01 October 2014

Change Is Forever With Us

          As we continue to see change around the world, we must be aware that it is happening to us also in our daily lives.  Many are changing jobs, altering relationships and moving from one area to another, indeed there are many who are leaving one country for another.

          Change comes to us whether we are ready for it or not and so often it is thrust upon us.  We need to be aware that we can never stand still and that time is moving always.  We must look to the future and let the past go as that can never be changed.

          If we live in the now we are able to understand where we are and we are able to use the present to influence our futures and in that way we are more prepared for changes that are coming.

          We are influenced by the rhythms of the world and the vibrations of those around us.  The higher vibrations are of love and happiness, while the negative ones bring fear, hatred and misery to so many.

          People in many parts of this world are often trapped in circumstances beyond their control and they are forced into a state of being where they lose what is most precious to them.

          So often this is their home, their family members and/or the basic necessities of food, water, shelter, medication and education for their children.

          In the West we are generally blessed with freedom and a sufficiency for all our needs.  We find it hard to understand emotionally the effects which are inflicted on others around the world, so often by the mistakes and errors of our own leaders.

          We all need to take personal responsibility for all our neighbours and not just those who happen to live in nearness to ourselves.  What we do does affect so many others and we need to be aware of the consequences.

          We are all connected by global trade and finance and yet those benefits seem to be spread more thickly in some areas and more thinly in others and yet the needs of human individuals is basically very much the same.

          The benefits need to be more evenly distributed, with excesses and corruption depriving the common man in the street from his rights, completely removed.

          It is the people who should be served by those who they appoint to look after them and if they fail the people must stand together and see that it is put right.  No longer is it safe or wise to sleepwalk through life.

          We are not alone and we must not act alone, because that is why the complexities of this world have been riddled with mistakes and errors of rulers only interested in themselves rather than those they serve.

          Change is happening rather rapidly around the world and this is affecting us all and the lives of our family and children.  We must be prepared for what is coming and not allow others to act alone when we all need to do what we know is best.

          If we don’t know what we should do, then guidance is there if we seek to look within ourselves and genuinely listen to what we know is right.  Too often we turn away, but we will always have to answer for what we do and what we fail to do after we pass from this world into the next dimension.

          For those who don’t believe in an Afterlife, then you are missing all the signs and will have a big awakening when you are asked what you have done with your life for the benefit of humanity.

          The Creator who made you has never abandoned you, but can you honestly say that you have never abandoned him?

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Wednesday, 1st October 2014 

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