04 January 2015

Get the Job Done Right

          Another year has come and gone and it is now that we need to look back and see what we have achieved and how Mankind has progressed towards a better future for all its residents on this earth plane.

          It is difficult frankly to see any marked progress looking around the world.  Greed and corruption are still making headlines as the present and past actions of the untrustworthy continue to be uncovered.

          There is still continued abuse of children and women being uncovered, as more and more abused souls are encouraged to come forward with their tragic stories of missed innocence and damaged minds through the unthinking selfishness of stronger, but sicker minds.

          As we continue to fight against disease and famine, the refugee camps are swollen with even greater numbers of souls, who have lost their homes and often members of their families due to the continued behaviour of men behaving badly and waging war.

          It seems that there is nothing to stop Mankind inflicting pain and terror on other members of their own species and even the natural world is being destroyed and many species are on the edge of extinction, so that the mindless and uncaring can have their way regardless of expense.

          It is hard to look around this globe and find any goodness remaining in the governing of both countries and indeed in commercial trade and banking.

          However there is a movement that is swelling the discovery of heinous acts and betrayal of all decency that is uncovering so much of these wrongdoings and however long it takes bad behaviour will be uncovered and punished according to the law.

          We refer here to the earthly laws of course, but also more importantly the Spiritual and Universal Law that is overseen by the Universal Intelligence that is the Creator of all things.

          Nothing in the longer term goes unpunished as mistakes and errors against goodness and right living are all seen and recorded, so that there is no mistake or anywhere to hide.

          The good news is that right living and good behaviour towards our fellow man, woman and child is rewarded from On High by an Intelligence and Wisdom far greater than our own.

          There are many souls actively working in the guidance that is given by spiritual bodies from within this world and the next to ensure that there is help and hope for those who need it and ask for it to be given.

          There is direction and healing of the body and the mind and many are in tune with this to live their quiet, but fulfilling lives, being content to work away from the publicity and glare of the media to get the job done.

          They know and feel that their success is not measured in bank notes or media glare and hype, but in the satisfaction of seeing the results of their achievements for themselves and knowing that they have made the world a better place by their actions.

          Know that those who live in peace and harmony with others will be blessed with what they need to move on and they will achieve what they have received by using it to help others.

Nobody is alone and nobody can exist alone.  We are all dependant on each other to get through the difficulties that we meet in life and it is therefore essential that we help each other.

It is no use putting one’s own interests first, as so many others do.  Life is all about having friends and the exchange of goodness together.  It is not about putting one’s own selfish interests first and inflicting pain and misery on others simply because they can.

Times are changing and very soon they will find themselves brought down and then they will have nowhere to go and there will be no help in sight for them until they start to redress the harm that they have done.

This applied at all levels – in countries, in industries and in politics.  We are all responsible for what is done in our name, so we must be prepared to stand up for the goodness and righteousness that we purport to believe in.

We hope that you will go forward and progress in the right living that we are taught from the Higher Intelligence.  It is received, if we listen and don’t turn away, in our conscience and from it all good deeds are done and rewarded, if we are worthy of it.

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Sunday, 4th January 2015

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