11 January 2012

Take the First Step and Change The World - January 2012

The Man in the Street must take the First Step to Change the World

We have all been watching the events around the World with some alarm and trepidation and rightly so, because the signs are very disquieting indeed.

However without a spiritual understanding of the ways things are, it would be a time of fear and anxiety, one feels hopeless against the trends of life which others have forged.

The dictatorships, which have been used to control people, so that the leaders and their families can live in luxury, while cheap exports of oil and gas is often exchanged for the safety of the rulers.

The financial markets, where bankers have traded greedily for big profits at the expense of the safety of their customers have caused share values and pension funds to be severely affected.

Until the man in the street is prepared to stand up against the bully and the tyrant, how can anyone expect the Higher Intelligence to come to our aid?

As always with free will we have to take the first step and demonstrate our seriousness that we wish matters to change in our lives.

Having done this, energies can be released to allow matters to change without the destruction of our minds and wellbeing, so that an equitable continuation of our being can be brought about through the partnership of the Spirit with our own being.

Often in order for matters to be put right, the whole has to be brought down so that a new and more solid foundation can be erected and brought into being.

This is not only in the home, but out in the streets of commerce and government.  Often sacrifices have to be made for the greater good as can be seen in the Middle East, where freedom has been won and sparked of others to fight for their liberty.

Restraint has to be shown in business and commerce as can be seen in America, where the World’s biggest democracy has grossly overspent in trying to police the World for its own welfare.

In Europe, the banking system has been crippled by the debt incurred through government spending and the Euro will continue to fall until the system is changed.

Some countries in the world are already bankrupt and will have to be re-floated through the sacrifices of their people, because of the poor government by their politicians.

It is not the leaders who suffer, but the people and they must have their say and elect better people to serve them.  The choices are with the people, who must peacefully insist on their rights and be obeyed.

Spiritual Law is on their side and there is help for all who ask for it.  We are all here to learn and to make a difference for the Greater Good and so we must be prepared to stand up and be counted, so that we may be helped to succeed.

Daily guidance is also given, if you know where to look, as the guides from higher worlds of living speak through the voices of those who have been trained to do this work.

So look for the truth and be guided by your inner voice, your conscience, and don’t be afraid to acknowledge the real reality and truth that is so obvious when seen in the right light of love and harmony.

 Amen to that.

Michael Ayers
11th January 2012

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