04 June 2017

The Giver and the Receiver Are Truly Blessed

          “Good things come to those who wait,” they say and “Patience is a virtue.”  Both these saying are true, but in today’s world so many people expect and want to have their desires gratified almost immediately.

          They seem to no longer realise that we all have to earn our desires and we need to be worthy of them.  It is in the earning that we become stronger and more resolute.  We begin to see that what we want is not just an item or a relationship, but pathway of understanding towards it.

          Arthur Ashe famously said, “Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.”

          Our lives are not just a finite time on this earth plane, where we will succeed or not according to our accomplishments and the giving and receiving of unconditional love.  Our lives are a journey in themselves and are made up of many smaller ones.

          We are continually setting out on journeys of discovery where we have a goal to reach and, in treading that path towards it, we are filled with the understanding of why we are travelling towards it and when we arrive we understand why we travelled, but it is not the end, but only the beginning.

As we go towards that objective, we travel on our own accord and then, when we reach the destination and we are united with it, we will continue to travel only this time we will travel together.

          Our lives are in a constant state of change and as we reach out, so we are changed by our learning and understanding, so that it is the journey which teaches us what to expect, as we become more familiar with our intended goal.

          Arrival is not an end!  It is the beginning of the new, where we are changed by our arrival and the new energies and understandings alter our outlook and our perception. The excitement of the travelling there is replaced by the achievement of being united with it.

          We came down here to this earth plane for the experiences that we would discover throughout our lives and these will continue, each and every day, taking us towards the time when we are ready to leave this earthly body.

          As we arrive at this point, we will be united with our spirit body after we discard the old worn out earthly one and this will set us out on a new journey and we will discover new experiences and unconditional love that we have earned for ourselves throughout this lifetime.

          “Patience is a virtue,” we said and so it is.  We cannot fulfil our stages of understanding by rushing ahead and missing what is there for us to find and experience.  In those moments we may not be bothered about them, as our hearts are set on our own agenda of self-gratification.

          We are all given spiritual guidance and if we listen we will achieve our goals at the right pace and in the right time.  ‘God’s’ timing is always perfect and we will meet our desires in His time and not ours.

          If we rush ahead blindly, driven by our own egos and personal wants, we will miss all the opportunities along the way of helping and sharing with others the great truths of life itself.

          Living outside Spiritual Law is to neglect the ‘God-given’ code of living a good and successful life.  It is rather like buying an appliance and ignoring the Instruction Manuel, because you decide that you know better.

          By listening to your conscience of the rights and wrongs of your actions, then you will be able to operate the devices and opportunities in your life in the right way, so that everything runs smoothly.

          Too often we think we know best and don’t ask for guidance, but push ahead with what we want and only later may we see the consequences of our actions.  Act in haste and repent at leisure is the truism given here.

          We need patience and we need to accept those good things that come to us when we have earned them.  Spiritual gifts from the Higher Intelligence do come to those who wait until they are ready to receive them.

          When you are ready is the time of the greatest gratitude and appreciation.  To receive is only half the business, but to give thanks and show your joy is the sharing of your wisdom and the Spirit World and all who help and guide you can feel your gratitude and love.

          That is the great sharing where both the giver and the receiver are truly blessed and our Creator can be satisfied with His work for we have learned to be more than just ourselves alone.
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Sunday, 4th June 2017

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