there would be no desert.  Without the snowflake, there would be no winter snowfall.  Without the droplets of water, there would be no rain.

          Without the special mind-sets of each and every one of us, there would be no humanity and we must ask in our own way that Divine Intervention takes away these war drums and allows good people without self-interest to come and bring back balance to a world tottering on self-destruction.

May God bless us all and in whatever name you call your Salvation, ask for it now and for all humanity to stop sleepwalking through life and to stand up and make a difference for us all.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Tuesday, 3rd September 2013

03 August 2013

What We Think So We Become

          Unconditional love seems a rare commodity as we see man’s inhumanity to man spread apparently unchecked throughout the world. 

As more access is made through social media, word quickly gets about and abuse from anonymous sources becomes a pastime of the social irresponsible and fearful.

If we were to solely judge from the news programmes around the globe of how Mankind is behaving, one could be forgiven for thinking that there was no goodness on earth or in the heavens above.

However to feel that way is to give up on the mighty presence of creation itself and to fail to see the beauty that life has to offer in a changing Universe and a continually evolving world.

To start to believe that there is nothing better than man’s cruelty to grab what that person wants for themselves from others, above all thought for the pain and scaring that those innocent souls will suffer, is to give up on moral and right behaviour altogether.

In order to want a better world one has to live it oneself.  It can never happen unless there are thoughts and actions above the norm to make a better life for all those who seek it.

To give up on wanting improvement and good ideas to replace the plunder and greed of individuals, as well as nations, is the same as allowing a cancer to take over one’s body and to stop trying to live at all.

It is not possible to live without medication to the body and to the mind.  It comes in many forms and holistically there are many answers without the chemical side effects of synthetic drugs.

However the peddling of drugs comes throughout the world for those wanting a quick fix for their problems rather than addressing the basic causes.

We all have problems and we all need help to made the best decisions to progress forwards with our lives, but we can do it without bringing misery on to others and whenever possible we can shed a ray of sunshine into the daily lives of others.

What has seemingly gone so very wrong is the appreciation of role models who we can look up to and base our lives on their example, such as St Francis of Assisi and Mother Theresa.

Leaders like Nelson Mandela still inspire one to stick to ones beliefs for the betterment of humanity against all the odds.  If we give in and say it is not worth it, then we are saying that our lives are irreverent and we cannot even set an example to those around us.

We all have a duty to behave well as an example to our families, our neighbours and all humanity, because we can make a difference in so many ways if we try to.

Remember that as Buddha said, “What we think so we become.”

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Saturday, 3rd August 2013

04 July 2013

The mind is everything. What you think you become

          Now the world is in the shadow of the darkness of Mankind’s own making, there has to come a new and exciting change, as the energies from On High enlighten the mistakes of the past and force Man to see the errors of his ways.

          The basic rule of Universal Law is that you reap what you sow and Mankind has gone his own way long enough, ignoring the teachings from Jesus and allowing the Church to sell forgiveness through the Confessional and by accepting donations for their own aggrandisement.

          It may be difficult for many to understand the difference between Religion and the Infinite Intelligence on a far higher level than anyone on this earth plane.

          Many set themselves up as being ‘God’s’ representative on Earth, so that they can have care and control of the spirits or souls of their Congregations.

          In reality, it must be seen as being open and free of dogma, so that the people can see what their Elders are and whether they live by the rules that they teach.

          Unfortunately for the Masses, religious business has carried on behind closed doors, but they are now being opened to reveal the ungodly side of their business.

          No single person needs a church, mosque or synagogue to be told what is right and what is wrong in their lives and for them to open their own minds to the Higher Intelligence.

          As Buddha taught, “The mind is everything. What you think you become.”

          It is not what you are told to be, but what you think that you are that makes you visible to the Higher Intelligence.

All things are known and even business conducted behind closed doors is being brought out into the open by the energies that serve for transparency for the people to see how they have been deceived.

Look around the world and in the midst of negativity see the breeze of openness exposing the mistakes of the past.  Justice is being brought to those who thought that they had got away with their crimes against humanity.

Mankind as a whole must turn itself from its past mistakes and openly see where they went wrong and then address them.  Only then can the world be a better place for the generations of children, who are currently being offered a childhood of pain and a future of many dangers.

