08 April 2013

Do you trust the Spirit or the Man?

During the coming months and years you are all going to find yourselves confronted by many changes and decisions that will have to be made.  According to the way you have lived your life and according to your own moral codes, so you will decide on your personal future.

There will be no time to think it out, as you have had enough time already and the Universal Energy is calling in the chips.  No longer can you keep that Higher Source waiting for your acceptance of its mighty being.

We are not talking about religion here.  Those days of false philosophy for the sake of the Church and its members are long gone.  It is crumbling away and no longer can religious leaders expect their dogma to misrepresent the teachings of Jesus Christ.

All manmade religions, which is all by simple definition, are empty without God in their midst.  How often have you heard, “It is God’s will”?

God’s will, much against the popular belief, is a pact that you have within you and this is manifested as your conscience and your willingness or otherwise to live according to its dictates.

To turn away, as so very many do, is to exclude the Higher Consciousness from your lives and to arrogantly act as though you are greater than your Creator and mentor.

The time is coming when the Sheep will be sorted from the Goats and many will be exposed for what they are.  Everyone has been given suitable opportunities to change their mind-set from the physical to the spiritual.

If you exclude the spiritual, then you exclude the Higher Consciousness and will have to make you amends in the next dimension of life, which will be closer than you think it is.

No one can know when their time to return will be given to them, so it is very much a policy of getting it right throughout life and not being caught out by the false behavioural patterns that are so prevalent today all around the world.

Nobody should get up in the morning thinking that they have all the time in the world to get a ticket to Heaven.  They couldn’t be refused, could they?

The news is that many are, because they have wilfully looked after themselves and excluded the basic rules of love and friendship for those in need and have relied on those who can provide special favours to advance their materialistic comforts in life.

Be warned and know that you have been told that time is running out for the empty souls of this world, who have excluded the spiritual and moral way of life and accepted the easier route of letting someone else decide on the difficult sacrifices of life.

Nobody can tell you what to do if you don’t already know yourself.  That is the point.  Are you ready to realise that the words of Jesus are true and that the interpretations of Mankind are weighted in their favour and not yours?

Very soon you will find this out to be the truth.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Monday, 8th April 2013

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