03 August 2015

Out of the Blue the Unexpected Throws Us off Balance

          So often we cannot see what is ahead of us and we find that we appear to be dropped from what we had expected through no fault of our own.  It usually catches us in the pit of our stomachs, when we least expect it.

          It is not a pleasant situation and we feel as though we have done something wrong and we tend to blame ourselves that it has happened, little realising at this time that we are the victims of other people’s decisions, which have let us down.

          We have to learn to be rational and to observe the happening in the light of reality and not as a blind swipe to knock us off balance.  Often with the help of hindsight, we are able to see that we are better off because it happened and, had we continued blindly on, we would have found ourselves in less advantaged positions.

          When we look back it is often said that ‘I was blessed that it happened when it did, because I was saved from a disaster that was lurching round the corner that I was totally unware of at that time.’

Those of us, who know that we are looked after by the constant love and dedication of our guides or guardian angels, know that they would not let us fall and that there was always a reason why we found ourselves at the sharp end of some happening or other, that we didn’t like at the time.

It maybe that we are given a lesson to learn and from it we will strengthen our resolve and understanding of this progressive life that we find ourselves in here on this earth plane.  One thing is certain and that is that we didn’t get given this life simply to enjoy ourselves!

We are here with a purpose and must try and live in harmony and make this world a better place than it was before we came.  We are all connected in some way and those we meet along the way have something to share with us and for us to share with them.

We are all dependant on the actions of others to steer us through this life and we need to realise that it is not a perfect world.  Not yet at least and there are those who will let us down by making decisions, which affect us without them seeing the consequences of their actions.

The truth is always there, but it depends on where you are standing when you see it.  To some people it is quite different from the way that others see it, as they are putting their own interests in there and that will colour what they want to see and how they see it.

In order to understand the purity of the truth, we need to be able to see it from all angles.  That in this world is very difficult to do, because as we have said it all depends on how you view it.  We don’t always want to accept the premises that rule others.

          When we are able to see in pure honesty and love how a situation really is, then we are using our mind-sets to full capacity and we have developed a divine approach, which is normally denied to us as human beings.

          We are really here to learn and experience the emotions and choices, which are offered to us on this earth plane.  At first we will struggle to cope and understand, but as we mature and accept that there is a Higher Intelligence above our own, it becomes easier.

          There are always some hard knocks to experience and hard choices to make, but as we develop we are able to take them more in our stride and not simple call out and blame someone else, because it is never our fault, is it?

          When we are able to identify with others as to what is the best possible outcome of a situation, we are able to go forward with a strength and confidence to make the right choices and to think the matter through before we act.

          Sometimes we make almost instant decisions and it is only later, after it is too late to change anything, that we realise the hurt and pain our actions have caused others.  Are they being shocked at what has happened and have they been hit in the pit of their stomach, because we didn’t choose to think of the consequences of our actions?

          It is no use trying to undo what we did so hastily, as that is always much more difficult.  It is always best to think everything through first and after a rational balancing of all the facts that are available to us, we can make our move.

          Time is always available for good counselling and for making a better choice, so why do we not apply it more often rather than allowing our first interests and emotions to carry sway?  We all know that it makes sense!

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Monday, 3rd August 2015

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