05 April 2014

Where is Mankind’s Responsibility?

          As the world moves ever closer to destruction and Mankind sees apparently no other way to resolve its issues than by aggression and the lining up weapons of destruction, we must all be prepared for the worse.

          It is not a question of scaremongering, but a simple glance at the levels of violence in this world that are abroad throughout so many lands that thought they were civilised.

          The greed of always wanting more and being aggressive enough to always stand up to defend what one wants, regardless of the rights or wrongs of the situation concerning the Greater Good of humanity, is now becoming the natural law for Mankind.

          By Mankind’s natural behaviour, the number of extinct species are increasing almost daily.  By Mankind’s burning of fossil fuels, the warming of the planet continues at an ever increasing rate.

          One only had to seek out the global news to see how the weather patterns are already changing and the intensity of extremes are becoming more regular and causing more damage to life and structures.

          How far does this all have to happen before Mankind, as a responsible being, behaves in such a way that progress for the benefit of all people and living matter around the world, becomes the mainstream of his thoughts and actions?

          People in Government are too busy redefining their local laws and lining their own pockets and future dreams that they are apparently oblivious to the destruction of the world all around them.

          No man is an island it was said, but every man seems to act in isolation according to his own needs and desires rather than feeling the needs of others all around him.

          Until the realisation dawns on the minds of all these individuals that we are all connected and are all interdependent upon each other, because what happens in one place effects has a roll on effect elsewhere and we cannot control these situations alone.

          We were given life and love to work together for the Greater Good of all people and yet, through the various isolations of self-inflicted desires, we are becoming less caring and more self-centred every single day.

          It is now such a mighty mess that even with good will, which appears very lacking, the resources of shared nations will not be enough to correct the balance.

They all seem to think that it is somebody else’s responsibility and the answer is, “NO!  It is yours, and yours and yours.”

All must come together to solve the problems and act together for the Greater Good of all people and stop paying lip service to their office by thinking in isolation.

When the mind-set of the world figures change and all people can  see the transparency of truth and good intentions running through the lives for everybody and not just the few, it will be time to ask the Universal Intelligence to send guidance on how to achieve the impossible that Mankind has created and make it possible through the Divine Love of our Creation.

Until that time we will continue to fall and destroy everything that makes life worth living in the belief that we are the gods and that we can do anything and have anything.

Everything has to be earned.  You can’t put the world right by using your Credit Card, which was made by Man, not by Divine Creation.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Saturday, 5th April 2014

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