06 August 2017

Happy Holidays and Come Home Safely

          This month is often a time of sunshine and holidays, but it is necessary that we remember that not everybody is so well blessed.  The elderly, often living on their pensions alone, cannot always afford to take a break away.

          Before we all rush off to packaged holidays and sunnier climates, we need to consider those that we have left behind.  Their needs remain the same, as the better-off jet away on holidays that they have earned through their working labours.

          Perhaps a thought for them, as we gather our belongings and make that trip to the airport, where not everything always goes right.  There are delays due to the increased volume of summer traffic and the security has been stepped up.

          It can be a stressful time for the family.  Young children and the more elderly will need healing to keep them going through this stressful time to reach that perfect break.

          Through these busy times, it is reassuring to note that our Spirit Guides are still with us and are a constant source of love and guidance.  Asking before booking the holiday is a reassurance that we have chosen well and that it will suit everybody in our party.

          It is a common mistake that some souls do not think to activate their connection with their guides on a daily basis and simply call on them when they are in trouble.

          If you keep in regular communication with the Spirit, you will be adviced and guided through your life, so that you are prepared for those unexpected acts that Mankind experiences when things do not go like clockwork.
          Delays coming home can be a nightmare for those trying to get back to work and continue their responsivities.  There may be an older member at home that you look after and they cannot manage alone, so you would have to extend the care through friends and minders that may not be so available.

          Others may have important meetings to attend, as the company continues its never-ending management with the higher level of employers being needed to give their input.

          There are many ways that those holidays can be disrupted, when you cannot meet those deadline through no fault of your own.  The self-employed receive nothing if they are not there to keep those appointments and the wheels turning.

          Many souls, who are in regular communication with their guides, are told what to expect and how to solve these problems where this is possible.

          Know that miracles still happen and where there is need, Angels do appear out of the blue to help and ease the pathway when it looked as if all was lost.

          Recognise the divine help when it comes and give thanks for it, because by recognising that it is a miracle, you are saved from the negativity of life without the unconditional love and wisdom of a Higher Intelligence.

          We are never alone, as we were created by one Source and so, through that Source, we are linked together and so the communications through thought and actions have an effect on each and every one of us.

          Until we ask for help, so often our freewill stops it being available to us, but if we all recognise the powerful energies that are available to help us from the Higher Intelligence and through our own Spirit Guides, we shall find it easier to bear the pitfalls of life.

          Send out your thoughts for those in need and see the blessings come back to you when you are most in need.  All of us are vulnerable and it is pointless to struggle against the negative things in life on our own when there is so much guidance and help available, if we would only ask in the right and proper way!

          We all come with a destiny to fulfil and it is through looking where we can best serve that we find our search shown to us to succeed, because there is no failure, only different levels of success.

          Holidays are a time when we may have some extra time to think about ourselves, our families and our lives, so be ready to accept that kindness or to give a helping hand, because you may be that Angel that is so needed and directed by the Higher Intelligence!

Jenny and Michael Ayers
Sunday, 6th August 2017

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