01 April 2011

Be Generous Whether You Give or Receive - April 2011

To be accepted in today’s world is to wave the flag of commercialism and to show how much material assets one has.

This is a sad reflection on the person within, the inner spirit which is the real you or me.

Through our eyes and actions, the heart of each and every soul needs to have the light of understanding and compassion to show another that they are loved, respected and appreciated.

Giving is not about what we can get in return.  That is to barter and life should not be lived for personal gain, but so that the greater good is served and that others can benefit from our being here.

To be a distant, cold and calculating person is to fail to attract the good things that can come to one through giving out a warmth and an understanding so that we might also attract those qualities to ourselves.

If we are cold and reserved, how can we expect anything else but coldness and reservations in return?

Those, who give without any thought of the cost to themselves, will understand that they will have in their turn a chance of being cared for should they fall on difficult times.

Spiritual Law is such that in this world or in the next there will be a time when we will incur an examination of how we have lived and reacted to the needs of others.

All around us are the vibrations of the living souls, who can not only feel the softness of love from the givers in the world, but also the cold, hard unflinching selfishness of those who take what they want without any thought for another’s feelings.

It is not a weakness to give, but it is a rewarding experience and is justifiably woven into ones psyche, which one carries forward on this life path of existence.

There are times when it is also necessary to allow another person to be able to give to you, because it is their right and their joy to do so.

To fail to allow this to happen is to deny the goodness with which the giver offers perhaps all that they have at that time to another willingly and with love.

To give can be a wonderful experience, but also there are times when it is equally wonderful to receive.

So allow yourself the luxury of thought before you act in any way that will cause another to feel hurt by the way that you behave.

A warm reception is always the best answer to a difficult situation and so tact rather than a hurt is always the best policy.

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