All must act now by being aware of the way the world is and standing up for right and openness.  This movement has already begun.  Are you one who will join it and do your bit for the future of the world and its humanity?

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Wednesday, 3rd July 2013

03 June 2013

Take a Leaf from an Old Book

Take out a leaf from an old book and see that it contains the teachings of Jesus, who made it all so simple.  His teaching was not interfered with through profiteering and politics.

He told us that we have our future in our own hands, because the Kingdom of Heaven is within us.  It is not through the ramblings of others, who hope to profit by what they teach.

Look at the rules of the religious houses and see how quickly they hold out their hands, because they believe that to receive salvation you have to pay for it and that means through them!

In order to achieve salvation all you need to do is to believe that you can help your fellow man, woman and child through kindness and love. 

Generosity of spirit goes a long way here, but in the religious houses they have done away with the Spirit, because they cannot control it.  That is God-given.

Within us all we have the God-given gift of life and conscience, which spells out the difference between right and wrong.

In order to live through the righteous side of one’s conscience, one does not feel right in doing anything wrong.

Lately Mankind had turned away from right doing in order to allow his material appetite to develop and he wasn’t struck down by a thunderbolt, so he has learned to overcome the right feelings of sharing and generosity and allow his feelings of selfishness and greed to develop.

Still no thunderbolt, so he must be alright in the eyes of the material longevity!

However he has failed to understand Spiritual Law, which says that what you give out so you receive back again and, all those who have got away with their misconduct so far, are only living in a fool’s paradise of negativity.

Watch the world stage and see those who thought that they were safe being reeled in to pay the piper through the Law of the Land, Man’s Law, under the direction of Spiritual Law, which is God-given and always wins in the end, no matter how much you think that you are safe and have got away with it.

Remember that old leaf with the words of Jesus on it?  He said that what we sow so we shall reap.

It is happening all around the world and those who are still misbehaving are about to be brought down.  That is the Law and the Universal Intelligence is in change and not us.

That way it happens at the perfect time with the most devastating effect.

Watch and wait and see if we are not right…

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Monday, 3rd June 2013

01 May 2013

We Mustn’t Give Up On Our Responsibilities

          For those of us who watch the World News on a regular basis, it is becoming like watching the same horror movie over and over again.

          Nobody seems to learn from their mistakes and the corruption, the greed and the killing continues at an ever increasing pace.

          Governments come and go.  Armies fight on against not only their opposing army, but the women and children.  The civilians are now fair game and are targeted with explosives and by suicide bombers.

          As if that wasn’t enough, greedy builders and owners of businesses are being exposed, as their handiwork collapses again and again killing hundreds of people.  Building and fire regulations are regularly ignored and the innocent suffer through lack of forethought and lack of spending on safety.

          Refugee camps are springing up around the globe and slum dwellings are becoming common in places everywhere.  The poor have no refuge save the hand-out or crumbs from the rich man’s table.

          The rich are becoming richer and the poor are becoming a higher percentage in every nation on earth.  What divides Man’s mind-sets is that he will only work for extra goodies in his pocket and the way to succeed is to bribe the already corrupt and to ignore the goodness that is daily trampled on by those who don’t believe in a world of justice and compassion.

          Until each and every soul on this planet stops thinking that there is nothing that they can do about changing the state of affairs throughout the world, nothing will ever get done.

          Already the rich nations are continuing to pollute the air with their gas guzzling four-wheel drive vehicles, which are used primarily for the school and the supermarket runs.

Nobody is prepared to take responsibility anymore.  Nobody is prepared to add their little bit to the pile of progress.  Why is everybody so selfish, when if we all tried that little bit more to help the planet and the Greater Good, this earth plane could be saved and the fighting would cease.

Until we all do something about the state of the world, we are all responsible for its decline and we will all suffer the consequences for the destruction of ourselves, those who we love and the whole environment which allowed us to live here, until we all gave up on it.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Wednesday, 1st May 2013

08 April 2013

Do you trust the Spirit or the Man?

During the coming months and years you are all going to find yourselves confronted by many changes and decisions that will have to be made.  According to the way you have lived your life and according to your own moral codes, so you will decide on your personal future.

