04 May 2011

We are all in the same boat so we should all pull together - May 2011

Let us all look to our future and the future of others.

It is necessary for us to understand that we are all responsible for the atrocities around this world, because it is our world and all peoples and all nations are interlinked and we are all dependant on each other.

As Jesus taught it is no use hiding our light under the table where it cannot be seen.  Each and every one of us has the power and the capability of being seen and recognised for who and what we are.

By being a member of the human race we are taking on the mantle of its success or failure.  If we refuse to act together in bringing down those who deal out hurt and fear we become complicit in those acts.

While we are here on Earth, so many minds are turned away from the truth of our own coming.  We are not here by accident but by design.

We all have a mission to accomplish and while we are busy on that path we cannot be blind to the effect that the behaviour of others has on those around us.

We are living, whether we like it or not, in a world of mass communication, so that as Jesus taught our brother is not just our sibling, but all others of whom we are aware.

Our family ties are less stringent that you might think because each and every family, while having a dependency on each other also has a dependency on the wider world and the Greater Good.

Certainly blood is thicker than water, but all blood is no less thick according to its origins from one of ‘God’s’ creations than another.

We are all family and the Higher Intelligence of Global Creation is at the head of it and we need to realise that we must aspire to be good and godlike in our lives as Jesus taught us to be.

All souls of like achievement will go to a Heaven, which should begin on Earth in the manner of the teachings of the Prophets and the Laws given by ‘God’ to Moses and explained by Jesus to ensure that we understood.

The choice is ours and we cannot be excused when we pass beyond this realm and into the next stage of our journey from being asked, “What did you achieve?”

We tend to allow ourselves the luxury of thinking that we as individuals are important and so we are, but not as important as the Greater Good as we shall find out hereafter.

We must be ready with your judgements, not of others but of ourselves lest we too be judged…

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