03 August 2014

Why Are We Doing Nothing?

 The world is steadily being destroyed by violent factions, who are filled with hate for their fellow man around them and wish to take away what little the others have.

What is so incredible is that the rest of the world is standing by and letting it happen, without lifting a moral finger to say that this violence must desist.  The Laws of International Nations on earth do not allow genocide and murder to flourish and yet it is happening.

Nobody, it seems, has the balls to stand up against the bullyboys in the Middle East, Africa or on the borders of Europe between Ukraine and Russia.

For far too long, humanity has allowed strength to pull down the weak and no protection is given and where there is hate in people’s hearts there can be no room for love and compassion.  Harmony should emerge between those who have so much in common and yet they fight against what they have no tolerance for.

Religious orders are much to blame, as it is the leaders who preach that God is on their side and not on their enemy’s.  These egotistic, self-appointed leaders of the masses claim what they cannot sustain and that is that they have a direct line to God’s wisdom and know his mind.

How can they compare their puny intelligence against the Higher Intelligence, which made all Creation, including them, to live together in love and harmony and share the gifts of life on earth for the benefit of all people, animals and plants together as one?

If you care to examine what these preachers are saying, you will understand that they do not care at all for the Greater Good, as God does, because he made us all equal, but they, the simple minded teachers of power over their flock, only wish what is best for them and their little tribe of followers.

We cannot all claim to be in daily contact with God through the Scriptures, the Bible or the Koran, because Man has adulterated the words to fit his own purposes.

However, through the tenets of Spiritual Law, which was taught by the great prophets, such as Jesus, who is revered in all the three religions which Abraham handed down to his successors.  There emerges a right way of living and acting for all people without religion, colour or education.

Nobody needs a religion to be mindful of what is right and what is wrong.  We are all given a conscience so that we should know, but many refuse to listen to this guidance, because it conflicts with greed, egotism and material advancement.

If we turn away, as the world appears to be doing where there is extremism crushing the ordinary people, who simply wish to live in peace and harmony, then these bullyboys go rewarded and encouraged to commit even greater atrocities.

The losers every time are the children, the women, the elderly and the sick.  Do we care for anybody else but ourselves?  Are we waiting for somebody else to do the necessary curtailing of what is wrong in this world today?

Very soon the one who created Mankind and the Universe itself is going to take a big spiritual stick and we will have to stand up and choose the right way of living together, otherwise we destroy all that there is on this earth plane by the mistakes we have made and don’t care to put right.

The choice is very close to being a reality.  When you are faced with your own history of living, will it stand the All Seeing Eye looking at you and questioning your motives for doing as you have done? Or will you turn away your head in shame, as the world is doing to so many abused and tortured souls, who are crying out for help?
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Sunday, 3rd August 2014

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