There will be no time to think it out, as you have had enough time already and the Universal Energy is calling in the chips.  No longer can you keep that Higher Source waiting for your acceptance of its mighty being.

We are not talking about religion here.  Those days of false philosophy for the sake of the Church and its members are long gone.  It is crumbling away and no longer can religious leaders expect their dogma to misrepresent the teachings of Jesus Christ.

All manmade religions, which is all by simple definition, are empty without God in their midst.  How often have you heard, “It is God’s will”?

God’s will, much against the popular belief, is a pact that you have within you and this is manifested as your conscience and your willingness or otherwise to live according to its dictates.

To turn away, as so very many do, is to exclude the Higher Consciousness from your lives and to arrogantly act as though you are greater than your Creator and mentor.

The time is coming when the Sheep will be sorted from the Goats and many will be exposed for what they are.  Everyone has been given suitable opportunities to change their mind-set from the physical to the spiritual.

If you exclude the spiritual, then you exclude the Higher Consciousness and will have to make you amends in the next dimension of life, which will be closer than you think it is.

No one can know when their time to return will be given to them, so it is very much a policy of getting it right throughout life and not being caught out by the false behavioural patterns that are so prevalent today all around the world.

Nobody should get up in the morning thinking that they have all the time in the world to get a ticket to Heaven.  They couldn’t be refused, could they?

The news is that many are, because they have wilfully looked after themselves and excluded the basic rules of love and friendship for those in need and have relied on those who can provide special favours to advance their materialistic comforts in life.

Be warned and know that you have been told that time is running out for the empty souls of this world, who have excluded the spiritual and moral way of life and accepted the easier route of letting someone else decide on the difficult sacrifices of life.

Nobody can tell you what to do if you don’t already know yourself.  That is the point.  Are you ready to realise that the words of Jesus are true and that the interpretations of Mankind are weighted in their favour and not yours?

Very soon you will find this out to be the truth.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Monday, 8th April 2013

04 March 2013

The Future is now up to you if you Care

The path to change never runs smoothly and so it is proving, as we watch and wait for the energies needed to strengthen our world and to bring about the courage of the downtrodden and abused as the ego of the abusers starts to shrink.

This is but a parallel course, as one cannot take full effect without the other.  The mind-sets of all Mankind have to change to allow the power from the Higher Intelligence to become effective.

 We all have free will and this, some may argue, has been our downfall, as we have not taken the responsibility that goes with it.  It is good to make up your own minds and not to be bullied or persuaded by others of a stronger disposition.

However so many souls upon this earth plane have taken the easier way out and gone with the teachings of others, even against their own instincts, without truly weighing up the overall consequences.

In the long term Man has been driven by religious teachings that if one failed to follow them, as laid down by the leaders, led to disastrous and highly painful consequences, while if you did what one was told by them, it would all turn out for the better.

What was missing here was that the individual, who has the gift of free will, failed to acknowledge the ‘God’ in the Heavenly next world, but relied on others to know that the Higher Intelligence existed at all.

As time eventually passed and the materiality of churches, mosques or synagogues continued in the same old way without any adjustments for their mistakes and errors, let alone the changing world all around them.

Today the mind-set has started to rebel and move away from the constrictions of organised religions in favour of their own inclinations and experiences.

Many are searching for the goodness and the love that abounds for everyone through the Creator and the miraculous development of this Universe.

However there is a core of greed and corruption that is rife in this world which has led to the depletion of world resources and the damaging effects of global warming bringing doom and destruction to this very planet, if Man continues to neglect his responsibilities.

Help has always been given from the Source of all knowledge and wisdom to alert Mankind of his errors, which has largely been ignored and has brought this planet and its ever expanding population to the edge of doom and destruction.

It is not too late however to turn one’s mind to the greater and necessary actions of freeing this world from the negativity and harm of the selfish and the corrupt.

At this very time there is a change of attitude to be brought about by the energies of universal proportions that will strengthen the weak minded and soften the egos of the self-righteous.

It is already beginning to occur, so now is the opportunity to get on board by thinking for yourself and doing what is good and right.  You will not be alone and all will benefit and flourish as never before.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Monday, 4th March 2013